填空题She managed to settle the argument in a (friend) ____ way.

She managed to settle the argument in a (friend) ____ way.




It suddenly () her mind that she had long promised to meet a close friend for dinner that night. A、crossedB、hitC、struckD、touched

I'm waiting for my friend. If she ________ (返回), I'll go shopping with her.

She () to be a friend of my sister.她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 A、turned outB、wasC、destinedD、planned

The argument is settled ________ a rather unexpected way. A. atB. inC. byD. With

—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you? —() A.She is fine, thank you, and you?B.She is fine, thank you, and she’ll be happy to see you again.C.She is an assistant auditor and works in the Auditing Department.

My friend likes sports ,she's very __a_________ .

Passage OneYou've probably had the experience of having someone fall in love with you when you didn't feel the same way. In such a case it's hard to know what to do. You don't want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of him.A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most tactful (得体的) way I've ever seen. Instead of telling her admirer directly, she devoted herself to introducing him to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged to drop in at the home of one of her girl friends. At last he clicked (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. My friend was rid of a problem and she still had the young man as a friend, which was just what she wanted him to be.Of course this solution may not work for you. You may have your own way of dealing with the problem. But whatever you decide to do, keep one thing in mind—the boy in question has feelings every bit as sensitive as your own. So try to find a way of discouraging him without hurting him.31. The best title for this passage would be______.A. How to Make a FriendB. Problems of DatingC. Good Advice for GirlsD. How to Free Yourself from an Admirer

一Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.--- ____?A.Can I help youB.What did she sayC.How much is it

--- Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.--- __________?A. Can I help youB. What did she sayC. How much is it

She told us that she had written to congratulate her friend ( ) being elected chairman of the committee. A、withB、onC、inD、at

She leaned ( ) the wall while she spoke to her friend. A、towardsB、toC、fromD、against

Has she ________ to Settle? A. beB. beingC. beenD. is

Why was the young woman who had lost her wallet invited to dinner?A.She was familiar with the writer"s aunt.B.She was familiar with the writer"s uncle.C.She happened to be invited so as to amount to 4 persons for dinner.D.She was friend of writer"s uncle and aunt.

Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate?A. In her calm,motherly voice she said,“By the end of winter,…”(Paragraph 2)B. With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to…(Paragraph 4)C. …. she still managed to look both helpful and interested. (Paragraph 4)D. …,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.(Paragraph 4)

10.1 have a good friend.______ name is Jane._____ is thirteen.A. Her ; HerB. She's; SheC. Her;SheD. She;She

Being__________ of money, she managed to save enough for a holiday.A. economicB. economicalC. economicsD. economies

Being__________ of money, she managed to save enough for a holiday.  A. economicB. economicalC. economicsD. economies

Being__________ of money, she managed to save enough for a holiday.A.economicB.economicalC.economicsD.economies

The reference she made to her friend,the poet,was interesting but too complex for anyone to appreciate.A:drasticB:dullC:obscureD:distinct

Your friend really ought tomake__________ most of this opportunity, because she won′t get __________second chance.A.the; the B.a; aC.a; the D.the; a

She leaned()the wall while she was speaking to her friend.AtoBagainstCtowardsDfor

She is not only my classmate()also my good friend.AorBbutCandDtoo

She leaned()the wall while she was speaking to her friend.A、toB、againstC、towardsD、for

填空题She managed to settle the argument in a (friend) ____ way.

单选题_____ a wrong address, she could riot find her friend's house.AGivingBTo be givenCHaving givenDHaving been given

单选题If a ship has sternway,with accommodation block aft,she may settle with the wind().Aon her beamBon her sternCon her bowDbroad on the quarter

单选题Being _____ of money, she managed to save enough for a holiday.AeconomicsBeconomicalCeconomiesDeconomic

单选题She is not only my classmate()also my good friend.AorBbutCandDtoo