单选题How should the following UDF be invoked in order to convert US currency values stored in the EXPENSES table into Canadian currency?CREATE FUNCTION getratews11 ( country1 VARCHAR(100), country2 VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS DOUBLE LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL EXTERNAL ACTION NOT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN ... END()ACALL getratews11('USA','CANADA')BCALL expenses.getratews11('USA','CANADA')CSELECT getratews11('USA','CANADA') FROM expensesDSELECT * FROM TABLE(getratews11('USA','CANADA')) AS convert_currency

How should the following UDF be invoked in order to convert US currency values stored in the EXPENSES table into Canadian currency?CREATE FUNCTION getratews11 ( country1 VARCHAR(100), country2 VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS DOUBLE LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL EXTERNAL ACTION NOT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN ... END()

CALL getratews11('USA','CANADA')


CALL expenses.getratews11('USA','CANADA')


SELECT getratews11('USA','CANADA') FROM expenses


SELECT * FROM TABLE(getratews11('USA','CANADA')) AS convert_currency


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following is not among the basic features of a relational database?A.It does not matter what order the rows are in.B.It does not matter what order the columns are in.C.Different columns should have different column names.D.Different columns should have different data types.

- How much of a problem meeting the budget? - _______. A The product should finance itself ;B Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs ;C You only need a budget increase for the first order

How can team spirit be brought up within a team? A、Managers should order all member work together.B、Coach set strict rules for all the team members to obey.C、Team members should be persuaded to cooperate with each other.D、Team members should learn to show off personal ability.

how many seats in the house of commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?A. 351B. 326.C. 651.D. 626.

Which of the following devices should an administrator connect to a protocol analyzer in order tocollect all of the traffic on a LAN segment?() A.HubB.VLANC.RouterD.Server

A user reports that they are getting an error when trying to save a video file to a share on a server running Windows Server 2003. The administrator looks at the file and finds that it is 5GB. The administrator checks the server and finds that the server has 100GB of free space. This file needs to be saved on the server.Which of the following should the administrator do to accomplish this?()A. Convert the filesystem to EXT3.B. Convert the filesystem to VMFS.C. Convert the filesystem to NTFS.D. Convert the filesystem to FAT32.

How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?

When managing accounts and contracts in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, which of the following values are defined in the account instead of a contract?()A、How invoices are deliveredB、Whether a catalog filter should be specifiedC、Whether order approval is requiredD、Whether returns are permittedE、Whether the buyer organization has a credit line

The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is:   1.BIND   2.NIS   3./etc/hosts   To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()A、nslookupB、hostnameC、/etc/netsvc.confD、/etc/host.equiv

In order to ensure best read performance, which of the following indicates how large an application’s read buffer size should be if the filesystem to be read is striped across N disks using LVM striping?()A、 N times the stripe unit sizeB、 N times the VMM minfree parameterC、 The same value as that of the VMM maxfree parameterD、 The same value as that of  the VMM maxrndwrt parameter

Which of the following is the FIRST thing that should be done in order to begin reinstalling TCP/IP on the server?()A、 Configure netsh settings in case of backupB、 Restart the serverC、 Notify usersD、 Uninstall TCP/IP

A user reports that they are getting an error when trying to save a video file to a share on a server running Windows Server 2003. The administrator looks at the file and finds that it is 5GB. The administrator checks the server and finds that the server has 100GB of free space. This file needs to be saved on the server. Which of the following should the administrator do to accomplish this?()A、Convert the filesystem to EXT3.B、Convert the filesystem to VMFS.C、Convert the filesystem to NTFS.D、Convert the filesystem to FAT32.

Which of the following devices should an administrator connect to a protocol analyzer in order tocollect all of the traffic on a LAN segment?()A、HubB、VLANC、RouterD、Server

Once the filemon command is invoked, which of the following procedures should be performed to stop the command so that the filemon reports will still be generated? ()A、Run "filemon -u".B、Run the "trcstop" command.C、Perform a "kill -9" of the filemon process.D、Send a SIGSTOP signal to the filemon process.

How should the following UDF be invoked in order to convert US currency values stored in the EXPENSES table into Canadian currency?CREATE FUNCTION getratews11 ( country1 VARCHAR(100), country2 VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS DOUBLE LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL EXTERNAL ACTION NOT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN ... END()A、CALL getratews11('USA','CANADA')B、CALL expenses.getratews11('USA','CANADA')C、SELECT getratews11('USA','CANADA') FROM expensesD、SELECT * FROM TABLE(getratews11('USA','CANADA')) AS convert_currency

In order to determine how efficiently an application is reading and writing data, which of the following utilities will report read and write sizes on disk I/O requests?()A、 tprofB、 iostatC、 svmonD、 filemon

A customer has determined they want to install an IBM x445 system in their company.  They will be running a large database on the system.  In order to determine how many CPUs will be needed to attain the optimum cost-effective solution, which TWO of the following questions should be asked?()A、How large is the database?B、What is the expected user workload?C、How is the database software licensed?D、What type of user interface will be used?E、How much data cache will the database be allocated?

In order to change the system runlevel and execute /etc/inittab entries based on the new runlevel, which of the following commands should be performed?()A、telinitB、runinitC、sysinitD、startinit

问答题How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?

单选题The order of name resolution can be controlled.   The default is:   1.DNS/BIND   2.NIS  3./etc/hosts   To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()AnslookupBhostnameC/etc/host.equivDenvironment variable NSORDER

单选题Once the filemon command is invoked, which of the following procedures should be performed to stop the command so that the filemon reports will still be generated? ()ARun filemon -u.BRun the trcstop command.CPerform a kill -9 of the filemon process.DSend a SIGSTOP signal to the filemon process.

单选题In order to ensure best read performance, which of the following indicates how large an application’s read buffer size should be if the filesystem to be read is striped across N disks using LVM striping?()A N times the stripe unit sizeB N times the VMM minfree parameterC The same value as that of the VMM maxfree parameterD The same value as that of  the VMM maxrndwrt parameter

单选题Which of the following options will allow you to increase the size of a thin provisioned disk in Windows Server 2012 R2?()AYou should add a new hard disk to the storage pool,extend the disk in File and Storage Services.BYou should mount a new volume on the storage pool in File and Storage Services.CYou should convert the disk to a dynamic disk in Computer Management.DYou should convert the disk to a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk (VHD).EYou should detach the disk in File and Storage Services and increase its size.

单选题From the passage, one can assume that which of the following statements would best describe Hemingway’s attitude toward knowledge?AOne can learn about life only by living it fully.BA wise person will read widely in order to learn about life.CKnowledge is a powerful tool that should be reserved only for those who know how to use it.DExperience is a poor teacher.

单选题which one of the following should maria do to display the release date in a text column?()Aused the number and time format options Bused the @date to text functions to convert time to text Cconcatenated the date types using mathematical operators Dused the @text functions to convert time and number data to text in text columns

单选题The order of name resolution can be controlled. The default is:   1.BIND   2.NIS   3./etc/hosts   To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()AnslookupBhostnameC/etc/netsvc.confD/etc/host.equiv

单选题How should a DNS client be configured?()AEdit the /etc/netsvc.conf file to have a nameserver and a domain search order.BEdit the /etc/resolv.conf file to have a nameserver and a domain search order.CEdit the /etc/resolv.conf file to have a nameserver, domain, and domain search order. DEdit the /etc/netsvc.conf file to have a nameserver, domain, and domain search order.

单选题How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?ABy telling a funny story.BBy offering suggestions.CBy following time order.DBy making comparisons.