单选题Nothing is so easy as ______ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.AofBtoCbyDfor

Nothing is so easy as ______ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.









句意:没有什么比父母亲过多的提高对孩子的期望值更容易的了。for parents“对于父母亲来说”,不定式是真正的被比较成分。故选项D符合题意。


The directors have a meeting on Friday ____________ there is nothing to discuss. (A) so long as(B) unless(C) so that(D) because

My parents are quite()with their life today because they have experienced so much suffering. A、satisfiedB、satisfactory

It was so easy and _______ so reasonable. A. in a wayB.in the wayC.in this wayD.by the way

– But what do you want me to do there? – () A、You have to give a presentation on what our products are.B、Thank you so much for doing such a favor for me.C、Take it easy. There’s nothing to be worried about.

while it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition. it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.

We can conclude that ______.A. the situation was nothing to be concerned aboutB. Soufriere is still an active volcanoC. crater lakes are easy to hike toD. Soufriere is a dead volcano

Perhaps the most ________ aspect of this computer is that it is so easy to use.A strikingB impressingC dividingD absorbing

The poor man was so frightened that he could do _____ but stand there sobbing.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing

There is nothing more natural than a child’s belief in his parents.(英译汉)

There was nothing to ________ so. A、keep her from doingB、keep her doC、prevent her doingD、stop her do

—How could you be so rude walking in here in the middle of my class? —( ). A、Nothing muchB、Never mindC、Nothing seriousD、Never again

Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a ______ decision.A、rationalB、rightC、profitableD、beneficial

(48)While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.此处译文为:

An 18-year-old is believed to take a meaningful gap year when he/she_____.[A] lives up to his/her parents’ expectations [B] spends time being lazy and doing nothing[C] learns skills by spending parents’ money [D] earns his or her living and gains working experience

Up to now ,the work has been easy.A: SoB:.So longC:.So thatD: So far

The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself()AhearBheardCto hearDhearing

—() — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.AHow long have your parents been in Paris?BWhen did your parents arrive at Paris?CDid your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?DWhen will your parents go to Paris?

The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself()A、hearB、heardC、to hearD、hearing

There is nothing so admirable as a man whose sacrifices his life and happiness for others.

单选题Nothing is so easy as ______ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.AofBtoCbyDfor

单选题According to the passage, a large number of children can be saved only when ______.Athe life-saving ways are medically effectiveBtheir parents are rich enough for the life-saving techniquesCthe life-saving techniques are easy to useDtheir parents learn the life-saving techniques

单选题The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself()AhearBheardCto hearDhearing

填空题There is nothing so admirable as a man whose sacrifices his life and happiness for others.

单选题His parents ______ his money, so he is in trouble now.Acut offBcut throughCgave upDbrought down

单选题It is better for parents _____.Ato praise and encourage their children more oftenBto be hard on their childrenCto leave their children alone with nothing to doDto give their children as much help as possible

单选题—() — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.AHow long have your parents been in Paris?BWhen did your parents arrive at Paris?CDid your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?DWhen will your parents go to Paris?

单选题—What’s the matter, Tom? You look sad.  —Nothing, I about my parents back home.Ajust thoughtBjust been thinkingCwas just thinkingDhave just thought

单选题There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of the nature and we should _____ it as such.AcheatBchooseCcherishDchoke