Paint should be evenly ()(分布).A、spreadB、suppliedC、distributedD、spanner

Paint should be evenly ()(分布).

  • A、spread
  • B、supplied
  • C、distributed
  • D、spanner


We () the bathroom and plan () the bedroom this year. A、painted…to paintB、paint… to paintC、have painted…to paint

Paints and solvents on a vessel should be ______.A.stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.returned to the paint locker after each useC.covered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesD.stored in a suitable gear locker

I hereby request permission to ______ the ship hull for routine maintenance.A.put paint onB.apply paint ontoC.oilD.paint

If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker, the FIRST firefighting response should be to ______.A.release the CO2 flooding the door to evaluate the extent of the fireC.enter and use a portable the ventilation

He wants to ______ and ______ everything.A.cover up;paint upB.cover up; paint overC.cover over; paint overD.cover over; paint up

Paint is stowed in the paint ().A、cabinB、lockerC、roomD、deck

任何一个Applet开始执行时必然会被自动调用三个方法,这三个方法被调用的顺序依次是()。A、init paint startB、start paint initC、paint start initD、init start paint


用于船舶的主要油漆是底漆,内层漆和面漆。()A、The basic types of paint used on a ship are primer, undercoat and topcoat.B、The basic types of paint used on a ship are topside paint, undercoat and top coat.C、The basic types of paint used on a ship are boottopping, topside and undercoat.D、The basic types of paint used on a ship are cement wash, undercoat and topside.

The basic types of paint used on a ship are ().A、cement wash, bitumen and paintB、primer, undercoats and top coatsC、topside paint, boot-topping paint and bottom paintD、primer, cement wash and paint

Paint should be evenly ().A、distributedB、suppliedC、spreadD、used

Paint should be evenly painted.()A、油漆应该涂匀。B、清漆应该涂匀。C、红丹漆应该涂匀。D、面漆应该涂匀。

水手长正在甲板上刮掉起皮的油漆。()A、The bosun is cleaning the heavy paint on deck.B、The bosun is scraping the heavy paint on deck.C、The bosun is scraping the loose paint on deck.D、The bosun is cleaning the loose paint on deck.

稀料能稀释油漆。()A、The thinner can thin down paint.B、The thinner can clean.C、The thinner isn’t the paint.D、The thinner is the paint.

单选题The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is().AappliedBsuppliedCrepliedDcomplied

单选题()(油漆) should be evenly distributed.APaintBPrimerCRed lead paintDTopcoat

单选题A bare metal surface should be applied with the ()(防腐漆).Aanti-corrosive paintBanti-fouling paintCheat-resistant paintDnon-slip paint

单选题The ()is used to thin the paint, if the paint is thick.AthinnerBwaterCoilDvarnish

单选题The rusty plates should be wiped clean before paint is ().AappliedBsuppliedCplacedDwatered

单选题弯漆刷()Agooseneck paint brushBflat paint brushChacksawDhand saw


单选题Accumulations of oily rags should be().Akept in nonmetal containersBdiscarded as soon as possibleCcleaned thoroughly for reuseDkept in the paint locker

单选题Paint should be evenly painted.()A油漆应该涂匀。B清漆应该涂匀。C红丹漆应该涂匀。D面漆应该涂匀。

单选题When a vessel is in dry-dock, the vessel’s engineers should ().Aexamine the condition of the propellerBchip and paint all hull protection zincsCinstall new docking plugs in all cofferdamsDinspect the hull for hogging or sagging

单选题It is usual to identify the fluids in pipes by bands of paint at intervals, and the engineer should familiarize himself with the code in use.According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is true?()APeople can know the types of fluids in pipes by feeling with handsBThere are series of rings painted in the pipes to show various fluidsCEngineers should wear cards standing for ranksDEngineer knows his own code very well

单选题I honestly don't want to paint the room this weekend, but I think we should get it _____ with.AinBoffCoverDon

单选题China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly_______.AdismissedBcontributedCdisturbedDdistributed