单选题The crank chamber oil ().Acan be recoveredBis only supplied to cylindersConly feeds the main bearingDis a kind of detergent

The crank chamber oil ().

can be recovered


is only supplied to cylinders


only feeds the main bearing


is a kind of detergent


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following statements represents the function of the compression rings installed at the top of a diesel Engine piston?A.Control the amount of lube oil burned in the combustion chamberB.Transmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerC.Prevent damage to ring groove inserts by acting as a heat damD.Dissipate combustion chamber gas pressure by channeling it through the ring gap

Theois designed with a primary combustion chamber for burning sludge oil and /or solid waste, and two secondary combustion chambers for9ases.burning uncombusted exhaust A.boilerB.separatorC.incineratorD.treatment lological sewage

On a medium-speed main propulsion diesel engine, the crank-pin or crank journalbearings receive lubricating oil from( ).A.a spindle lubricatorB.an oil jetC.internal splashingD.drilled passages in the crankshaft

In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to theA.crossheadB.crankpinC.crank journalD.gudgeon pin

第二组Displacement pumps are those where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to draw the liquid in from the suction pipe and then decreased to force the liquid out into the delivery pipe. Centrifugal pumps are those wherein an impeller rotating at high speed throws the liquid by centrifugal force from the center to the periphery of the impeller where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet.Gear pump consists of two or more meshing gears (spur, single or double helical teeth) enclosed m a close-fitted housing. These are used extensively for pumping fuel oil, lubricating oil and hydraulic oil. When gears are unmeshed on the inlet side, a pressure drop occurs that helps the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the oil in the reservoir to force it up the pipe to fill the void, the oil is then transferred around the periphery of the pump housing. As the gear teeth mesh again on the outlet side, they form. a seal that prevents oil from backing up to the inlet, the oil in the void is then be forced out into the discharge line.All vane pumps have a rotor driven within a ring (cam ring) by a drive shaft coupled to a prime mover. A cylindrical rotor with sliding vanes, generally in radial slots, rotates within the ring. The center of the rotor is offset from the center of the ring. In a simple vane pump, as the rotor turns, the vanes are forced outward against the inner surface of the cam ring by centrifugal force. This outward radial movement of the vanes and turning of the rotor causes the chamber between the vanes to increase as the vanes pass further away from the inlet port. This increase in volume results in a lowering of pressure until the atmospheric pressure is sufficient to force oil from the reservoir into the inlet chamber. Oil from the inlet is swept away by the vanes toward the outlet port through a decreasing series of chambers until it is forced through the outlet port. A vane pump of balanced design has an elliptical cam ring so that two pumping chambers are formed. This pump is in hydraulically balance, since the two intake and two outlet ports are diametrically opposed to each other. Therefore the side loads exerted on the rotor cancel out, thereby increasing bearing lift and permitting high operating pressure.According to the last sentence of paragraph 1, from where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet?A.from the eye of the impellerB.from passage of impellerC.from the periphery of the impellerD.from the impeller

When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it _____.A.gives up large amount of heatB.gives off large amount of heatC.gives up large amount of steamD.gives off large amount of steam

材料:While berthed alongside in Tenerife,the cruise ship Arcadia was carrying out a lifeboat drill.One lifeboat was successfully launched and as it was being recovered,the winch hoisting it failed.The lifeboat was still connected to the falls and it dropped back into the sea. To investigate what had happened,the crew had to wind the falls back onto the winch drum.The lifeboat was disconnected while the crew tried to restart the winch.They were unsuccessful because of a fault on the hand crank cutout switch.The crew then attempted to wind the falls back on using the hand crank,but because of the time and effort involved,the cutout switch was bypassed and power restored to speed up the operation.The crank handle was left in place. The winch was started.It began to turn and so too did the handle which hit one of the crew over the head.The investigation found that the winch failed in the first place because the oil used in the winch gearbox was not one recommended.It was too viscose and would have prevented the coupling locking mechanism from operating correctly.问题:It was the fault on the ________ that caused the failure to recover the lift boatA.crank handleB.hand crank cutout switchC.power systemD.fallsIt was the ________ that hit the crewmember on his head.A.fallsB.hand crank cutout switchC.crank handleD.winch drumThe cause of the accident was that ________.A.the oil used in the winch gearbox was too viscoseB.the winch drum was connected with the fallsC.the life boat was too heavyD.the bypass to the cutout switch was misused by the crewThe lesson from this accident is that ________.A.seafaring is not all about facing unforeseen situationsB.it is not necessary to wear hard hats to prevent sore headsC.the wrong oil can not have serious repercussionsD.do not start lifeboat winch motors with the crank handle in place请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

Heating Chamber temperature low加热室温度低


燃烧室(combustion chamber)

室内乐(chamber music)及其产生与发展?


单选题When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it ().Agives up large amount of heatBgives off large amount of heatCgives up large amount of steamDgives off large amount of steam

单选题The crank pin journal is provided with large bores for ().AlubricationBcoolingCbalancing purposeDventilation

单选题Mist detectors used on large low-speed main propulsion diesel engines monitor and check for the presence of ().Afuel oil vapor at the sludge tank ventBunburned fuel vapors in the scavenge air receiverClube oil vapors in the crank caseDlube oil vapors in the engine room

单选题If () are taken at regular intervals, any unequal distribution of load will be easily found out.Adifferential of crank-websBindicator diagramsClube oil reading outDmisalignment of crank-throws

单选题Which of the following statements represents the function of the compression rings installed at the top of a diesel Engine piston?()AControl the amount of lube oil burned in the combustion chamberBTransmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerCPrevent damage to ring groove inserts by acting as a heat damDDissipate combustion chamber gas pressure by channeling it through the ring gap

单选题Lubricating oil is supplied to the crank-pin bearings in a marine diesel engine by ().Ainternal crankshaft passagesBimmersion in oilCsplash lubricationDinjection lubrication

单选题Operating conditions in the crank chamber are very () those in the cylinder.Athe same asBsimilar toCseparated fromDdifferent from

单选题One method of determining crankshaft misalignment is by()Alaying a straight edge across the crank webs at the crankpin and measuring the distance to the crankpin in two placesBmeasuring the crank drop on either side of each crank throw while the crankshaft is slowly rotated through one revolutionCrotating the crankshaft through one revolution, pausing each 90oof rotation to measure bearing clearances, top and bottomDtaking micrometer reading between the crank cheeks opposite the crankpin every 90°of crank angle rotation

单选题On a medium-speed main propulsion diesel engine, the crank-pin or crank journal bearings receive lubricating oil from ().Aa spindle lubricatorBan oil jetCinternal splashingDdrilled passages in the crankshaft

单选题The crank throws are displaced from () to obtained the same number of degrees between the different crank throws.Aone anotherBthe otherCeach otherDeach others

单选题In diesel engines designed with a crosshead, the motion of the piston rod can be described as ().Areciprocating at the piston pin, rotary at the crank pinBreciprocating at the crank pin, rotary at the piston pinCstraight reciprocationDstraight rotation

单选题The diameter of the crank-pins should be measured with a ().AsalinometerBthermometerCtachometerDmicrometer

单选题What is the crank angle between any two crank throws in the firing order of a four-stroke/cycle, in line, eight cylinder diesel engine?()A45B60C90D100

单选题Each crank is made up of two crank webs joined by a common() to which the bottom endbearing is fitted.AthrowBcrankshaftCcrankpinDcrosshead
