- A、Attribute
- B、View
- C、Menu
- D、attr
在J2EE中,在DOM基本对象中,代表文档树中一个抽象的节点和文档中的标签元素的对象分别是()。 A.Document,NodeB.Node,NodeListC.NodeList,ElementD.Node,Element
DOM is a platform. and language-(66)AP1 that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style. of WWW documents(currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented(67). DOM is a(68)-based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in(69)while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large(70)documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.A.specificB.neutralC.containedD.related
DOM标准推荐使用document的三个方法来访问文档中的其它HTMLDOM节点对象,不包括()。 A.getElementsByTagNameB.getElementsByNameC.getElementByIdD.getElementsById
DOM is a platform. and language -(66)API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style. of WWW documents(currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented(67)DOM is a(68)-based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in(69)while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event - based SAX, which can be used to process very large(70)documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.A.specificB.neutralC.containedD.related
在DOM中通过元素ID号访问对象的正确方法是( )。A.document.getElementsByName(“元素名称”)B.document.getElementsByTagName(“标记名称”)C.document.getElementsById(“元素id”)D.document.getElementsById(“元素”)
在J2EE中,在DOM基本对象中,代表文档树中一个抽象的节点和文档中的标签元素的对象分别是()。 A、Document, NodeB、Node, NodeListC、NodeList, ElementD、Node, Element
divclass="box" /div以下操作可以获取到该标签的dom对象的是()。A、vardiv=document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]B、vardiv=document.getElementsByTagName("div")C、vardiv=document.getElementsByClassName("box")[0]D、vardiv=document.getElementsByClassName("box")