单选题_____A8:30 in the morning, Tuesday.B8:30 in the evening, Tuesday.C8:30 in the morning, Monday.D8:30 in the evening, Monday.
8:30 in the morning, Tuesday.
8:30 in the evening, Tuesday.
8:30 in the morning, Monday.
8:30 in the evening, Monday.
细节题。根据男士的话“I come to your office at 8:30 tomorrow”,“tomorrow”在此指“Tuesday”,由此可知,两人约定在星期二早上八点半见面,故选A。
细节题。根据男士的话“I come to your office at 8:30 tomorrow”,“tomorrow”在此指“Tuesday”,由此可知,两人约定在星期二早上八点半见面,故选A。
单选题The manager tried to create a situation in which all people present would feel comfortable.A经理在设法创造条件,让所有的人都得到令人满意的礼物。B经理试图营造一种氛围,让所有在场的人都感到轻松自在。C经理在设法创造一种条件,让所有人都能够显得心情舒畅。
单选题The company’s vehicles are equipped with _____.Aup-to-date video playersBthe latest computer systemsCa new model of card readerDan automatic quoting machine
单选题When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised _____ the way people greeted each other.AofBtoCwithDat
单选题Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.A多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。B大多数有关人事管理问题已经得到圆满解决,只剩下几个次要的问题还有待于讨论。C很多有关人员配备问题基本上都得到了答复,只有第二个重要问题还未经过讨论。
单选题_____AHe has changed his plan.BHe has canceled his trip.CHe is arriving this afternoon.DHe forgot to arrange his trip.
单选题It can be concluded that _____.Aevery young man and woman should go to college if possibleBcollege education has become increasingly worse in recent yearsCpeople with a college education should get a higher salaryDfewer students should go to college but more be trained for skilled workers
单选题_____ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.AAsBSinceCWhileDUnless
单选题_____ATom is coming for dinner.BTom won’t be able to come.CTom will give a dinner party.DTom won’t be away on business.
单选题The young man lost his job last month, but it wasn’t long _____ he found a new position in my company.AbeforeBwhileCasDafter
填空题Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference) ____ from what it was.
填空题Some domestic manufacturers are busy increasing production, losing the chance to develop more (advance) ____ technology.
填空题What is the purpose of this letter?To ____ Dr. Johnson to be this year’s guest speaker at the symposium.
单选题It is reported that air pollution affects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.A据报道,空气污染导致酸雨,因而对河流和湖泊造成间接影响。B据报道,空气污染了河流和湖泊,间接的原因是因为酸雨。C据报道,空气污染间接来源于河流和湖泊的污染,因为后者会导致酸雨。
单选题_____AShe was tired of reading it.BShe liked it very much.CShe didn’t think much of it.DShe wasn’t interested in it.
单选题MDC Company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company _____.Agives them opportunities to orderBprovides good service and qualityCguarantees the quickest deliveryDsends new catalogues to them
单选题What kind of businesses will benefit from Google. org’s second project?Alarge enterprisesBcross-national companies.Cforeign-funded corporationsDsmall and medium-sized businesses