




单选题What does the passage mainly talk about?AScribbler50’s attitude towards smoking bans.BThe research on how people can stop smoking.CThe effectiveness of smoking bans.DSmoking bans in restaurants and bars.




单选题AHe missed the tuition due date.BHe has not been paid.CHis bank lost his paycheck.DHis tuition payment got lost.

单选题These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.AthatBwhichCwhomDwhose

单选题What is true about the parent children relationship?AChildren should respect parents despite parents’ ill-treatment.BParents without gratitude to children are not worth respect.CParents should tolerate children’s occasional moodiness.DChildren should be grateful to parents unconditionally.


单选题AIncreasing government’s handouts to the poor.BGovernment’s creation of more jobs.CEncouraging people to find jobs themselves.DRelying on government relief.

单选题AA bookBThe Internet.CMagazines.DThesis.

单选题Every room in the house _____ entered, and $10 in notes and a gold watch were missing.AwasBhad beenChas beenDhave been

单选题Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as a predicative(表语)?AHer illness kept her in bed for a week.BHealth is above wealth.CThis is his reply to your letter.DA man stepped out from behind the wall.

单选题AThe introduction.BThe middle.CThe conclusion.DThe statement

单选题_____, the nuclear power station reactor is dangerous.AAs it is efficientBas efficient it isCEfficient as it isDEfficient as is it

单选题Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?AGenerally speaking, almost all of the clerks get along well with their colleagues.BIt’s impossible to oppress one’s bad temper while being passionate on one’s work.CPeople tend to get angry at work in many situations.DPeople in companies welcome rage.


单选题Doctors are often caught in a _____ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.ApuzzleBperplexityCdilemmaDbewilderment

问答题What is the main idea of the passage?




单选题Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AMrs. Orr’s, a Professional Cook.BA “Stubborn” Cake with Generations.CMy Stubborn Father.DMy Improved Cooking Skill.



单选题In the American educational system, intermediate school is the _____ stage between the primary grades and high schoo1.AtraditionalBtransitionalCtransmissibleDtransient



单选题The author’s experiences during the childhood indicate all of the following EXCEPT that _____.Athe author is the first child of the familyBhis family led a very hard lifeChis mother gave less attention to himDhis mother treated him as more than an assistant