– Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________A、Twenty meter long.B、Thank you.C、In ten minutes.D、It’s all right.

– Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________

A、Twenty meter long.

B、Thank you.

C、In ten minutes.

D、It’s all right.


对于字符串“HOW”,下列表示法中正确的是()。 A.’HOW’B.{HOW}C.‘HOW’D.[HOW]

He made up a good __________for staying at home. A、reasonB、explanationC、excuse

The price you quoted is so high that we () help ()this transaction.A、can…to cancelB、can't...cancelingC、can…cancelingD、can't…to cancel

- Hi, Joe. Haven't seen you for ages! How'severything going?- (). A、Just so-so.B、Me, too.C、You are welcome.D、Oh, my God

TMS320X28XX系列处理器CAN总线接口支持标准()。 A.CAN 2.0A,CAN 2.0CB.CAN 2.0CC.CAN 2.0B,CAN 2.0CD.CAN 2.0A,CAM 2.0B

8. Lucy has_________ volleyballs.A. twenty -fiveB. twenty fiveC. twenty fifthD. five-twenty

Which of the following has not the proper word stress?A.de'fendB.a'boveC.'windowD.'excuse

请选出读音不同的选项。( )A.noneB.danceC.lonelyD.thank

将一批单词存入一个字符串数组中,例如:{"good","word","work","mean","thank","me","you","or","and"} 进行如下处理: 1) 统计含有子字符串or的单词个数; 2) 统计以字符m开头的单词个数。
