单选题A large vessel is equipped with a controllable pitch propeller. Which statement is TRUE?().AWhen dead in the water,it is often difficult to find the neutral position and slight headway or sternway may resultBWhen going directly from full ahead to full astern,there is complete steering controlCWhen the vessel has headway and the propeller is in neutral,there is no effect on rudder controlDWhen maneuvering in port,full ahead or astern power can usually be obtained without changing shaft RPM
单选题下列有关海盗袭击的说法正确的是()。 ①海盗通常袭击那些看上去戒备松懈的船舶; ②海盗袭击的对象通常选择船速较慢的船舶; ③海盗通常在距驾驶台较远的船首部附近登船; ④海盗袭击的对象通常选择满载的船舶。A①~④B①~③C②~④D①②④
单选题Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().Amore harmful to sea life than lighter oilsBeasier to clean up than lighter refined oilsCless harmful to sea life than lighter oilsDnot a real threat to marine life
单选题The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside source of ignition is called ().Aexplosive rangeBflash pointCignition temperatureDcombustion temperature
单选题船舶进出我国口岸检查办法规定,卫生检疫机关对下列哪些船舶应当在锚地实施检疫(). Ⅰ.来自疫区的船舶; Ⅱ.载有检疫传染病染疫人的船舶; Ⅲ.疑似检疫传染病染疫人的船舶; Ⅳ.卫生证书过期的船舶。AⅠ~ⅢBⅡ~ⅣCⅠ~ⅣDⅠ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ
单选题A stream of water immediately surrounding a moving vessel’s hull,flowing in the same direction as the vessel is known as().Adirectional currentBforward currentCpropeller currentDwake current
单选题The dew point temperature is().Aalways higher than the air temperatureBalways lower than the air temperatureCequal to the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperaturesDthe temperature at which the air is saturated with water vapor