单选题Scientists find that it is possible to cure diabetes by means of _____.Aoperation on pancreasBstopping the accumulation of blood cellsCaccumulation sugar energyDpreventing the immune system from making mistakes

Scientists find that it is possible to cure diabetes by means of _____.

operation on pancreas


stopping the accumulation of blood cells


accumulation sugar energy


preventing the immune system from making mistakes


最后一段最后一句提到了这种治疗的新方法“he potential new treatments would either stop the immune system from making a mistake or suppress an existing erroneous response.”,或者组织免疫系统出错,或者压制现存的错误反应。故选D。


113 Using the possible profit and loss outcomes shown in the Special window, find the expected profit (loss)A. ($1000)B. $1000C. $2000D. $1200E. None of the above

115 Using the possible loss outcomes shown in the Special window, find the expected (loss)A. $0B. ($1300)C. ($2000)D. ($ 3000)E. None of the above

Medical scientists __________ finding a cure for cancer since 1960s. A. have been working outB. have been workingC. have been working onD. have been building on

The scientists are trying to find out the facts to _______ their theory. A.supportB.carryC.designD.raise

What does the cancellation of the 16-day flight mean?A.The scientists on the ground are pursuing only their most important experiments.B.The shuttle team will be disappointed at the curtailment of the science mission.C.The science will complete the experiments on a later shuttle flight.D.The remaining generators are sufficient.

The last paragraph suggests that Thomas ______.A. works full-time in a diabetes charityB. employs 22 people for his websiteC. helps diabetics in his own wayD. ties to find a cure for diabetes

Though Pasteur was in poor health, he worked hard in order______.A. to make a livingB. to prevent the dog from rabiesC. to find a good way to cure rabiesD. to protect children from mad dogs

Please describe it in ________ so that we can find out the problem as soon as possible. A. detailB. detailsC. wordsD. detailed

It is possible that you couldn’t find the new patterns()you are looking in this catalogue. A、for whatB、whichC、for whichD、that

By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably ____ a cure for bird flue.() A、 will be discoveringB、 are discoveringC、 will have discoveredD、 have discovered

why do you need to take the lube oil sample for analysis ? in the analyzing , what can you possibly find ?and if you find these substances ,what are the possible problems the engines may have ?why ?

The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide tables is ______.A.mean low waterB.the same as that used for the charts of the localityC.the highest possible levelD.given in table three of the tide tables

In trying to accumulate knowledge about the universe and to find common factors which underline and account for the facts that he knows,the scientist often chooses the method of the“controlled experiment.”If he wants to find out the effect of light( )growing plants,he takes many plants,as alike as possible.A.onB.ofC.byD.to

It is reported that some scientists in the United States have found a new __________for cancer.A.wayB.answerC.approachD.cure

共用题干What Is Insulin-dependent Diabetes?When you eat,your body takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel.______(46)Your body uses glucose for energy,so it can do everything from breathing air to playing a video game.But glucose can't be used by the body on its own-it needs a hormone called insulin to bring it into the cells of the body.Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas,a large organ near the stomach?The pancreas makes insulin;insulin brings glucose into the cells;and the body gets the energy it needs.When a person has insulin一dependent diabetes,it's because the pancreas is not making insulin.So someone could be eating lots of food and getting all the glucose he needs,but without insulin,there is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy.______(47)You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes,maybe people of your grandparents'age.Usually,this is a different kind of diabetes called non一insulin一dependent diabetes.It can also be called Type 2 diabetes,or adult-onset diabetes.______(48) When a kid is diagnosed with juvenile(insulin-dependent)diabetes,he will have that type of diabetes for his whole life.It won't ever change to non-insulin-dependent diabetes when he gets older.Scientists now think that a person who has juvenile diabetes was born with a certain gene or genes that made the person more likely to get the illness.______(49)Many scientists believe that along with having certain genes,something else outside the person's body, like a viral infection,is necessary to set the diabetes in motion by affecting the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.But the person must have the gene(or genes)for diabetes to start' out with一this means you can't get diabetes just from catching a flu,virus,or cold.And this type of diabetes isn't caused by eating too many sugary foods,either.Diabetes can take a long time to develop in a person's body-sometimes months or years?Another important thing to remember is that diabetes is not contagious.______(50)______(47)A:Genes are something that you inherit from your parents,and they are in your body even before you're born.B:This sugar-fuel is called glucose?C:It may be possible to beat insulin resistance through lifestyle changes.D:You can't catch diabetes from people who have it,no matter how close you sit to them or if you kiss them.E:The glucose can't get into the cells of the body without insulin.F:When a person has this kind of diabetes,the pancreas usually can still make insulin,but the person's body needs more than the pancreas can make?

用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。 my purpose/to improve business/it is/to find out/of the visit/the possible measures/about/to be taken

In order to()the disease, the first thing we should do is to do research about it and find out a satisfactory cure.AconfirmBconductCcontrolDconfuse

单选题How many more decades will have to pass ______ scientists succeed in providing a cure for cancer?AwhenBbeforeCsinceDuntil

单选题According to scientists diabetes causes all the following EXCEPT_____.Alack of insulinBaccumulation of sugar energyCbrain damagesDdisorder in the immune system

单选题Scientists find that it is possible to cure diabetes by means of _____.Aoperation on pancreasBstopping the accumulation of blood cellsCaccumulation sugar energyDpreventing the immune system from making mistakes

单选题We learn from Para. 8 and Para. 9 that______.Adiabetes patients must take medication upon diagnosis.Bmedication is the first line of defense against Type 2 diabetes.Cboth lifestyle and medication are important for diabetes patients.Ddiabetes patients have no difficulties accepting medical cure.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe potential health hazards of mobile phones call for further research.BThe Australian scientists find no connection between growth of tumors in human body and radiation from mobile phones.CThe Italian scientists’ belief is shared by other scientists.DThe British government inquiry didn’t establish any link between health risks and use of mobile phones.

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 9 (reproduced below)?Additionally, there is no cure and because there’s n no cure doctors treat the symptoms.AHowever, doctors treat the symptoms with the cure for CFS.BCurrently, doctors treat the symptoms because there is no cure for CFS.CBut doctors know there is no cure and because of that they treat the symptoms.DSince there is no cure for CFS, doctors treat the symptoms without the cure.EWhen there are symptoms, doctors treat them without the cure for CFS.

问答题The prospects of a cure for lung cancer are, at present, remote, and it is impossible to estimate when, if ever, someone will find one.

单选题In order to()the disease, the first thing we should do is to do research about it and find out a satisfactory cure.AconfirmBconductCcontrolDconfuse

单选题The scientists are trying to find out the facts to _____ their theory.AsupportBcarryCdesignDraise

单选题In context, which of the following is the best revision of the underlined portion of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?It is because our brains are always working to find the causes of the significant events that we perceive.A(As it is now)BThey are saying that it isCFor example, it is, these scientists say,DThese scientists believe we adopt superstitionsEFurthermore, the scientists say it is

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT correct?AThe new treatment for diabetes has been applied to humans.BThere is not much difference between mouse diabetes and human type diabetes.CThe discovery of what goes wrong with a special kind of mice enables scientists to find a way to prevent diabetes in humans.DThe discovery made by the research groups led by Daniel L. Kaufman and Hugh Mcdevit is convincing.