

  • A、细胞膜
  • B、线粒体膜
  • C、肌浆网膜
  • D、核膜


在通用声明中定义a,在窗体中添加一个命令按钮Command1,编写如下程序代码:DimaAsIntegerSubtest()a=a+1:b=b+1:c=c+1PrintSub:;a;,;b;,;cEndSubPrivateSubCommand1_Click()a=2:b=3:c=4CalltestCalltestEndSub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,窗体中将显示( )A.Sub:3,4,5Sub:4,5,6B.Sub:2,3,4Sub:2,3,4C.Sub:3,1,1Sub:4,1,1D.Sub:1,1,1Sub:1,1,1

设有以下窗体单击事件过程:Private Sub Form_Click()a=1For i=1 To 3End SelectNext iEnd Sub打开窗体运行后,单击窗体,则消息框的输出内容是( )。

(30)下列事件过程可以将打开文件对话框的标题改变为“new Caption”.A.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialog1.ShowFont End Sub B.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen End Sub C.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialog1.ShowHelp End Sub D.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialog1.ShowColor End Sub

在窗体中添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Private Sub f(ByVal x As Integer)x=x+4End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()i=3Call f(i)If i>4 Then i=i*2End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。

运行以下程序后,输出结果为_____________。 Private Sub Command1_Click() a=1:b=2:c=3 Call test(a,b+3,(c)) Print "main:";a;b;c End Sub Private Function test(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "sub:";p;m;n End Function:A. sub:2 6 4 main:1 2 3B. sub:2 6 4 main:2 2 3C. sub:2 6 4 main:2 6 4D. sub:2 6 4 main:1 6 4

强酸中毒血气分析正确为( ) A.pH上升B.PaCO/sub2/supsubno上升C.PaO/sub2/supsubno上升D.HCO/sub3/supsubno/sup-/supsubno降低E.HCO/sub3/supsubno/sup-/supsubno升高

在窗体中添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() x=10 Call s1 Call s2 MSgBox x End Sub Private Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2() Dim x As Integer x=X+20 End Sub 窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为______。A.10B.30C.40D.50

下列程序的运行结果是______。Sub abcd(ByValn As Integer)n=n+5End SubPrivate Sub Form_Click()nx%=3Callabcd(nx%)Printnx%End Sub

下列( )事件过程可以将打开文件对话框的标题改变为“new Caption”。A.Prirate Sub Commandl Click() CommonDialogl.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialogl.ShowFont End SubB.Private Sub Commandl+Click() CommonDialogl.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialogl.ShowOpen End SubC.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialogl.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialogl.ShowHelp End SubD.Private Sub Commandl_Click() CommonDialogl.DialogTitle="new Caption" CommonDialogl.ShowColor End Sub

在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Public X As Integer Private Sub Commandl Click( )x=10 Call slCall s2MsgBox x End Sub Private Sub sl( )x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2( )Dim x As Integer x=x+20End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。A.10B.30C.40D.50

写出程序运行的结果Public class BasePublic virtual string Hello() {return “Base”;}Public class Sub:BasePublic override string Hello() {return “Sub”;}1. Base b = new Base(); b.Hello;2. Sub s = new Sub(); s.Hello;3. Base b = new Sub (); b.Hello;4. Sub s = new Base(); s.Hello;

在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序: Private Sub Test(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "Sub: ";p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1.Click() a1=1:b=2:c1=3 Call Test((a,b1+3,(c1)) Print "Main:";a1;b1;c1 End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

某个窗体己编写下列事件过程。打开窗体运行后,单击窗体,消息框的输出结果为 ______。Pfivate Sub Form_Click()a=1i=1Do Until i10a=a+2i=i+3LoopMsgBox aEnd Sub

在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序:Private Sub Sub1(p,m,n)p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1Print "sub1:";p;m;nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()a1=1:b=2:c1=3Call Sub1(a,b1+3,c1)Print"Main:";a1;b1;c1End Sub程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

在窗体中有一个标签Lablel,标题为“测试进行中”,有一个命令按钮Commandl,事件代码如下: Private Sub Commandl Click( )Lablel.Caption=”标签” End Sub Private Sub Form—Load( )Form.Caption=”举例” Commandl.Caption=”移动”End Sub 打开窗体后,单击命令按钮,屏幕显示( )。A.B.C.D.

以下事件过程可以将打开的对话框的标题改为“新时代”的是A.Private Sub Command2_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="新时代" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen End SubB.Private Sub Command2 Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="新时代" CommonDialog1.ShowFont End SubC.Private Sub Command2_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="新时代" CommonDialog1.Show End Sub End SubD.Private Sub Command2_Click() CommonDialog1.DialogTitle="新时代" CommonDialog1.ShowColor End Sub

在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序: Private Sub Sub1(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "sub1:";p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() a1=1:b=2:c1=3 Call Sub1(a,b1+3,c1) Print"Main:";a1;b1;c1 End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

下列物质中哪个不是第二信使A.IP3B.Ca2+C.cAMPSXB 下列物质中哪个不是第二信使A.IP<sub>3</sub>B.Ca<sup>2+</sup>C.cAMPD.GMPE.DAG(二酰基甘油)

关于Super VLAN技术中Sub VLAN间的互通说法正确的是()。A、不同Sub VLAN内的主机IP地址都属于同一个网段,它们可以通过二层转发直接互通B、不同Sub VLAN内的主机IP地址都属于同一个网段,但由于Sub VLAN的隔离作用,Sub VLAN间是没法实现互通的C、不同Sub VLAN中的主机之间二层隔离,三层可以通过Super VLAN接口的普通代理ARP技术实现互通D、不同Sub VLAN中的主机之间二层隔离,三层可以通过Super VLAN接口的本地代理ARP技术实现互通




单选题A pIsub2/sub=Isub3/sub/pB pIsub2/sub=4Isub3/sub/pC pIsub2/sub=2Isub3/sub/pD pIsub3/sub=4Isub2/sub/p


多选题1. class Super {  2. private int a;  3. protected Super(int a) { this.a = a; }  4. }  .....  11. class Sub extends Super {  12. public Sub(int a) { super(a); }  13. public Sub() { this.a= 5; }  14. }  Which two, independently, will allow Sub to compile?()AChange line 2 to: public int a;BChange line 2 to: protected int a;CChange line 13 to: public Sub() { this(5); }DChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(5); }EChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(a); }

多选题在过程控制中,若TL=-3,Tu=3,u=1,σ=1,则(  )。ACsubP/sub=1 BCsubP/sub=2/3 CCsubPk/sub=1 DCsubPk/sub=2/3

单选题( )被称为广义货币。ApMsub0/sub/pBpMsub1/sub/pCpMsub2/sub/pDpMsub3/sub/p

单选题下面不属于《恶臭污染物排放》的是( )。Ap氨(NHsub3/sub)、三甲胺[(CHsub3/sub)sub3/subN]/pBp硫化氢(Hsub2/subS)、甲硫醇(CHsub3/subSH)br //pCp甲硫醚[(CHsub3/sub)sub2/subS]、二甲二硫醚/pDp二硫化碳、氯乙烯/p