某慈善机构为支持当地教育事业,特地在所在市设立奖学金,奖学金每年发放一次,奖励每年的高考文理科状元各20 000元。奖学金的基金保存在中国银行该市支行。银行一年的定期存款利率为5%。则该慈善机构要投资( )元作为奖励基金。
A.800 000
B.400 000
C.200 000
解析:由于每年都拿出40 000元,因此奖学金的性质是一项永续年金,其现值应为:40 000/5%=800 000(元),也就是说该慈善机构要存入800 000元作为基金,才能保证这一奖学金的成功运行。
- A、企业
- B、慈善机构
- C、基金会
- D、商业保险机构
学习好资料 欢迎下载8B Unit 4 Welcome to the unit(一)一、词组和句子翻译。1. 拿着麦克风 2. 被选做一场慈善演出的主持人 3. 祝贺某人某事 4. 为慈善机构募集钱 5. 慈善机构的募集基金活动 6. 为慈善(机构)募捐的不同方法 7. 在网上做广告 8. 散发传单号召人们捐钱 9. 希望工程 10. 拯救中国虎 11. 春蕾计划 12. 绿色希望工程 13. 除非你白天少睡点觉。14. 为什么我们不举行一次慈善演出呢 ? 二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. The school sports meeting will be h_ on Monday. 2. Let me made a p_ for the show. 3. Don t be nervous. I m s_ you ll be the best, Linda. 4. Why don t we ask our parents and friends to d_ money to save them. 5. This charity helps p_ rivers and lakes in China. 6. I have _ ( 广告 ) for a house with a garden. 7. A _ ( 话筒 ) makes your voice sound louder. 8. I _ ( 希望 ) I could be the headmaster one day. 9. Every year he raises some money for those _ ( 慈善机构 ). 10. Why are you holding so many _ ( 传单)? 学习好资料 欢迎下载8B Unit 4 Welcome to the unit (二)一、选择填空( ) 1. On the first day of school, the teacher _ the new textbooks to the students. A. gave out B. gave in C. gave up D. gave off ( ) 2. - Why don t you organize this charity show? - _. ( A. Sounds wonderful. B. You re right. C. Why not? D. That s OK. ) 3. - I m not sure if he will pass the exam. - _ you study hard. A. If only B. Only if C. WhileD. Or ( ) 4.Which charity helps protect rivers and lakes in China? A. Project Hope. C. Spring Bud Project B. Save Chinas Tigers D. Project Green Hope ( ) 5. They are make a poster about the conference and _ a speech for it. A. prepare B. getting ready for C. preparing for D. preparing 二、词汇运用1. The _ ( 主持人 ) from CCTV, Wang Xiaoya and Li Yong, are famous in China. 2. Why not _ ( 捐赠 ) some moneyto those poor students? 3. If you findthe activity _ ( 组织 ) by those children, you ll be happy. 4. Do you know the man _ ( 拿着 ) a microphone in his hand? 5. _ ( 祝贺 ) to you! I think it s the first time that you feel successful. 三、完成句子1. 我昨天被选为学校时装秀的主持人。_ 2.我确信我的英语将变得很好, 因为我每天练习说它。_ 3.除非你每天少抽点烟和少喝点酒(wine), 你就会健康得多。_ 4.我希望帮助年轻的女孩回到学校, 所以我想加入春蕾计划。_ 5.为什么我们不卖些旧书去为希望工程筹钱呢? _ 学习好资料 欢迎下载8B Unit 4 Reading (一)一、词组和句子翻译。1. 帮助一个慈善义演 2. 为 募集钱 3. 选择我做主持人 4. 介绍每一个明星 5. 在合适的时间 6. 不停地问自己 7.来自当地商业的支持 8.许多工作需要被完成。9. 那天晚上我无法入睡,因为我是如此的兴奋。10. 所有的事情似乎都发生得那么快。11. a little bit easier_ 12.because of the TV cameras_ 13.fans of pop stars _ 14.No time to be nervous any more._ 二、选择填空( ) 1. I _ you for a ling time. Where _ you _? A. didn t see; did; go C. haven t seen; have; been B. didn t see; have; gone D. haven t seen; have; gone ( ) 2. Sam was seen_ on the wall. D. to draw ( A. draw B. drew C. to drawn ) 3. How long can the bike be _? Five days ( A. borrow B. kept C. lent D. cost ) 4. _ important news you ve told me. ( A. How an B. How C. What an D. What ) 5. -It s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. -I think a bridge _ over the river A. 、was built B. is being built C. has been built D. should be built 三、词汇运用1. I _ (choose) to be the monitor yesterday. 2. The singer has never _(演出 ) in our city before. 3. What about _( 组织 ) a chrity show next week? 4. Failure(失败 ) is the mother of s_. 5. Shanghai is the h_ city for the 2010 World Exp、o. 一、短语翻译。1. 手拿麦克风学习好资料欢迎下载8B Unit 4Vocabulary 2. 在剧场3. 让你的嗓音听起来更响亮4. 在一个演出中表演5. 悬挂在舞台前方 6. 剧场的出口7. 来看演出的人们8. 弄清楚她在谈论什么9. 被选为主持人 10. 精彩的表演二、选择填空( ) 1. The Students Union held a charity show to _ money for Spring Bud Project and all the students _ money or some other materials to the poor girls. A. r
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