单选题Cracking of a diesel piston crown can result from()AExcessive piston to liner clearanceBThe underside of the piston crown being excessively dirty lowering the rate of heat transferCFaulty nozzle sprayDAll of the above

Cracking of a diesel piston crown can result from()

Excessive piston to liner clearance


The underside of the piston crown being excessively dirty lowering the rate of heat transfer


Faulty nozzle spray


All of the above


解析: 暂无解析


单选题A diesel engine cylinder head can crack as a result of ()Aa leaking seal ringBheat transfer from exhaust valvesCrestricted cooling passagesDoverheated intake valves

单选题Worn main bearings in a diesel engine can result in ()Adecreased compression pressureBincreased lube oil pressureClower lube oil temperatureDexcessive leakage past the piston rings

单选题“The use of a poor quality oil can lead to rapid deterioration of its properties with the resultant formation of deposits in the piston crown which in turn results in a considerable reduction in heat transfer with subsequent overheating and thermal cracking” According to this sentence, we can know that the principle reason of the overheating and thermal cracking is()Athe use of a poor quality oilBthe deterioration of its propertiesCthe formation of depositsDthe reduction in heat transfer ability

单选题Scuffed cylinder liner wearing surfaces in a diesel engines can result from ()Astarting the engine while hotBknurling the piston skirtCoperating the engine overheatedDscuff resistant piston rings

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can result from ()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBhigh lube oil temperatureClow turbo-charger speedDlow cooling water temperature

单选题Cracking of a diesel piston crown can result from()AExcessive piston to liner clearanceBThe underside of the piston crown being excessively dirty lowering the rate of heat transferCFaulty nozzle sprayDAll of the above

单选题The diameter of a piston is usually less at the crown than at the skirt, in order to ().Afacilitate the installation of piston ringsBallow for the expansion of the piston during operationCprevent crankcase vapors from entering the combustion chamberDreduce wearing of the upper cylinder liner

单选题Scuffed cylinder liner wearing surfaces in a diesel engines can result from ()Achromium plating piston ringsBknurling the piston skirtCextended maximum power operationDapplying load to a cold diesel engine

单选题Incomplete combustion in a running diesel engine can cause piston rings to become stuck as a result of ()Aresidual carbon depositsBlube oil viscosity breakdownCuneven heat expansion of the ringsDuneven heat expansion of the piston

单选题In a four-cycle diesel engine piston blow-by can result in increased()Acrankcase pressureBcompression pressureCscavenge pressureDexhaust manifold pressure

单选题In a medium speed diesel engine, a trunk type piston may be cooled by() Ⅰ.oil circulation though passages in the piston crown Ⅱ.heat transfer through piston rings and liner wallAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCeither Ⅰ or ⅡDneither Ⅰ or Ⅱ

单选题When inspecting piston rings through the ports of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, black areas on the sealing surfaces are the result of ()Ainsufficient lubricationBimproper piston coolingCblow-byDoverload operation

单选题Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()Aa worn cylinderBbroken piston ringsCany of A and BDnone of the above

单选题In a trunk type diesel engine piston, the thickness of the head or crown is determined by the() Ⅰ.statically balanced Ⅱ.heat dissipation requirementAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCboth Ⅰ and ⅡDneither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

单选题High firing pressures and a low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may result from ().Adecreased piston to cylinder head clearanceBincreased exhaust system back pressureCearly fuel injection timingDlow scavenge air temperature

单选题Scuffed cylinder liner surfaces in a diesel engine can result form()Astarting the engine hotBknurling the piston skirtCoperating an overheated engineDusing scuff resistant piston rings

单选题The function of the piston compression rings used in a diesel engine is to ()Aseal the space between the piston and linerBtransmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerCreduce the amount of combustion gas blow-byDall of the above

单选题Persistent knocking of one cylinder of a diesel engine ceases when the fuel supply to that cylinder is securedThis problem may be a result of ()Alow loading of that cylinderBfaulty combustion in that cylinderCsluggish piston ring actionDexcessive piston cooling

单选题In a large, low-speed diesel engine the clearance between the piston crown and cylinder head is found to be excessiveIn order to correct for this, you should()Abuild up the piston crown by metal sprayingBbuild up the cylinder head by metal sprayingCinsert shims between the crankpin bearing box and the connecting rod footDinstall a thinner head gasket

单选题Persistent knocking in one cylinder of a diesel engine could be caused by().Aa low load on that cylinderBsluggish piston ring actionCexcessive piston crown coolingDexcessive clearance of piston pin

单选题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine may be the result of ()Ainsufficient fuel supply due to fuel pump valves sticking or leakingBexcessive mechanical clearance between the piston crown and cylinder headCexcessively worn fuel pump plungerDexcessive exhaust back pressure

单选题Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()Alow oil pressureBhigh coolant pressureCleaking fuel injectorDcracked cylinder head or liner

单选题The rotary motion of a diesel engine crankshaft is obtained from the up and down motion of the piston via the ().AcamshaftBreduction gearsCrocker armDconnecting or piston rod

单选题In diesel engines designed with a crosshead, the motion of the piston rod can be described as ().Areciprocating at the piston pin, rotary at the crank pinBreciprocating at the crank pin, rotary at the piston pinCstraight reciprocationDstraight rotation

单选题The function of diesel engine piston compression rings is to ().Aprevent piston side thrustBprevent engine friction lossesCtransmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerDremove oil from the cylinder combustion space

单选题Piston compression rings used in a diesel engine function to ()Atransfer heat from the cylinder to the pistonBscrape oil from the sides of the pistonCseal the combustion space from the crankcasesDprevent any piston contact with the cylinder liner

单选题Diesel engine piston seizure can be caused by ()Apoor cooling of cylinder wallsBimproper cooling of the pistonCinsufficient piston lubricationDall of the above

单选题A diesel engine piston crown can crack from ()Aexcessive piston to liner clearanceBexcessive dirt beneath the piston crown that reduces heat transferCfaulty nozzle sprayDall of the above