单选题How long have you worked here?()ASince about two years.BI do not know.CFor about two years.DWho knows.

How long have you worked here?()

Since about two years.


I do not know.


For about two years.


Who knows.


解析: 暂无解析


–How long will you stay here? –____________________. (A) I arrived last night(B) It has one week(C) For one week(D) It took one week

---- ____ have you stayed in New York?---- For about two weeks.A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far

Student A:I feel sick.Student B:______Student A:I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache. A: I'm sorry to hear that.B: How are you feeling now?C: How long have you been sick?D: Do you have a temperature?

How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been

翻译 How long have you been working here?A.你在这里工作多久了B.你什么时候在这里工作的C.你怎么在这里工作的

Could you tell me ()? A、how long you live hereB、how long have you lived hereC、how long you have lived hereD、how long did you live here

Hello, David! I haven't heard from you for a long time. How have you been recently?()A. That's okB. Long time no seeC. Not bad, thank you

—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. — ( )?A. How long ago did you get it thisB. How long have you been like thisC. How soon have you got itD. How soon have you liked this

—I can't see the words on the blackboard. —Perhaps you need _( )A. How long ago did you get it thisB. How long have you been like thisC. How soon have you got itD. How soon have you liked this

— How long _____ at this job? — Since 2000.A、were you employedB、have you been employedC、had you been employedD、will you be employed

“________have you visited the Great Wall?” “Twice.” A.How soonB.How oftenC.How many timesD.How long

Could you please tell me ____________________ ? A、how long have you lived hereB、how long you lived hereC、how long you have lived hereD、you have lived here how long

– Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________A、Twenty meter long.B、Thank you.C、In ten minutes.D、It’s all right.

Kelly: _________Tony: I'm OK.A、How have you been?B、How do you do?C、Nice to meet you.D、Fancy meeting you here.

( )–How long have you __________ this book?–For three days.A.borrowedB.keptC.lentD.bought

―――I feel sick,doctor.――____.―――I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache.A.How long have you been sick?B.I'm sorry to hear thaC.How are you feeling now?D.Do you have a fever?

How long have you worked here?()ASince about two years.BI do not know.CFor about two years.DWho knows.

How long have you lived in London? ()AI moved here from Paris.BMy whole life.CI‘ve worked here for almost 10 years.DI‘ve never traveled there.

How can I get to the nearest post office?()AIt is a long way from here.BSorry, I am new here.CWhy don't you walk?DHere it is.

How can I get to the nearest post office?()A、It is a long way from here.B、Sorry, I am new here.C、Why don't you walk?D、Here it is.

How long()you()the library book? For three days.A、have; borrowedB、have; keptC、did; borrowD、were; kept

A:Hello, David! I haven't heard from you for a long time. How have you been recently? B:()A、That's okB、Long time no seeC、Not bad, thank you

How long have you worked here?()A、Since about two years.B、I do not know.C、For about two years.D、Who knows.

单选题— How long have you lived in the new flat?— ______ 2010.AInBAfterCSinceDBefore

单选题I don’t know ______ that you will stay here.Ahow long it isBhow long is itCit is how longDis it how long

单选题How long have you lived in London? ()AI moved here from Paris.BMy whole life.CI‘ve worked here for almost 10 years.DI‘ve never traveled there.

单选题How long have you worked here?()ASince about two years.BI do not know.CFor about two years.DWho knows.

单选题Jane: Hi Tim!  Tim: Jane!  Jane: How are you?  Tim: Fine.  Jane: ______ Have you been here long?  Tim: I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. ______  Jane: I got here a few days ago.ALovely weather, isn’t it? ; I’m worn out.BAnd you? ; I came here with Sue.CI’d been wondering when I’d run into you. ; How about you?DHow time flies! ; I’ve been longing to see you for weeks.