









解析: 暂无解析



单选题Passage1Do who choose to go on exotic,far-flung holidays deserve free health advice before they travel?And even if they pay,who ensures that they get good,up-to-date information?Who,for that matter,should collect that information in the first place?For a variety of reasons,travel medicine in Britain is a responsibility nobody wants.As a result,many travellers go abroad prepared to avoid serious disease.Why is travel medicine so unloved?Partly there's an identity problem. Because it takes an interest in anything that impinges on the health of travelers ,this emerging medical specialism invariably cuts across the traditional disciplines. It delves into everything from seasickness,jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague. But travel medicine has a more serious obstacle to overcome. Travel clinics are meant to tell people how to avoid ending up dead or in a hospital when they come home,but it is notoriously difficult to get anybody pay out money for keeping people healthy.Travel medicine has also been colonized by commercial interests; the vast majority of travel clinics in Britain are run by airlines or travel companies. And while travel concerns are happy to sell profitable injections, they may be less keen to spread bad news about travellers' diarrhea in Turkey, or to take time to spell out preventive measures travellers could take.The NHS finds it difficult to define travellers' health,says Ron Behrens,the only NHS consultant in travel and director of the travel clinic of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London.Should it come within the NHS or should it be paid for?It's Gary area, and opinion is spilt. No one seems to have any responsibility for defining its role,he says.To compound its low status in the medical hierarchy, travel medicine has to rely on statistics that are patchy at best. In most cases we just don't know how many Britons contract diseases when abroad. And even if a disease linked to travel there is rarely any information about where those afflicted went, what they are, how they behaved, or which vaccinations they had. This shortage of hard facts and figures makes it difficult to give detailed advice to people, information that might even save their lives.A recent leader in British Medical Journal argued.Travel medicine will emerge as credible disciplines only if the risks encountered by travellers and the relative benefits of public health interventions are well defined in terms of their relative occurrence, distribution and control.Exactly how much money is wasted by poor travel advice. The real figure is anybody's guess, but it could easily run into millions. Behrens gives one example. Britain spends more than £ 1 million each year just on cholera vaccines that often don't work and so give people a false sense of security.Information on the prevention and treatment of all forms of diarrhea would be a better priority, he says.The phrase delves into in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by_______.Arefrains fromBholds backCdigs intoDworries about



单选题某选修教材中有“新闻阅读与实践”单元,教师准备从单元选文中《目击杨利伟飞天归来》人手,联系单元中的其他新闻作品如《刘翔勇夺世界室内田径锦标赛男子60米栏冠军》进行阅读,通过让学生练习‘写作新闻,完成对“博观约取、简洁真实”这一新闻特点的掌握。该教学设计的特点不包括( )。A实现了新闻教学中“阅读”与“实践”的统一B提高了学生搜集信息和处理信息的能力C有效地利用了选修教材中的内容,加深了学生对新闻的了解程度D对单元内容进行了整合,利用专题式教学提高学生的学习水平



单选题Passage 1 Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year undergraduates polled admitted to having cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost half admitted to cheating on their homework. An anonymous survey by Harvard's newspaper has revealed a surprising pattern of academic dishonesty among studertts entering the US universities. The survey by The Harvard Crimson was emailed to the incoming first year undergraduates; 1,600 students responded. Results showed that at least a tenth of the students polled admitted to having cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost half admitted to cheating on their homework. Athletes were apparently the most prone to cheating. 20 percent of students who played a university sport admitted to cheating on an exam compared to 9 percent of students who did not. The survey also revealed that men were not only more likely to cheat but were also more likely to admit to it. The results, compared to a previous survey done on the class of 2013, suggested that cheating may be becoming more commonplace. Of the outgoing seniors only 7 percent admitted to cheating in an exam and another 7 percent said they had been dishonest on a take-home test. 32 percent of the seniors said they had cheated on homework during their undergraduate years. The surveys come in the wake of a cheating scandal at the university which saw 120 students investigated for sharing answers on an exam in 2012. One recent graduate stated: Cheating was commonplace when I was at Harvard, especially with students in their first year or two. I would say as many as 60 per cent of students took notes into some exams. No one really cared the faculty, well some of them at least, seemed to recognize and yet ignore the problem. In an email to NBC News, Jeff Neal, a Harvard representative, explained that a committee, made up of faculty, staff and students had been established to tackle cheating, which is a national problem in American education. He added: While the vast majority of Harvard and other students do their work honestly, beginning this year Harvard College has implemented a new, more robust strategy of communicating with all students, particularly first-year students, about the importance-and the ways to achieve- academic integrity. In a rebuff to critics who say university has become little more than an expensive party, 84 per cent of the responding undergraduates fully expected to prioritize their academics over extracurricular activities, sport, employment and their social lives. Not a single student put academics at the bottom of their list. Not content with confining themselves to their degree subject, 59 percent of incoming students expressed a desire to pursue a secondary field of study, and 36 percent hoped to learn a language.What did the results show according to the first two paragraphs?AMost American students cheat in exams before they enter universities.BMost American students entering the universities admit they have cheated.CHalf of students entering the universities admit to cheating on their homework.DThere is academic dishonesty among students entering the US University.

单选题某选修教材编排有“小说阅读——情节”单元。教师组织学生以小组为单位,各组自选最喜欢的一部小说,组内进行情节研读与语句揣摩,选出最精彩的情节进行表演,最后举行“我最喜欢的小说汇报演出”,以此完成对小说情节的学习。该教学设计的突出特点是(  )。A重视作品阅读欣赏的实践活动B在诵读中感受作品的情节要素C系统讲授小说鉴赏理论知识D采用多媒体帮助学生理解作品




问答题案例: 在音乐鉴赏课《音乐与人生》上,教师安排了“讨论音乐与人生的关系”的教学环节,前后左右的学生立刻组成小组展开讨论。教师站在一旁若有所思,似乎在思考下一步的教学进行,又似乎在计算课堂上已过去的时间,然后随意地在各组间巡逻了一遍,既没有参与、指导学生如何合作探索,也没有调控学生在小组内的交流活动。不到两分钟,教师打断了学生的讨论,进入了下一步的教学,此时茫然、失望的神情留在了学生的脸上。 问题:依据《普通高中音乐课程标准(实验)》基本理念,对上面的教学案例片段进行分析,并简述你的观点。

问答题这节课是刘老师的思想政治课,上课铃声刚打响,同学们就发现刘老师手拿一串荔枝进了班。正当同学们好奇不已准备询问时,刘老师笑着告诉大家,我们今天上的课还真和这串荔枝有关呢。原来这节课讲的是《多变的价格》,刘老师灵思一动,把家里刚买的新上市的荔枝拿了一串过来,新上市的荔枝价格较贵,通过这一日常生活中常见现象引发学生的积极思考、讨论,课堂圆满成功。 问题:导入是课堂的开端,俗话说,好的开端是成功的一半,该课程导入好在哪里?






单选题Passage 2Old stereotypes die hard.Picture a video-game player and you will likely imagine a teenage boy, by himself, compulsively hammering away at a game involving rayguns and aliens that splatter when blasted. Ten years ago that might have borne some relation to reality. But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing Angry Birdson her smartphone. In America, the biggest market, the average game-player is 37 years old. Two-fifths are female Over the past ten years the video-game industry has grown from a small business to a huge, mainstream one. With global sales of S56 billon in 2010, it is more than twice the size of the recorded-music industry. Despite the downturn, it is growing by almost 9% a year.Is this success due to luck or skill? The answer maters, because the rest of the entertainment industry has tended to treat gaming as being a lucky beneficiary of broader technological changes. Video gaming, unlike music, film or television, had the luck to be born digital. In fact, there is plenty for old media to learn.Video games have certainly been swept along by two forces: demography and technology. The first gaming generation the children of the 1970s and early 1980s-is now over 30. Many sill love gaming, and can afford to spend far more on it now. Meanwhile rapid improvements in computing power have allowed game designers to offer experiences that are now often more cinematic than the cinema.But even granted this good fortune, the game-makers have been clever. They have reached out to new customers with new methods. They have branched out into education, corporate training and even warfare, and have embraced digital downloads and mobile devices with enthusiasm. Though big-budget games are still popular, much of the growth now comes from casualgames that are simple, cheap and playable in short bursts on mobile phones or in web browsers.The industry has excelled in a particular area-pricing. In an era when people are disinclined to pay for content on the web, games publishers were quick to develop freemium models, where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few.As gaming comes to be seen as just another medium, its tech-savvy approach could provide a welcome shot in the arm for existing media groups.All of the following methods are employed to attract new customers EXCEPT________.Ato expand business into other fieldsBto embrace mobile devicesCto develop big-budget gamesDto develop"casual"games








单选题据报道,美国加州大学研究人员设计出一种能控制光线运行方向的材料,这项重大突破使长期存在于科幻小说中的“隐形衣”梦想有可能变为现实。这启示我们()。  ①意识不仅能反映现存事物,而且能正确预测未来 ②利学创造往往需要利学幻想的激发和推动 ③科学幻想向现实的转化离不开科学实验 ④发挥意识活动的创造性就能将科学幻想变为现实A①②B③④C①④D②③