单选题In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, valves are used for()Aair intakeBa fuel outletCcooling water inletsDexhausting combustion gas

In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, valves are used for()

air intake


a fuel outlet


cooling water inlets


exhausting combustion gas


解析: 暂无解析


How does combustion air enter the cylinder of a two-cycle diesel engine ? Through _______.A.Cylinder head valvesB.PortsC.Turbo chargersD.Bleeder valves

单选题Exhaust gases are generally removed from the cylinders of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine by()Anatural aspirationBmasked intake valvesCair cellsDscavenging air

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged coolant passagesBa leaking cylinder head gasketClow fuel oil pressureDworn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

单选题Compared to four-stroke/cycle engines, two-stroke/cycle diesel engines have the disadvantage of ()Aless even torqueBhigher cylinder head temperaturesCfewer power strokes per revolutionDgreater weight/size requirements

单选题One end of a diesel engine cylinder is sealed by the cylinder head and the other end by the ()AcrankcaseBpistonCcylinder linerDcrank cheek

单选题The camshaft drive is designed to maintain proper camshaft speed relative to crankshaft speedIn maintaining this relationship, the camshaft drive causes the camshaft to rotate at()Aone half crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineBcrankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineCtwo times crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineDone-fourth times crankshaft speed in a four-stroke cycle diesel engine

单选题Diesel engine cylinder head test cocks are used to()Acheck cylinder lubrication prior to starting engineBconnect exhaust gas analyzers to determine engine efficiencyCpressure test cylinder heads to check for leaksDremove moisture accumulations from cylinder prior to starting

单选题The size of the exhaust valve opening is ()Amost critical in a four-stroke cycle diesel engineBmost critical in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engineCmost critical in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine if it is turbochargedDof equal importance in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine as in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine

单选题Which of the two events listed occurs simultaneously in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine?()AExhaust and scavengingBScavenging and compressionCIgnition and expansionDExhaust and compression

单选题The exhaust system for a turbocharged two-stroke/cycle diesel engine functions to()Adischarge exhaust gases and smokeBfurnish energy to the turbochargerCreduce engine room noiseDall of the above

单选题Proper lubrication of the main bearing is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle diesel engine than in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ()Abearing pressure in a four-stroke/cycle acting single diesel engine is continually reversedBbearing pressure in a two-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversedCthe maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engineDtwo-stoke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

单选题In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in ().Atwo crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke/cycle engineBtwo power strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engineCone power stroke in a two-stroke/cycle engineDtwo piston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine

单选题How many power strokes per crankshaft revolution are there in an eight cylinder, two stroke/cycle diesel engine?()AOneBTwoCFourDEight

单选题A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be reversedPrior to the admission of starting air you must ()Aline up the engine fore restarting with light diesel oilBreposition the fuel injection camCchange the intake and exhaust valve cam positionsDplace the starting cam in the intermediate position

单选题If water is found in the crankcase of a diesel engine, the cause may be due to()Aa cracked cylinder headBa leaky cylinder head gasketCa cracked cylinder linerDany of the above

单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding the installation of piston rings on two-stroke/cycle, diesel engines as compared to four-stroke/cycle, diesel engines?()AIn a two-stroke/cycle engine, the rings run hotter, requiring the end gap to be greaterBSome provision must be made in a two-stroke/cycle engine to keep the rings from binding in the portsCNo gap is required to exist between the ends of the ring when cold in a two-stroke/cycle engine, but a small gap is required in a four-stoke/cycle engineDThe gaps should be staggered on either side of a piston in a two-stroke/cycle engine, while staggering is not necessary in a four-stroke/cycle engine

单选题In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the exhaust gases are expelled from the cylinder by the()Aexhaust manifoldBvalve bridgeCpressure of the fresh air chargeDvalve adjusting gear

单选题How does combustion air enter the cylinder of a two-cycle diesel engine?()ACylinder head valvesBPortsCTurbo chargersDBleeder valves

单选题A two-stroke/cycle diesel engine requires less starting air than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, of equal displacement, because the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine()Ahas little or no internal frictionBhas a lower effective compression ratioCoperates with scavenge air under a positive pressureDoperates without energy absorbing intake and exhaust strokes

单选题Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()Alow oil pressureBhigh coolant pressureCleaking fuel injectorDcracked cylinder head or liner

单选题The two strokes of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine are ()Apower and intakeBintake and exhaustCexhaust and compressionDcompression and power

单选题In a single acting, two-stroke/cycle, diesel generator engine, the power impulse in an individual cylinder occurs ()Aonce every crankshaft revolutionBonce every two crankshaft revolutionsConce every piston strokeDtwice every piston stoke

单选题The process of scavenging a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine serves to()Aimprove fuel flow volumeBcool the exhaust valvesCreduce the intake air charge densityDincrease the temperature of exhaust gases

单选题A disadvantage of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is()Amore power strokes per revolutionBthe use of scavenge airCmore complicated valve gearDhigher working temperature of the piston and cylinder

单选题For a given size engine, the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine will deliver more power than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ().Ait has a longer power strokeBmore air gets into the cylinder each strokeCit develops twice as many power strokes at the same speedDhigher combustion pressure is developed

单选题Diesel engine cylinder head test cocks are used to ()Acheck cylinder lubricationBconnect the pressure indicator pressureCtest cylinder headsDconnect the exhaust gas pyrometers

单选题A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()Aone-half engine speedBthe same as engine speedCtwice engine speedDfour times engine speed