Get everything ready for ()!A、moorB、mooringsC、mooringD、to moor

Get everything ready for ()!

  • A、moor
  • B、moorings
  • C、mooring
  • D、to moor


—What would you do if it ____ tomorrow? —We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready. rainingC.will rainD.rains

Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon.We'd better get everything ready before he _______. A.arrivesB.arriveC.will arriveD.arrived

Let's () for the classmeeting. A、get wellB、get alongC、get ready

It is high time that we ______all ready for the meeting, ______it would be late.A. must get, orB. got, orC. should get, andD. get, and

– what else do you want? -- ________ else. i think i have got everything ready. A. AnythingB. NothingC. EverythingD. Something

Everything is ready. He is () Wuhan. A、going in forB、leaving toC、going off forD、leaving for

By the time l_________ (get) up,my mother _________ (get) the breakfast ready.

Get the searchlight ______ for transiting the canal at night.A.turned offB.alreadyC.almostD.ready

Please get everything ready prior ______ shifting.A.onB.toC.atD.for

______ the jumbo everything is ready for loading.A.ExceptB.ExceptingC.Except forD.Except that

Get searchlight______for transiting the canal at night.A.onB.alreadyC.AlmostD.ready

There was a ___ rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.A.calmB.madC.franticD.wild

Get ready for ()the cargo on deck.A、lashing and secureB、lash and securingC、lashing and securingD、lash and secure

备锚,摇“备车”钟。()A、Get anchor ready and ring “Stand by engine”.B、Get anchor ready and ring “Finished with engine”.C、Get mooring ready and ring “Stand by engine”.D、Get mooring ready and ring “Finished with engine”.

Are you ready ()get underway?A、forB、toC、withD、by

单选题“请把车票准备好。”翻译为:()APlease get your tickets ready for checking.BPlease show me your tickets.CPlease let me see your tickets.DPlease get your tickets ready for showing.

单选题Please get everything ready prior()shifting.AonBtoCatDfor

单选题Get everything ready()sailing.AonBahead ofCprior toDin front of

单选题Mr. Smith is coming to visit us soon. We’d better get everything ready before he______AarrivesBarriveCwill arriveDarrived


单选题Get everything ready for ()!AmoorBmooringsCmooringDto moor

单选题Get everything ready()mooring.AofBonCtoDfor

单选题We’ll finish loading the trucks soon. Please get ready for ().AlashingBdischargingCcleaningDloading

单选题There was no sense______him to come early since everything was ready.Ato askBto have askedCin askingDbeing asking

单选题()the jumbo everything is ready for loading.AExceptBExceptingCExcept forDExcept that

单选题The annual repair of this year will () at the end of this monthPlease get everything ready.Atake placeBtake overCcarry outDcarry over

单选题They have got everything ready to make a _____ across the Atlantic.AtripBtravelCvoyageDjourney