单选题The Red Army fought a battle on this _____ spot.AjustBonlyCveryDover

The Red Army fought a battle on this _____ spot.











He was brave;() soldiers fought so bravely in that battle. A.no othersB.no anotherC.no otherD.not other

The experiment showed that the smaller fish .A. fought over a feast B. went on diet willinglyC. preferred some extra food D. challenged the boss fish

EVDO术语中的O是代表什么意思。() A.operationB.onlyC.over

It is over two years since my brother ______the army.A. joinsB. joinedC. has joinedD. had joined

The driver ____at the crossroads as the traffic lights flashed red.A. pulled offB. pulled upC. pulled roundD. pulled over

When she heard the shot, she dashed there at once _______ to find a baby elephant shot dead.A. justB. onlyC. thenD. about

Mr. Smith has ____gone out to meet all old friend.A. justB. onceC. yet

In ________, my grandfather joined the Red Army. A.the 1930s’B.1930’sC.1930s’D.the 1930’s

Which of the following is (are)an advantage of a dry chemical extinguisher over a carbon dioxide extinguisher?The dry chemical extinguisher:Ⅰ.Has a greater range.Ⅱ.Provides a heat shield for the operator.A.ⅠonlyB.ⅡonlyC.Both Ⅰand ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light

An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night?A.A sternlight onlyB.Anchor lights onlyC.A white light over a red light onlyD.A white light over a red light and anchor lights

A vessel trawling will display a ______.A.red light over a white lightB.green light over a white lightC.yellow light over a red lightD.white light over a green light

The Coordinator Surface Search(CSS)in a SAR situation should display by night ______.A.Deck lights forward and aftB.A white light over two red lightsC.A red light,white light,and blue light in a vertical lineD.A distinctive signal promulgated by the CSS

That performance was pretty impressive.A: completelyB: beautifullyC: veryD: equally

DThe Red Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in need of help.A man in Paris hospital who needs blood,a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake,and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe.The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent,the Red Mogen David,the Sun,and the Red Lion.All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need.The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant.In 1859,he observed how people were suffering on a battle field in Italy.He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for.The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Convention.It protects prisoners of way the sick and wounded,and other citizens during a war.The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881.Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public,such as helping people in need,teaching first aid and providing blood.A good title for this selection is_______.A.People in Need of HelpB.Safety and ProtectionC.The International Red CrossD.Forming an Organization to Help People

William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()A1086B1066C1035D1381

Which statement about implementing the Cisco IPv6 provider Edge Router over MPLS is true?()A、6PE feature is supported over tunnels other than RSVP-TE tunnelsB、Core MPLS routers are supporting IPv6 ONLYC、6PE feature is not supported over tunnels other than RSVP-TE tunnelsD、Core MPLS routers are supporting IPv4 only

William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()A、1086B、1066C、1035D、1381


单选题The Coordinator Surface Search(CSS)in a SAR situation should display by night().ADeck lights forward and aftBA white light over two red lightsCA red light,white light,and blue light in a vertical lineDA distinctive signal promulgated by the CSS

单选题Which statement about implementing the Cisco IPv6 provider Edge Router over MPLS is true?()A6PE feature is supported over tunnels other than RSVP-TE tunnelsBCore MPLS routers are supporting IPv6 ONLYC6PE feature is not supported over tunnels other than RSVP-TE tunnelsDCore MPLS routers are supporting IPv4 only

单选题A vessel engaged in trawling will show identification lights of().Aa red light over a white lightBa white light over a red lightCa green light over a white lightDtwo red lights in a vertical line

单选题The best definition of “claustrophobia” in “One of the classic train fights took advantage of rail claustrophobia, when James Bond fought Red Grant in From Russia With Love” is ______.Afear of close-in roomBhigh speedCdifficulty to stopDlink with romance

单选题An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night? ()AA sternlight onlyBAnchor lights onlyCA white light over a red light onlyDA white light over a red light and anchor lights

单选题A vessel trawling will display a().Ared light over a white lightBgreen light over a white lightCyellow light over a red lightDwhite light over a green light

单选题William,Duke of Normandy,fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in()A1086B1066C1035D1381

单选题The people of Scotland made thistle their national flower because _____.Ait is a beautiful plantBit is flesh and lovelyCit had so many sharp needles all over itDit was the thistle that helped the Scots to win the battle