单选题医院感染例次发生率指的是(  )。ABCDE

医院感染例次发生率指的是(  )。






解析: 暂无解析


单选题下列哪项属于目标管理中计划阶段的过程?(  )A协议授权B咨询指导C信息收集D调查研究E调节平衡

多选题Which two of these are advantages of placing the VPN device in the DMZ on the firewall?()Afewer devices to manageBmoderate-to-high scalabilityCstateful inspection of decrypted VPN trafficDincreased bandwidth with additional interfacesEdecreased complexity as traffic is filtered from the firewall

单选题按冲突的内容,可将冲突换分为(  )。A破坏性冲突B人际冲突C建设性冲突D目标冲突E群体冲突

单选题You are the Cisco Network Designer in Cisco.com. Which of these practices should you follow when designing a Layer 3 routing protocol?()ANever peer on transit links.BBuild squares for deterministic convergence.CBuild inverted U designs for deterministic convergence.DSummarize routes at the distribution to the core to limit EIGRP queries or OSPF LSA propagation.


单选题健康信息特点主要有(  )。A符号通用易懂、科学性、针对性、指导性B符号通俗易懂、正确性、针对性、指导性C符号通俗易懂、正确性、针对性、指示性D符号通用易懂、正确性、针对性、指示性E符号通俗易懂、科学性、针对性、指示性




单选题目标管理的基本精神是(  )。A员工参与管理B以自我管理为中心C强调自我评价D重视成果E以人为本

单选题表达比较性质相似而不连续的资料应采用(  )。ABCDE


单选题Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) is mainly used to increase packet switching speed, reducing the overhead and delays introduced by other routing techniques, increasing overall performance.Which of the following concerning CEF is recommended by Cisco?()AUse default Layer 4 hash in core.BUse default Layer 3 hash in distribution.CUse default Layer 4 hash in distribution.DUse default Layer 3 hash in core and Layer 3 + Layer 4 hash in distribution layer.

单选题感染患者病室的空调设施哪项正确?(  )A独立空调,负压,空气交换每6小时1次B独立空调,正压,空气交换每小时6次以上C独立空调,正压,空气交换每6小时1次D独立空调,负压,空气交换每小时6次以上E中央空调,正压,空气交换每小时1次

单选题You are the network consultant from Cisco.com. Please point out the reason that STP required when VLANs do not span access layer switches.()Aensure a loop-free topologyBprotect against user-side loopsCsupport business applicationsDrisk of lost connectivity without STP

单选题信息沟通时所用的语言和传递方式不能被接受者理解是违反了(  )。A完整性原则B平行沟通的原则C上行沟通的原则D下行沟通的原则E明确的原则

多选题Which three Layer 2 access designs have all of their uplinks in an active state?()AFlex LinksBloop-free UClooped squareDlooped triangleEloop-free inverted U

单选题职能型组织结构的缺点是上述哪项?(  )ABCDE

单选题促进健康行为的特点主要有(  )。A可控性、规律性、稳定性、一致性、适应性B有益性、规律性、稳定性、一致性、可控性C有益性、规律性、和谐性、稳定性、可控性D有利性、规律性、和谐性、一致性、适宜性E可控性、规律性、和谐性、稳定性、适应性

单选题Which site-to-site VPN solution allows Cisco routers, PIX Firewalls, and Cisco hardware clients to act as remote VPN clients in order to receive predefined security policies and configuration parameters from the VPN headend at the central site?()AEasy VPNBGRE tunnelingCVirtual Tunnel InterfacesDDynamicMultipoint VPNEGroup Encrypted Transport VPN

单选题下列哪一项不属于躯体健康测量指标?(  )A身高BADL评分C16PFD社会活动状况评价E步行体力的测定

单选题对信息和讯息的描述,哪项正确?(  )A讯息传播产生传播者和受传者间的意义交换B信息是具体化的讯息C讯息是人类社会传播的一切内容D信息是讯息的一种形式E信息是一组相互关联的意义符号构成的讯息

单选题下列哪项除外是护理管理者的身体素质?(  )A体型B体能C精力D形象E体质

单选题Which of these is a benefit of using Network Admission Control instead of Cisco Identity Based Networking Services?()ANAC can authenticate using 802.1X and IBNS cannotBNAC can ensure only compliant machines connect and IBNS cannotCNAC can ensure access to the correct network resources and IBNS cannotDNAC can manage user mobility and reduce overhead costs and IBNS cannot


单选题下列属于卫生服务指标的是(  )。A发病率B慢性病疾病构成C病死率D患病率E环境状况指标


多选题Which two design concerns must be addressed when designing a multicast implementation?()Aonly the low-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addressesBonly the low-order 24 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addressesConly the high-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addressesDonly the low-order 23 bits of the IP address are used to map MAC addressesEthe 0x01004f MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addressesFthe 0x01005e MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses