单选题The old man was found _____ on the floor.Alying deadBlying deathClaying deadDlaying death

The old man was found _____ on the floor.

lying dead


lying death


laying dead


laying death


句意:有人发现这个老人死时躺在地板上。此题考查非谓语动词。lie躺;说谎。lie的动名词形式是lying。lay放置;铺设(动名词形式为laying)。sb. is found doing sth.某人被发现正在做某事,形容词放于最后表状态。故答案为A。


He came into the room and found her, the sleeping beauty, ________ on the floor. A. to lieB. to lyingC. layD. lying

It was on the beach () Miss White found the cat lying dead. A、whereB、whichC、on whichD、that

What you said is not true! You are ________! A.liarB.lieC.lyingD.laying

Cancer is a () disease. A、deadB、dieC、deadlyD、death

It was on the beach()Miss White found the kid lying dead.A. thatB. itC. which

When we found an old man _________ on the ground, we sent him to a hospital nearby. A.lieB.layC.lyingD.lain

____________, Newton was thinking and thinking.A、He lied under the apple treeB、Laying under the apple treeC、He laid under the apple treeD、Lying under the apple tree

The next morning she found the man lying in bed, dead.()

I found a letter lying on the floor when I came into the classroom.()

A pair of broken glasses ______ on the desk. A. is layingB. is lyingC. are lyingD. are laying

3. The doctors tried to save the__________ boy.A. dieB. dyingC. deadD. death

______ is not a proper instruction for laying hatch beams.A.to be laid on their sidesB.to be stood on edge close togetherC.be lashedD.be covered

Laying out a line in successive circles flat on deck with the bitter end in the center is known as ______.A.coilingB.fakingC.flemishingD.Lining

It was obvious that he was lying.A:possible B:necessaryC:evident D:true

What is his motive for lying to us?A:reason B:thought C:answer D:reply

单选题()I had the feeling that Tom was lying.ASometimeBSomewhatCSomewhereDSomehow

单选题One of the workers has hung the curtains that had been laying on the floor.AhasBhungChadDlaying

单选题The holding power of an anchor increases when the().Aamount of chain lying along the bottom increasesBlength of the catenary is reducedCmooring line tension is increasedDamount of chain lying along the bottom decreases

单选题______hundreds of pieces of litter.AWere lying beside the roadBWere beside the road lyingCBeside the road lying wereDLying beside the road were

单选题The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases when the().Aamount of chain lying along the bottom increasesBlength of the catenary is reducedCmooring line tension is increasedDamount of chain lying along the bottom decreases

单选题The old man was found ______ on the floor.A1ying deadBlying deathC1aying deadD1aying death

单选题The old man_____dead in the snow the next morning.AfoundBwas foundCwas findingDhad found

单选题Laying out a line in successive circles flat on deck with the bitter end in the center is known as().AcoilingBfakingCflemishingDlining

单选题Treatments of heat exhaustion consist of().Amoving to a shaded area and laying downBbathing with rubbing alcoholCplacing the patient in a tub of cold waterDAll of the above

单选题66. A laying B ying C lay D lieAABBCCDD

单选题If it is impossible to avoid a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere,the most favorable place to be when the storm passes is in().Athe dangerous semicircleBthe eye (center) of the stormCthat half of the storm lying to the right of the storm's pathDthat half of the storm lying to the left of the storm's path

单选题An all-round flashing yellow light may be exhibited by a(n)().Avessel laying cableBvessel towing a submerged objectCvessel not under commandDair cushion vessel