单选题Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?()ASorry, I don't know youBNo, you can'tCCertainly. Wait a minute, pleaseDLet me see

Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?()

Sorry, I don't know you 


No, you can't 


Certainly. Wait a minute, please 


Let me see


解析: 暂无解析





单选题It was convenient()close to work.Ato livingBlivingCliveDlived

单选题Would you mind changing seats with me?()AYes, you can.BOf course, I like to.CNo, I don't mind.DCertainly, please do.

单选题The man()the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.Amade offBmade forCmade outDmade up



单选题Father made his son()by the door.AstandsBstoodCstandingDstand

单选题European new artistic movement affected the United States most in _____.A1910B1907C1913D1930

单选题They were late for class for there was a _____ in the traffic.Ahold-upBhold-ofChold-outDhold-on

单选题Either the shirts or the sweater()a good buyAisBhasCareDwas


问答题题20  对人类来说,“一次性”用品的出现和泛滥,可能是一场生态灾难。过去的十年里,世界上越来越多的环保积极分子举起手臂,向“一次性”用品宣战——宾馆不设一次性洗漱用品、餐馆不再提供一次性筷子、超市不再提供免费塑料购物袋。显然,我们再也不能置身事外。作为“一次性”消费大国,我们责无旁贷。  塑料,有人称是人类20世纪最糟糕的发明;而一次性塑料袋是所有塑料制品中对生态伤害最严重的一种。是的,限制使用塑料袋会给我们日常生活带来诸多不便。但是,若想摆脱地球污染,还我碧水蓝天,为子孙万代造福,一时不便算得了什么?  相信对塑料购物袋说“不”,只是一个美好的开端。它的意义,不仅在于直接减少“白色垃圾”;更重要的是,它对大众习以为常的“一次性”消费习惯是一次强有力的冲击。因此,我们应该提高警惕,尽早杜绝“白色污染”之祸。环保不但是我们这一代人的使命,更是我们的文化责任。


单选题Oh, the box is too heavy()AWhat‘s in it?BCan I help you to carry it.CWhose is it?DMay I have a try.

单选题We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.()Just drop in whenever you feel like it.AOur great honourBNice having you hereCNice you are hereDWith pleasure

单选题The police are good persons to turn to in case of trouble, especially in big cities.Ain the event ofBin the case ofCin the course ofDin the way of


单选题If any man here does not agree with me, he should _____ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.Aput onBput outCput inDput forward



单选题()did he know what had happened during the two months when he was awayAA littleBLittleCA fewDFew

单选题How do you do?()AFine, thank you.BHow do you do?CNot too bad.DVery well.

单选题The guilty verdict was widely expected, although harsher than many had predicted.AjudgmentBcrimeCjuryDconvict


单选题- How do I get to the cinema? -()AIt's very far.BYes, there is a cinema near here.CIt's well known.DGo down this street and turn left

问答题Practice 2  Good manners represent our values concerning social style. Manners signal our respect for other people and are essential in gaining the acceptance of others. Two-year-old children playing on a slide will stand in line, respecting each other’s turn. If an aggressive child crowds in, the “line” will decide as a group whether to allow it or to shove him out. By the age of 2, a child is already expected by his game-mates to respect the rules of the game. And rules, like manners, define the behavior that others expect from us. A child who is either too aggressive or too retiring to follow the rules is labeled an undesirable by the other children.