问答题案例: 障碍跑教学中,我设置了体操垫、栏架、跳绳、篮球等器械,要求学生依次完成前滚翻、跨栏、跳绳、三步上篮。但是教学中发现学生对我设置的障碍物不知道如何练习,之后我鼓励学生根据自己的身体素质和兴趣爱好选择练习器械,并带领他们熟悉每一样器械的基本练习方法。如面对垫子,教他们复习、巩固前滚翻;面对栏架,让他们练习过栏的技术动作;还带领一组学生练习三步上篮动作等。按照素质基础、兴趣将学生分成若干组,并设置不同的要求,面对不同的器械,每组独立练习。第一组练习体操垫,第二组练习过栏技术,第三组练习跳绳等。在各自小组长的带领下,各组开动脑筋积极创编练习方式。创编之后,规定具体动作的要求,让学生分组接力完成各个障碍器械练习,大家的兴趣迅速被调动起来,在各自的强项上表现欲望尤其强烈,我抓住学生的兴趣点,请各组出策略,让对方来完成接力比赛,大家相互出谋划策,制订方案给对方,我则监督动作的难易程度。比赛开始,学生个个生龙活虎,积极投入、齐心协力共同完成任务,有的加油,有的帮忙,有的给自己的队友出谋划策,场面非常热闹……谈一谈在体育教学中让学生分小组练习的好处。

案例: 障碍跑教学中,我设置了体操垫、栏架、跳绳、篮球等器械,要求学生依次完成前滚翻、跨栏、跳绳、三步上篮。但是教学中发现学生对我设置的障碍物不知道如何练习,之后我鼓励学生根据自己的身体素质和兴趣爱好选择练习器械,并带领他们熟悉每一样器械的基本练习方法。如面对垫子,教他们复习、巩固前滚翻;面对栏架,让他们练习过栏的技术动作;还带领一组学生练习三步上篮动作等。按照素质基础、兴趣将学生分成若干组,并设置不同的要求,面对不同的器械,每组独立练习。第一组练习体操垫,第二组练习过栏技术,第三组练习跳绳等。在各自小组长的带领下,各组开动脑筋积极创编练习方式。创编之后,规定具体动作的要求,让学生分组接力完成各个障碍器械练习,大家的兴趣迅速被调动起来,在各自的强项上表现欲望尤其强烈,我抓住学生的兴趣点,请各组出策略,让对方来完成接力比赛,大家相互出谋划策,制订方案给对方,我则监督动作的难易程度。比赛开始,学生个个生龙活虎,积极投入、齐心协力共同完成任务,有的加油,有的帮忙,有的给自己的队友出谋划策,场面非常热闹……谈一谈在体育教学中让学生分小组练习的好处。


解析: 暂无解析





单选题微机配置单中标有Intel PentiumⅣ 6403.2G,其含义是()。A存储容量的大小B显示器的型号C网速的快慢DCPU的型号

单选题“从1932年3月1日起,根据本法规定,一切输入联合王国的商品,除条文中规定的免除课税的商品外,一律课以相当于商品价值10%的关税。”下列对英国这一法律规定理解错误的是( )。A目的是保护国内市场,抵御外国商品的竞争B为了应付危机、解决危机的一种贸易保护主义政策C表明英国自由放任、自由贸易政策的失败D客观上调解了英国与别国的贸易纠纷,推动了英国经济的发展



单选题When a teacher tells students that the word dog may imply loyalty, he/she is teaching the _________of the word.Adenotative meaningBconocative meaningCconceptual meaningDconnotative meaning


单选题What is Asselin likely to do under the current educational system?AReconsider her future.BChange her ways of teaching.CHave fewer tests for her students.DEmphasize her students' academic skills.

单选题A 正电荷由P静止释放能运动到QB 正电荷在P的加速度小于在Q的加速度C 负电荷在P的电势能高于在Q的电势能D 负电荷从翻多动到Q,其间必有一点电势能为零

单选题What is being practised if a teacher asks students to read words like cot, hot and dog,log ?ASpelling and structure.BStress and sound.CMinimal pairs.DPhonetic symbols.


单选题Passage 2Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever,even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact,according to an official report on youth violence,“In our country today,the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment,but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case,why aren't students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems,drive cars,or stay physically fit?First of all,students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult. For example,a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults,which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich,but in the way students deal with the conflict.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable,they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer,he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words,name-calling,and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand,soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to clarify the speaker's position. Then the two people should change roles.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual solution.There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility,64% of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom;75% of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92% of the students felt better about themselves. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.The writer's purpose for writing this article is to______Acomplain about problems in school educationBteach students different strategies for school lifeCadvocate teaching conflict management in schoolsDinform teachers of the latest studies on school violence

单选题意象的运用因人、物、时、情的不同而不同。总体观之,营构意象的方法可分为三类:赋、比、兴。以下用到了“赋”的方法的一项是(  )。A明月别枝惊鹊,清风半月鸣蝉,稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。B高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。C我是你河边上破旧的老水车。D总得叫大车装个够,它横竖不说一句话,背上的压力往肉里扣,它把头沉重地垂下。




单选题中学数学中的基本思想方法不包括(  )。A函数与方程的思想方法B集合与对应的思想方法C数形结合的思想方法D实践与概括的思想方法


单选题Passage1Children who spend more than two hours a day at a computer or watching television are more likely than others to have mental problems,scientists say.Researchers found that 11-year-olds who spent several hours in front of a screen each day did worse on mental health tests,no matter how much physical exercise they got. The University of Bristol study,published in Pediatrics,involved more than 1,000 children aged about 10.They also had the kids fill out questionnaires designed to gauge the kids' emotional well-being and behavior.The questionnaires contained 20 questions covering five sections-emotional difficulties,conduct problems,hyperactivity or inattention,friendships and peer groups and problems relating to friends and peer groups.The study found no direct evidence that sitting in front of a screen actually causes mental health problems. Instead,it suggests that children with difficulties,such as extreme shyness,are more likely to choose TV or computer games than sociable activities. In the study,children were asked whether they agreed,disagreed or somewhat agree with a list of statements,including,"I generally play alone or keep to myself" and,"I am often unhappy or tearful".They were also asked how much exercise they took and how long they spent at a TV or computer screen.According to the study,children who spent more than two hours a day at a screen had a 60% higher risk of mental problems than children who spent fewer viewing hours. The risk was only slightly higher in children who did little or no exercise."Physical activity is good for health in many ways,but it can't make up for long hours of screen viewing. Parents should consider limiting their children's screen viewing to no more than 2 hours a day,”said the study organizer,Angie Page.Previous studies have raised concerns that watching too much television can affect children's behavior in later life. A Canadian study found that those who watched most TV as young children performed worse at school, ate more junk food and had more trouble concentrating.Which of the children behavior below leads to the highest risk of the mental problems, according to the University of Bristol study?APlaying computer every day.BWatching TV 3 hours per day.CDoing few physical activities.DOwning few friends.

单选题According to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in _____.Athe Federal GovernmentBthe Supreme CourtCthe CabinetDthe Congress


单选题Flash MX中,停止正在播放的动画的指令是()。AplayBstopCgotoDURL




单选题已知数列{an}是公差为d的等差数列,Sn是其前n项和,且有S9<S8=S7,则下列说法中不正确的是(  )。AS9<S10Bd<0CS7与S8均为Sn的最大值Da8=0