单选题According to the principle of two stroke diesel engine, what is the number of its efficient work stroke per revolution?()A1/2B1C2D3

According to the principle of two stroke diesel engine, what is the number of its efficient work stroke per revolution?()









解析: 暂无解析


If all other conditions such as bore, stroke, speed, and mean effective pressures are equal, a two stroke/cycle diesel engine will develop approximatelyA.the same indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineB.twice the indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineC.one half the indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineD.one power stroke for every two crankshaft revolutions

A two stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the _____. ① MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases ② valve overlap in a four strokeA.①B.②C.① and ②D.Neither ① nor ② is correct

单选题The camshaft drive is designed to maintain proper camshaft speed relative to crankshaft speedIn maintaining this relationship, the camshaft drive causes the camshaft to rotate at()Aone half crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineBcrankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineCtwo times crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineDone-fourth times crankshaft speed in a four-stroke cycle diesel engine

单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) valve overlap in a four-strokeA(1) only is correctB(2) only is correctCboth (1) and (2) are correctDNeither (1) or (2) are correct

单选题When an air started, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is being cranked, the starting air is admitted to each cylinder during what would normally be the()Aintake strokeBcompression strokeCpower strokeDexhaust stroke

单选题According to the principle of four stroke diesel engine, what is the number of its efficient work stroke per revolution?()A1/2B1C2D3

单选题The size of the exhaust valve opening is ()Amost critical in a four-stroke cycle diesel engineBmost critical in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engineCmost critical in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine if it is turbochargedDof equal importance in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine as in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine

单选题Which of the two events listed occurs simultaneously in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine?()AExhaust and scavengingBScavenging and compressionCIgnition and expansionDExhaust and compression

单选题In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, valves are used for()Aair intakeBa fuel outletCcooling water inletsDexhausting combustion gas

单选题What color exhaust will be exhibited when a slow speed two-stroke/cycle main propulsion diesel engine, designed to operate on light and heavy fuel oil, is operated on insufficiently preheated heavy fuel oil?()AWhiteBBlackCBlueDClear

单选题The exhaust system for a turbocharged two-stroke/cycle diesel engine functions to()Adischarge exhaust gases and smokeBfurnish energy to the turbochargerCreduce engine room noiseDall of the above

单选题Proper lubrication of the main bearing is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle diesel engine than in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ()Abearing pressure in a four-stroke/cycle acting single diesel engine is continually reversedBbearing pressure in a two-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversedCthe maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engineDtwo-stoke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

单选题In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in ().Atwo crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke/cycle engineBtwo power strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engineCone power stroke in a two-stroke/cycle engineDtwo piston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine

单选题How many power strokes per crankshaft revolution are there in an eight cylinder, two stroke/cycle diesel engine?()AOneBTwoCFourDEight

单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding the installation of piston rings on two-stroke/cycle, diesel engines as compared to four-stroke/cycle, diesel engines?()AIn a two-stroke/cycle engine, the rings run hotter, requiring the end gap to be greaterBSome provision must be made in a two-stroke/cycle engine to keep the rings from binding in the portsCNo gap is required to exist between the ends of the ring when cold in a two-stroke/cycle engine, but a small gap is required in a four-stoke/cycle engineDThe gaps should be staggered on either side of a piston in a two-stroke/cycle engine, while staggering is not necessary in a four-stroke/cycle engine

单选题If all other conditions such as bore, stroke, speed, and mean effective pressures are equal, a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine will develop approximately()Athe same indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineBtwice the indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineCone half indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engineDone power stroke for every two crankshaft revolutions

单选题A two-stroke/cycle diesel engine requires less starting air than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, of equal displacement, because the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine()Ahas little or no internal frictionBhas a lower effective compression ratioCoperates with scavenge air under a positive pressureDoperates without energy absorbing intake and exhaust strokes

单选题According to the principle of two stroke diesel engine, what is the number of its efficient work stroke per revolution?()A1/2B1C2D3

单选题The two strokes of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine are ()Apower and intakeBintake and exhaustCexhaust and compressionDcompression and power

单选题In the two stroke diesel engine, it is designed so that the oil impingement is timed to proceed only on the piston ring belt during()Acompression strokeBsuction strokeCexpansion strokeDexhaust stroke

单选题One of the differences between a two-stroke engine and a four-stroke engine is,()Aa two-stroke engine works without exhaust operationBa two-stroke engine works without compression strokeCa two-stroke engine works without expansion strokeDa two-stroke engine works without suction operation

单选题For a given size engine, the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine will deliver more power than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ().Ait has a longer power strokeBmore air gets into the cylinder each strokeCit develops twice as many power strokes at the same speedDhigher combustion pressure is developed

单选题()uses one or two high pressure pumps for all the cylinders with one more standby, while()have a separate high-pressure pump for each cylinder.AA common rail engine;conventional enginesBA conventional engine;common rail enginesCA marine diesel engine;most other enginesDA two-stroke engine;four-stroke engines

单选题A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()Aone-half engine speedBthe same as engine speedCtwice engine speedDfour times engine speed

单选题What is the crank angle between any two crank throws in the firing order of a four-stroke/cycle, in line, eight cylinder diesel engine?()A45B60C90D100

单选题One of the differences between a two-stroke engine and a four-stroke engine is,()Aa two-stroke engine can’t work without cylindersBa two-stroke engine can’t work without pistonsCa two-stroke engine can’t work without crankshaftsDa two-stroke engine can’t work without a blower

单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) exhaust cycle time is longerA(1) onlyB(2) onlyCboth (1) and (2)Dneither (1) nor (2)

单选题A piston in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine makes four strokes during each ().Acrankshaft revolutionBmechanical cycle of operationCperiod of two combustion cyclesDcycle of two events