- A、出现过程参数报警
- B、打印机缺纸
- C、CP故障
- D、AW重启
请分析以下程序。 int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid==0) printf("I am the child process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid()); else printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid());} 那么,该程序正确运行后的结果是A.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744 I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987B.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744C.I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987D.不输出任何信息
请分析下列程序。 int main() { printf("This is in main program"); if(fork()==0) printf("I am in child process"); else printf("I am in parent process");} 程序正确运行后结果是A.This is in main program I am in child process I am in parent processB.This is in main program I am in child processC.This is in main program I am in parent processD.This is in main program I am in child process This is in main program I am in parent process
对于如下C语言程序 int main() { pid_t pid; int x=1; pid = fork(); if(pid==0) printf("I am the child process, x=%d\n", ++x); else printf("I am the parent process, x=%d\n", --x); } 在UNIX操作系统中正确编译链接后,其正确的运行结果是A.I am the child process, x=2B.I am the parent process, x=0C.I am the parent process, x=2D.I am the child process, x=0
对于如下C语言程序在UNIX操作系统中正确编译链接后,其正确的运行结果是()A.I am the child process, x=2B.I am the parent process, x=0C.I am the parent process, x=2D.I am the child process, x=0
在某种情况下,Word文档中插入文字时,会删除光标后面的文字。如果想在插入文字时,光标后的内容不被删除,可以按一次键盘上的( )。A.Insert键B.Home键C.Delete键D.Esc键
在Word 2003中建立超级链接后,文字会变浅蓝色,而且文字下面会出现一条下划线。当按住Ctrl键并把鼠标指针移动到该文字上时,鼠标指针会变成()形状。A、手状B、沙漏C、十字形D、上挡键
单选题SPSS是英文( )的缩写。ASeries Process for Social ScienceBSeries Process of Social SystemCStatistical Package for Social ScienceDStatistical Package of Social System