单选题The speed of an ocean current is dependent on().Athe density of the waterBthe air temperatureCthe presence of a high pressure area near itDunderwater soil conditions

The speed of an ocean current is dependent on().

the density of the water


the air temperature


the presence of a high pressure area near it


underwater soil conditions


解析: 暂无解析


The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators operating in parallel are mostly dependent on their governor ______.A.load limit settingsB.idle speed settingsC.speed limit settingsD.speed droop settings

For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.A.watchB.look forC.seeD.regard

A Doppler speed log indicates speed through the water ______.A.at all timesB.in the bottom return modeC.in the volume reverberation modeD.only when there is no current

If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents ______.A.a greatly reduced wind speedB.a higher wind speed than what really existsC.a lower wind speed than what really existsD.more turbulent winds

You are running parallel to the coast and estimate that the current is against you.In plotting a running fix using bearings from the same object on the coast,the greatest safety margin from inshore dangers will result if what speed is used to determine _______.A.Minimum speed estimateB.Maximum speed estimateC.Average speed estimateD.A running fix should not be used under these conditions

海(洋)流(ocean current)

Britain’s climate is influenced by(),a warm ocean current that passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.A、the North Atlantic DriftB、the Brazil CurrentC、the Labrador CurrentD、the Falkland Current

单选题A current will develop between areas of different density in ocean waters. If you face in the same direction the current is flowing,the water of().Ahigh density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereBhigh density will be on the right in the Southern HemisphereClow density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereDlow density will be on the left in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题The speed of an ocean current is dependent on().Athe density of the waterBthe air temperatureCthe presence of a high pressure area near itDunderwater soil conditions

单选题Britain’s climate is influenced by(),a warm ocean current that passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.Athe North Atlantic DriftBthe Brazil CurrentCthe Labrador CurrentDthe Falkland Current

单选题For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,() Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.AwatchBlook forCseeDregard

单选题Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate ().Aprevailing wind directionsBprevailing ocean current directionsCprobable surface current flowDshortest great circle routes

单选题On an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban,South Africa,you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong().Aoffshore setBonshore setChead currentDfair or following current

单选题A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel’s course and speed is a(n) ().Aestimated positionBdead reckoning positionCfixDNone of the above

单选题The set of the ocean current is caused by().Adensity differences of the waterBrotation of the earthCdirection of primary circulation of airDall of the above

单选题The size of the discharge ring used for the efficient operation of a disk type purifier is dependent upon the()Arated capacity of that purifierBviscosity of the oil being purifiedCmaximum design speed of that purifierDspecific gravity of the oil being purified

单选题In conventional systems, the injection pressure(), while it’s()in common rail diesel engines.Afluctuates with the engine speed to some extent, independent of the engine speedBkeeps constant at all engine speed, dependent on the engine speed to some extentCkeeps constant at all engine speed, independent of the engine speedDis decided by the engine speed, constant at all engine speed

单选题The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generator operating in parallel are mostly dependent on their governor ().Aload limit settingsBidle speed settingsCspeed limit settingsDspeed droop settings

单选题You are running parallel to the coast and estimate that the current is against you.In plotting a running fix using bearings from the same object on the coast,the greatest safety margin from inshore dangers will result if what speed is used to determine().AMinimum speed estimateBMaximum speed estimateCAverage speed estimateDA running fix should not be used under these conditions

名词解释题海(洋)流(ocean current)

单选题The operating speed of a turbocharger is directly dependent upon()Aengine speedBengine loadCintake manifold pressureDatmospheric pressure

单选题The frequency of the alternating current generated by a synchronous generator is governed by the speed and the()Afull excitationBloadCpower factorDnumber of poles

单选题The set of the current is the().Aspeed of the current at a particular timeBmaximum speed of the currentCdirection from which the current flowsDdirection in which the current flows

单选题The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. Those factors include().Astate of wind,sea,and current,and the proximity of navigational hazardsBmaximum attainable speed of your vesselCtemperatureDaids to navigation that are available

单选题The cold ocean current which meets the warm Gulf Stream between latitudes 40°and 43°N to form the cold wall is called the().ANorth Cape CurrentBLabrador CurrentCGreenland CurrentDNorth Atlantic Current

单选题A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground().Aat all timesBin the bottom return modeCin the volume reverberation modeDonly when there is no current

单选题If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents().Aa greatly reduced wind speedBa higher wind speed than what really existsCa lower wind speed than what really existsDmore turbulent winds

单选题_____ a river on land, an ocean current does not flow in a straight line.AAlikeBLikeCLikewiseDLikely