单选题(4a+a-3)(4b-2b-b) = ______.A2a-bB2ab-2bC5ab – bD5ab-3bE3ab

(4a+a-3)(4b-2b-b) = ______.











Before multiplying, simplify each expression inside the parentheses: (4a + a - 3)(4b - 2b - b) = (5a - 3)(4b - 3b)= (5a - 3)B.= 5ab - 3b


单选题What percent of the games did the team win?A45%B48%C50%D25%E36%

单选题The primary purpose of Passage 1 is ______.Ato persuade the author of Passage 2 of the validity of evolutionary theoryBto describe the process by which protein is created by hemoglobinCto counter a common misconception about the composition of the human bodyDto deny the practical application of macroevolutionary theoryEto deride those who underestimate the complexity of the human body

单选题If 2p+q=11 and p+2q=13, then p+q= ______.A6B8C9D12E18

单选题Solve the quadratic equation x2-5x-14=0.Ax=7 and x=-2Bx=-7 and x=-2Cx=-7 and x=2Dx=7 and x=2Ex=-7 and x=2

单选题Having passed the test for certification, Mackenzie was looking forward to finding a challenging teaching position in her home town.AHaving passedBPassingCBeing that she passedDIf she had passedEFor her passing

单选题If a2-b2 = 12, and (a-b)= 4, then what is the value of ab?A-7/4B-1/2C0D3/2E17/4

单选题The symbol ☆ represents one of the fundamental arithmetic operators:+, -, ×, or ÷. If (x☆y)÷(y☆x)=1 for all positive values of x and y, then ☆ can represent ______.A+ onlyB÷onlyC+ or × onlyD- or × onlyE+, -, ×, ÷

单选题(1 + sinθ)(1 - sinθ) = ______.A1 - sinθBcos2θC1-2sinθ+sin2θDcosθ

单选题If (1-2-3-4) w = (-1) (-2) (-3) (-4), then w = ______.A-3B-2C-1D2E33

单选题Blaire, Chad, Erin, and Jordan randomly arranged in four seats at the front row of the classroom. What is the probability that Chad and Blaire are sitting next to each other?A0. 15B0. 25C0. 35D0. 4E0. 5

填空题What is the value of 2×4-3 ?____

单选题If 3(m+n)+3=15, then m+n= ______.A2B3C4D5E6

单选题In saying that the benefits of ecosystems are not commodities (line 96) Passage 2 suggests that they ______.Aare less expensive to maintain than factoriesBare difficult to track and evaluateCare not as beneficial to consumers as purchased goodsDdo not represent a financial burden if they are destroyedEare found everywhere in abundance

问答题The Medieval era in music is considered by most scholars to begin during the reign of Pope Gregory and to have                  A      B        Cended around the middle of the 15th century. No error         D               E

单选题If y=3x+2 and 3x+4=9, then y =______.A1B2C3D5E7

单选题Some people thought the new author's writing was too ______ to be accessible to the average person, but the majority of readers had no difficulty ______ the bulk of his writing.Acryptic, comprehendingBbizarre, patronizingCcohesive, emphasizingDassertive, discerningEfabricated, challenging

单选题Federica expressed doubt about the existence of true altruism, claiming that no one makes a sacrifice without expecting it to be ______ in one form or another.ArequitedBrepudiatedCportendedDrescindedEexpropriated

单选题The author mentions Roman maps (line 32) and the Magi (line 34) as examples of ______.Athe importance of the camel as a heraldic symbolBthe camel's importance as a political and religious symbolCthe camel's ability to withstand the elementsDthe similarity between the camel and the giraffeEthe long presence of the camel in European history

单选题The writer’s purpose would have been strengthened most by the inclusion ofAspecific numerical data about lobsters in sentences 2, 7, 12, and 15Bdetailed instructions for crafting lobster netsCmore information about the history of hatcheries in sentences 5, 6, 10, and 11Dfacts about the reproductive rituals of lobsters to educate the readerEan account of the costs associated with lobster hatcheries mentioned in sentences 1, 12, and 15

单选题The ratio of r to s is 3 to 4. The ratio of s to t is 2 to 9. What is the ratio of r to t?A1 to 3B1 to 6C2 to 9D3to10E4 to 5

单选题Which of the following best expresses the attitude of the author of Passage 2 toward the find (line 18) ?ARestrained optimismBMild shockCWarm acceptanceDHesitant passionEMercurial endurance

单选题One of the best features of the journalist’s lifestyle is you never know what’s next.Ayou never know what’s nextBit’s so unpredictableCthat you never know what’s nextDone can never predict what’s nextEits unpredictability

单选题Wildebeests are ______ creatures, often trekking over 1,000 miles in a typical year in search of food resources that shift according to the rainy season.AitinerantBindigenousCsubduedDnocturnalEarboreal

单选题While several baseball teams have tried to supplant the Yankees as the dominant team in baseball, their inability has been unable to win even half as many World Series as the Yankees have won in the past one hundred years.Atheir inability has been unableBthe inability they possess has not been ableChaving been unableDthey were unableEthey have been unable

单选题Newspaper accounts say the first powered airplane was flown in 1865 by Jacob Brodbeck and Dowered by coil springs, the airplane reportedly reached treetop heights before crashing into a henhouse.ABrodbeck and powered by coil springs, the airplane reportedly reachedBBrodbock, and the airplane, powered by coil springs, reportedly reachedCBrodbeck, the airplane was powered by coil springs, reportedly reachingDBrodbeck, although powered by coil springs, the airplane reportedly reachedEBrodbeck in an airplane powered by coil springs and reportedly reaching

单选题Much of the night sky has never been examined carefully because of the cumbersome nature of telescopes and the fact that they can only peer into a tiny patch of the sky at one time.Aof the cumbersome nature of telescopes and the fact that they can only peerBtelescopes are cumbersome and can only peerCof the cumbersomeness of telescopes and the fact of their peering onlyDtelescopes are cumbersome enough without peeringEtelescopes are too cumbersome yet unable to peer

单选题The average (arithmetic mean) of x and y is m, where m ≠ 0. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of x, y, and 2m?AmB4/3mC3/2mD5/3mE2m

单选题Which of the following is the best version of the ideas conveyed in sentences 1 and 2 (reproduced below)?My parents used to put olives on everything. Salads, pizza, pasta, chicken, even some desserts.A(As it is now)BMy parents used to put olives on every- thing; salads, pizza, pasta, chicken, even some desserts.CMy parents used to put olives on every- thing, salads, pizza, pasta, chicken, even some desserts.DMy parents used to put olives on every- thing: salads, pizza, pasta, chicken, and even some desserts.EMy parents used to put olives on every-thing; including salads, pizza, pasta, chicken, even some desserts.