单选题概括大意与完成句子: The Storyteller 1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal: to tell as many great stories to as many people as will listen.And that’s what he has always been about.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist, Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and, later, Arizona.From the very beginning, his fertile imagination filled his young mind with images that would later inspire his filmmaking. 2.Even decades later, Spielberg says he has clear memories of his earliest years, which are the origins of some of his biggest hits.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent’s 1966 divorce, “It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life.”“He was scared of just about everything,” recalls his mother, Leah Adler.“When trees brushed against the house, he would head into my bed.And that’s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist.” 3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad’s movie camera and began shooting short flicks about flying saucers and World War ΙΙ battles.Spielberg’s talent for scary storytelling enabled him to make friends.On Boy Scout camping trips, when night fell, Spielberg became the center of attention.“Steven would start telling his ghost stories,” says Richard Y.Hoffman Jr., leader of Troop 294, “and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear it.” 4.Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there, but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him, so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies, and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back. 5.Now, many years later, Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as the kid in the tent.Ask him where he gets his ideas, Spielberg shrugs.“The process for me is mostly intuitive (凭直觉的),” he says.“There are films that I feel I need to make, for a variety of reasons, for personal reasons, for reasons that I want to have fun, that the subject matter is cool, that I think my kids will like it.And sometimes I just think that it will make a lot of money, like the sequel(续集) to Jurassic Park.”Paragraph 2______AGetting into the movie businessBInspirations for his moviesCAn aim of lifeDTelling stories to make friendsEThe trouble of making moviesFA funny man
多选题【案例二】 一般资料:求助者,女性,25岁,医院护士。 案例介绍:求助者工作认真,几年来从未出现过差错。一年前其同事在工作中出了差错,受到了处分,求助者因此受到触动,工作更加认真仔细。给病人服药、打针、输液都要反复核对姓名、药名、剂量等。后来逐渐加重,一个病人就要反复检查十多遍,严重时多达几十次,延长了工作时间,耽误了病人的治疗,为此受到病人的指责和护士长的批评。自己也知道检查这么多遍肯定不会再出问题了,但就是不放心,还要检查,无法摆脱。求助者为此非常痛恨自己,焦虑不安,烦躁,白天没精神,晚上睡不着,严重影响了日常工作和生活。内心十分痛苦,迫切要求治疗。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者衣着整洁,仪态端庄,性格内向。母亲是大学教授,做事很严谨,给了她很传统的教育,要求她做一个好孩子,使其养成了自我要求严格、做什么事情都要做到最好的习惯。该求助者的症状主要有()。A恐怖B焦虑C抑郁D强迫