单选题—How is your life in the countryside?  —It is ______ but sometimes I feel a bit______.Ainteresting; boringBinteresting; boredCinterested; boredDinterested; boring

—How is your life in the countryside?  —It is ______ but sometimes I feel a bit______.

interesting; boring


interesting; bored


interested; bored


interested; boring


解析: 句意:——你在乡下的生活怎样?——很有意思,但是有时候我感到有些无聊。interesting和boring用来修饰事物,分别意为“有趣的,让人感到有意思的”和“让人感到无聊的”。interested和bored用来修饰人,意为“对…感兴趣”和“无聊的”。第一空it替代the life in countryside,修饰事物应用interesting;第二空主语是I,因此用bored。故答案是B项。


People were ______ the idea of a well-balanced life. A. interested forB. interesting inC. interested inD. interesting for

It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled a great deal. Foreign ____ can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand.:A、travelB、countryC、languageD、people

Students: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: .Are you a student of biology?Students: No, I major in chemistry.A. I think soB. I'm glad to hear thatC. It must beD. It's not so interesting

9.I think doing the dishes _________ .A. are boringB. are boredC. is boringD. is bored

3. He is __________ in reading this __________book.A. interested ,interesting B. interesting ,interestedC. interesting,interestingD. interested,interested

Dear Mary,How are you and your parents? Did you ( 11) a good time last weekend? We had a day ( 12) from school this week. But I had a(n) ( 13) day.l got up early in the morning but the ( 14) was very bad.So I ( 15) to stay at home and help my mum do house- work. Then I went to the Gift Shop and bought ( 16) gifts. After that,l read a boring book and watched TV about Super Voice Girls. After lunch,my parents wanted to go ( 17) a drive,so I went with them.However,that wasn’t interesting,( 18).In the evening,my best friend ( 19) me to watch-an interesting movie ( 20 ) sharks.But I found it wasn't interesting at all.Please write to me soon!Yours,Lily( )11.A. enjoy .B. spendC. have 'D. had

We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A.benefitsB.affectsC.affectsD.effects

Those relatives of his are _____. I don't want to have any dealings with them.A. boring peopleB. bored peopleC. people having boredD. people having boring

—Could I first ask you a few questions about your life? —________ A: Yes, of courseB: What are they?C: As you like.D: Nothing interesting.

I can’t put up with the ______ lecture any longer, so I left my seat and began to think about the coming vacation. A. boringB. worriedC. boredD. restless

( ) with the talk show, I dozed off. A、BoringB、BoredC、Having boredD、Having been bored

Anyone who has something interesting to ____ won’t find life boring.A. look overB. pull intoC. set asideD. concentrate on

—How did you ______ the football match yesterday ?—______. A.think, Very boringB.like, Very boredC.feel, Very boredD.find, Very boring

Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive.A: very boringB: very thoroughC: very interesting D: very touching

I()the flat in the centre of the town.Aam interested inBam interesting inCinterest

It is believed that if a book is(),it will surely()the reader.A、interested… interestB、interesting… be interestedC、interested… be interestingD、interesting… interest

— How's the movie? Interesting? —()A、I was seated far away in the cornerB、Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVC、It was shown late until midnight

I()the flat in the centre of the town.A、am interested inB、am interesting inC、interest

单选题_____AIt was boring.BIt was quite long.CIt was interesting.DIt was easy to understand.

单选题I()the flat in the centre of the town.Aam interested inBam interesting inCinterest

单选题What kind of life has Jack lived?AA short life.BAn interesting life.CA lonely life.DA poor life.

单选题How do non-engineers feel about the man’s job?AIt is a bit dull.BIt is fulfilling.CIt is interesting.

单选题I’ve never seen _____ before.Asuch a interesting filmBso interesting filmCsuch an interesting filmDso film interesting

单选题Sometimes _____ a business can feel like a tough decision to make, no matter how good your idea is.AstartingBbeing startedCstartDto be started

单选题—How did you find your visit to the museum?  —I thoroughly enjoy it. It was ______ than I expected.Afar more interestingBeven much interestingCso far interestingDa lot much interesting

单选题—I love traditional jazz, don’t you?  —No, I never listen to jazz. ______AI find it rather boring.BIt is quite interesting.CWe will find it terrible.DShe will think it exciting.

单选题— How's the movie? Interesting? —()AI was seated far away in the cornerBFar from. I should have stayed home watching TVCIt was shown late until midnight