单选题Nobody()to smoke in the cinemaAallowBallowsCis allowedDare allowed

Nobody()to smoke in the cinema





is allowed 


are allowed


解析: 暂无解析


26. My cousin has been happy since he_________ to spend more time with his friends.A. will allowB. will be allowedC. allowedD. was allowed

2. Twelve-year-olds should not ______to drive in China.A.allowB. be allowC. allowedD. be allowed

______is forbidden in the meeting-room, but we are allowed in the room for smokers.A. Smoking, smokingB. Smoking, to smokeC. To smoke, smokingD. To smoke, to smoke

防火墙的处理方式主要包括:Accept、Drop和()。 A.AllowB.DenyC.RejectD.Receive

Nobody is ( ) touch that book.A. lost toB. checked inC. allowed toD. added to

When steering by autopilot, how often should_______steering be checked?A.every dayB.when time allowsC.At least once a watchD.No checking is necessary

I’m glad ____________ to look around your research center.A、to allowB、having allowedC、to be allowedD、being allowed


IMSI未在HLR里登记,附着失败的原因为()。 A.EPS services not allowedB.Illegal MSC.PLMN not allowedD.Network failure


第(2)处应填_________A.allowB.accompany C.registerD.follow

Our teacher never__us leave class early.A.letsB.allowsC.makeD.tells


After working with him for quite a while,she consented to be his wife.A:agreed B:madeC:allowed D:promised

Nobody()to smoke in the cinemaA、allowB、allowsC、is allowedD、are allowed


IMSI未在HLR里登记,附着失败的原因为()。A、EPS services not allowedB、Illegal MSC、PLMN not allowedD、Network failure

单选题Where does the article say people will be allowed to smoke after the smoking ban in France comes into force? AIn bars but not cafes.BIn their cars.CAnywhere in the countryside.

单选题Nobody()to smoke in the cinemaAallowBallowsCis allowedDare allowed

单选题That is()behavior and nobody likes it.AwhistleBstructuralCselfishDfur

单选题He has died for years, so almost nobody knows him.Ahas diedBfor yearsCsoDalmost nobody

单选题Only when your identity has been checked _____.Ayou are allowed inByou will be allowed inCwill you allow inDwill you be allowed in

单选题What is mainly talked about in this news item? AThe dangers of smoking.BThe dangers of second-hand smoke.CThe dangers of third-hand smoke.

单选题This is the military()Nobody is allowed to get in without permission.AbondBzoneCbutterDzoo

单选题Nobody but Jane _____ the secret.AknowsBknowChave knownDis known

单选题Nobody knows the time of shipment,()?Adoesn’theBdoesheCdon’t youDdo they

单选题An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is ()Awhite smoke in the exhaustBhigh exhaust gas pyrometer readingsCsparks in the exhaustDblue smoke in the exhaust

单选题During a training exercise a submarine indicating that a torpedo has been fired will send up smoke from a float. The smoke’s color will be().AblackBredCorangeDyellow