判断题料仓、料斗、阀门、除铁器、计量装置、料位计等属于装卸搬运技术装备的附属装置。( )A对B错
料仓、料斗、阀门、除铁器、计量装置、料位计等属于装卸搬运技术装备的附属装置。( )
单选题某煤矿为独眼井,多头生产。某日,该矿地面11kW局扇停风,约2小时后机电人员买来一台5.5kW的局扇并安装好,恢复了通风。16名工人下井后,测量瓦斯浓度为5.5%。矿工小王上井找矿长说:“井下瓦斯浓度太高,是不是等一等再下井?”矿长说:“你们先凑合着干一班,我马上派人再去买风机。”小王说:“这事人命关天,怎么能凑合呢?我可不敢下去。”矿长说:“你是领导还是我是领导,听我的,先下去干活,要不然就扣你这个月的奖金。”小王只好下井工作。5小时后,井下发生瓦斯爆炸事故,包括小王在内的16名矿工全部遇难身亡。 根据以上案例,回答以下各题。案例中发生的事故中16名矿工全部遇难身亡,按照人员伤亡分级,该事故为()A特别重大事故B重大事故C一般事故D较大事故
单选题Overcoming Difficulties ① Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities. This recognition is the first step. When faced with problems, we often feel, "I am the only one having such problems" Or, we tend to exaggerate our problems and regard them as most complex, most painful,and as an extreme case. But if we look around us, we find people in much worse conditions. As St. Augustine said, "I cried for boots, till I saw a man who had no legs." ② When faced with difficulties, we either complain or seek to dodge them. We behave like as ostrich in the desert. It is said that when there is a storm in the desert, the ostrich buries his head in the sand-hoping that the storm will go away if he ignores it-and finally gets buried under a heap of sand and dies. Some of us choose to pretend that the problems do not exist. We fail to realize that confronting and solving the problem-no painful the process-makes us grow. ③ Accept the woes of birth. It has many implied meanings. First, it means "accepting," i.e., being able to say that it is "my" problem and it is up to me to solve it. Many times we find ourselves putting the blame on others-parents, society or the circumstances of life. Nothing happens by chance, but all is the result of our past actions. There are times when what is needed is patience. We seek to come out of an unpleasant situation quickly. We must understand that if the cause had been operating for a long time, the effect also would last long-as even when the gas has been turned off, the burner remains hot for a long time. Similarly, we expect quick results; having put in the effort, we must be willing to wait. Patient acceptance of what is due to us makes us makes us take a step further in our development. ④ Once we have learnt to deal with a difficulty, the next time we encounter it, it ceases to be a difficulty. But, more often than not the cause of the problem is internal, i.e., within us, and often, it calls for a change. Often the difficulty is solved when we are willing to change—our way of thinking, our feelings, our likes and dislikes—and ready to adapt or adjust ourselves to a problematic situation or a person in life. We must realize that realize that change is inevitable, and always be mentally prepared for it. ⑤ Not all life's problems are such that they need to be dealt with all at once. Sometimes it is possible to take a step and wait for a long time. For instance, if the tap is leaking then we need to call a plumber as soon as we can. But having called him and having found that he can come only the following morning, we should wait patiently for the next 24 hours. In this period, people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to others. There are many such problems in life. 1.Paragraph①() 2.Paragraph②() 3.Paragraph③() 4.Paragraph④() 5.Paragraph⑤() A. There are implied meanings about the accepting the woes of birth. B. Diligence is also very important in solving problems. C. The first step of overcoming obstacles is to accept that life is full of difficulties. D. Some problems can’t be solved all at once. E. We must realize that change is inevitable. F. Confronting and solving the problem makes us grow. 下列选项正确的是()。AC、F、A、E、DBC、D、F、A、ECC、F、D、A、EDC、F、B、E、D
多选题You are writing a JSP that includes scriptlet code to declare a List variable and initializes that variable to anArrayList object. Which two JSP code snippets can you use to import these list types?()A%! import java.util.*; %B%! import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList; %C%@ page import=’java.util.List’import=’java.util.ArrayList’ %D%@ import types=’java.util.List’types=’java.util.ArrayList’ %E%@ page import=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %F%@ import types=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %
单选题How many usable sub network and usable hosts per subnet result in the network address is sub netted with a mask of /26? ()A64 network and 4 hostsB4 network and 64 hostsC2 network and 62 hostsD62 network and 2 hosts