单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.Aused up Bbring up Cheaded out Dhanded down

If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.

used up


bring up    


headed out    


handed down


解析: 句意:如果不采取有效措施,世界上的矿物燃料很快就会耗尽。consume消耗,耗尽。use up用完。bring up养大。head out开出。hand down传下。


在防范食品污染方面,你们采取什么措施?A.What measures will you take against food pollution?B.What actions will you take for selecting food?C.How will you prevent the food from being polluted?D.Have you taken any measures against food pollution?

Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city. A.roseB.raisedC.aroseD.produced

it is time that measures _________ to prevent such events. A. takenB.are takenC. were takenD. should be taken

Strict measures ________to keep them away form. fireA.should be takenB.should takeC.be takenD.should been taken

(b) (i) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) that will be payable if Debbie were to die today (8 June 2005).Assume that no tax planning measures are taken and that there has been no change in the value of anyof the assets since David’s death. (4 marks)

The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy _consumption__(consume).

The best title for the passage may be ______.A. Garbage and the EarthB. Fossil Fuel and GarbageC. Land and GarbageD. Garbage? Energy Source

It's said that some measures have been taken _____ this problem. A dealing with ;B to deal with ;C dealt with

It is necessary that measures _____ taken right now.A: beB: must beC: will beD: can be

What measures should be taken if anchor dragging?

They will() measures against privates and pilferage.A、tookB、takingC、takeD、taken

单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.Aused up Bbring up Cheaded out Dhanded down

单选题It is _____ that effective measures be taken to curb the rise of food prices.AimposingBimperativeCindustriousDincidental

单选题If a scavenge fire starts, the engine must be put to “()” and the fuel must be taken off the cylinders affected by the fire.Astop engineBfinished with engineCdead slow aheadDdead slow astern

单选题In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()Ainjection lagBignition delayCcompressionDturbulence lag

单选题While taking on fuel, you notice oil on the water around the vesselWhich of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AStop fuelingBNotify the dispatcherCNotify the terminal superintendentDDetermine if your vessel is the source

单选题Why greenhouse gases are one of the best indicators of ecological overdraft?AThe cost of carbon emission permits is driven down.BTrade for carbon market failed.CGreenhouse gases are the most important guideline of ecology.DThe global economy is overwhelmingly fossil-fuel dependent.

单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the first measure taken by the chief engineer to prevent the overload should be()Acleaning fuel oil, lubricating oil and seawater filterBreducing fuel feeding of the main engine appropriately or reducing the pitch angle of propellerCusing low sea chestDclosing the skylight and the ventilation opening, which doesn’t affect the normal work of equipments

单选题()should ensure that adequate measures are taken to prevent alcohol and drugs from impairing the ability of watchkeeping personnel.AThe quarantine officersBAdministrationsCThe immigration officersDThe customs officers

单选题In case of accidents()the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid()the traffic.Ainvolving/impedingBinvolved/to impedeCinvolving/to impedeDinvolved/impeding

单选题The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England _____.Awill soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandBhas now become a threat to the local residentsCis quickly changing the map of EnglandDcan be stopped if proper measures are taken

单选题During fueling operations, which of the listed precautions should be taken when topping off fuel tanks?()AReduce the pumping rate by closing the deck filling valveBClose all overflow valvesCPlace 5 gallon containers under all flange connections in the fuel lineDReduce the pumping rate and sound tanks frequently as the level rises

问答题用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。 my purpose/to improve business/it is/to find out/of the visit/the possible measures/about/to be taken

单选题In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to _____.Acentralize the management of water resourcesBincrease the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levelsCguarantee full protection of the environmentDencourage local and regional control of water resources

单选题When an engine is starting and has got a sufficiently high speed, say about 20 rpm,()Athe starting air supply is cut off and fuel is injected into the cylindersBthe fuel feeding is cut off and the turning gear is put inCthe starting air supply is cut off and turning gear is taken outDthe electric blower is shut down and fuel is injected into the cylinders

单选题When occurring a fire in the scavenge air box, the following measures should be taken except for()Areducing speed to SLOW and asking bridge for permission to stopBstopping the fuel oil supplyCswitching-on the auxiliary blowersDputting the scavenge air box fire extinguishing equipment into function

单选题Fuel injection valves should be taken out, cleaned, and lifting checked every ().Atwo to four monthsBfour to six monthsCsix to eight months

判断题Fish is the least energy-efficient because most fossil fuel is required in order to catch some fishes.A对B错