


需求的弧弹性(Arc elasticity of demand)

需求曲线(Demand curve)

可贷资金的需求曲线(Demand curve of loanable funds)

Change in demand vs.change in quantity demanded 需求变化与需求量的变化

Demand curve(or demand schedule) 需求曲线(或需求表)

Price-elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性

Price-inelastic demand 无价格弹性的需求(或无弹性的需求)

听力原文:M: The depositors can earn interest on demand deposits, is that right?W: Yes, but the rate of interest on demand deposits is generally well below the bank's base rate.Q: What does the woman imply?(15)A.The bank's base rate is fixed.B.The rate on demand deposits is low.C.The rate on demand deposits is high.D.The bank's base rate is floating.

MRPⅡ的关键绝技在于( ) A.相关需求、时间分割和能力平衡B.计划周期平衡C.独立需求(independent demand)和相关需求平衡D.产品生命周期

The buyers ()the sellers to ship the goods within a week.A、demandB、demand toC、demand ofD、have demanded

According to this article,which statement is true?( ) A.The demand of labor is more than the supply of labor B.The demand of labor is less than the supply of labor C.The demand of labor is equal to the supply of labor D.The author is not clear about the relation between the demand of labor and the supply of labor

According to this article,which statement is true?( ) A.The demand of labor is more than the supply of labor. B.The demand of labor is less than the supply of labor. C.The demand of labor is equal to the supply of labor. D.The author is not clear about the relation between the demand of labor and the supply of labor.


Price-elastic demand 有价格弹性的需求(或有弹性的需求)

投资需求曲线(Investment demand curve)

你希望加密网络传输并阻止在128K ISDN不必要的连接。这个连接总部和远端办公室。在每个办公地点的Win2Kserver配置RRAS来实现DEMAND-DIAL连接。如何配置一个PPTP demand-dial连接()A、设置IP Demand Dial过滤排除Net Bios广播B、设置IP Demand Dial过滤排除Remote Procedure Call广播C、设置IP Demand Dial过滤保留Net Bios广播D、设置IP Demand Dial过滤保留Remote Procedure Call广播


LTE支持的调度方式包括:A、Proportional Fair(比例的公平)B、Proportional Demand(比例的需求)C、Max Aggregate Throughput(最大的吞吐量)D、以上都不是

名词解释题Unit-elastic demand 单位弹性需求

名词解释题Change in demand vs.change in quantity demanded 需求变化与需求量的变化

多选题LTE支持的调度方式包括:AProportional Fair(比例的公平)BProportional Demand(比例的需求)CMax Aggregate Throughput(最大的吞吐量)D以上都不是

名词解释题Demand curve(or demand schedule) 需求曲线(或需求表)


名词解释题需求的收入弹性(income elasticity of demand)

名词解释题收入补偿的需求曲线( Income-compensated demand curve)

