单选题Catherine: Here’s a present for you. Why don’t you open it?  John: Thanks. It’s so prettily wrapped that I hate to undo it now.  Catherine: ______AI didn’t put my heart into it.BI was not in the least upset about it.CI never dared to look at it.DSince it is for you, I wrapped it nicely.

Catherine: Here’s a present for you. Why don’t you open it?  John: Thanks. It’s so prettily wrapped that I hate to undo it now.  Catherine: ______

I didn’t put my heart into it.


I was not in the least upset about it.


I never dared to look at it.


Since it is for you, I wrapped it nicely.




You can’t walk the dog here in this way.A.Oh, I seeB.Really? Thank you for remindingC.Why? Don’t you really think so?D.Sorry, I’ve forgotten to hold the strap.

You have overworked yourself.() a holiday to relax? A、Why not to go onB、Why don't go onC、Why don't haveD、Why not go on

—Here is a present for you.—__________! A. NiceB. GoodC. It ‟s good of youD. How sweet of you

Oh,sorry to trouble you.( ) A、That's okay.B、No,you can't.C、That's good.D、Oh,I don't know.

Cindy: if you don't like where you're living, why don't just move?Joe: ______

-- Why don't you stay a little longer?-- _____A. I wish I could, but it's already late.B. I don't want to.C. I couldn't.D. Thank you very much.

—You haven’t said a word about my new coat, BrendA. Do you like it?—I’m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you. A wasn’t sayingB don’t sayC won’t sayD didn’t say

A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B:( ).A. Are you? I am fine.B. Yes, why don't you call them?C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.

Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?Julia:______A、I don't take sugar, thank you.B、You can, please.C、Thank you for the coffee.D、That's very nice of you.

Salina:Dear Jacky, why don't you come on holiday with us?Jacky: ______A、How dare you invite me? I won't go.B、Yeah, thanks anyway.C、Whether I'll go or not is not your business, ok?D、That's very kind of you. I'd love to.

— _______________? — That’s a good idea.A、When can you write the invitationsB、What do you think of the invitationsC、Why don’t you write the invitations nowD、Why not you write the invitations now

– He’s the best in the team. -- _______________.A、I agree with you.B、I don’t know.C、I’m terribly sorry.D、Nice to see you.

Guest: Oh, it's 9:30. I'd better go now.Hostess: ______A、OK.Please walk slowly.B、Why don't you want to stay?C、Yeah,it's really late. Why not immediately?D、Won't you stay for another cup of coffee?

-It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -().AYes,pleaseBNo,go aheadCSure,pleaseDI don’t like it

— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? —()ACertainly. Here you areBPlease don’t mention itCIt’s nothingDYes, I have a hand

Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? ()AI'd rather stay here if you don't mind.BSorry, I don't like neither.CCertainly, why not?DYes, we like these two places.

How can I get to the nearest post office?()A、It is a long way from here.B、Sorry, I am new here.C、Why don't you walk?D、Here it is.

-Oh, sorry to bother you. -()A、Oh, I don’t knowB、No, you can’tC、That’s okay

Why not join us in the game?()A、OK! I'm comingB、No, you do the sameC、Oh, that's all rightD、Don't mention it

— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? —()A、Certainly. Here you areB、Please don’t mention itC、It’s nothingD、Yes, I have a hand

Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. ()A、It‘s no trouble at all.B、That‘s all right. I like itC、I don‘t think it‘s a trouble.D、That‘s very kind of you.

Where to? I'm so thirsty. ()A、Why don‘t we go now.B、Why don‘t we enjoy some beer at that bar.C、Why didn‘t you look up the map?D、Why didn‘t you tell me about it earlier.

单选题— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? —()ACertainly. Here you areBPlease don’t mention itCIt’s nothingDYes, I have a hand

单选题Catherine: Here’s a present for you. Why don’t you open it?  John: Thanks. It’s so prettily wrapped that I hate to undo it now.  Catherine: ______AI didn’t put my heart into it.BI was not in the least upset about it.CI never dared to look at it.DSince it is for you, I wrapped it nicely.

单选题Father: I’d like to talk to both of you about the money situation in our family.  Bette: ______  Mother: But, Bette...  Father: I make good money, and you two spend it all.  Bette: Look, Dad, I really think this is ridiculous. You make so much money, but you don’t know how to spend it. ______ I don’t see what difference it makes.AWhat’s the matter? ; There must be something unusual.BOh, here he goes again. ; I don’t know why you are complaining.CIt’s no need for you to say so. ; Business is business.DWe all know that. ; Every dog has his day.

单选题Mike: Eve. I wasn’t expecting you.  Eve: I hope I’m not disturbing you.  Mike: No, I just couldn’t imagine who it was.  Eve: Is Joey here? Where’s Joey?  Mike: Joey’s in the shower. Can I get you anything?  Eve: ______  Mike: No, it’s no trouble at all.AI’ll just have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind.BI’d like to sit down for a while, thanksCNo, thanks, I’ll show you something.DIf it doesn’t cause too much trouble, I’d like to see Joey.

单选题Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? ()AI'd rather stay here if you don't mind.BSorry, I don't like neither.CCertainly, why not?DYes, we like these two places.

单选题-Oh, sorry to bother you. -()AOh, I don’t knowBNo, you can’tCThat’s okay