2021年安全员-A证找解析及安全员-A证复审考试(含答案)1、【多选题】采取综合的措施,切实预防中暑事故的发生,从( )等多方面去做好防暑降温工作。(ABC)A、技术B、保健C、组织D、领导2、【多选题】职工有下列情形之一的,不得认定为工伤或者视同工伤:( )。(ABCD)A、因犯罪或者违反治安管理伤亡的B、醉酒导致伤亡的C、自残D、自杀3、【多选题】生产经营单位有( )行为之一的,责令限期改正,发生事故的,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员予以处罚,构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。(ACE)A、安全设备的安装、使用、检测、改造和报废不符合国家标准或者行业标准的B、对不符合法定安全生产条件的涉及安全生产的事项予以批准或者验收通过的C、未对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养和定期检测的D、对已经依法取得批准的单位不履行监督管理职责E、未在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上设置明显的安全警示标志的4、【多选题】焊割现场10米范围内及高空作业下方,不得堆放( )等易燃、易爆物品。(ABCD)A、油类B、木材C、氧气瓶D、乙炔发生器5、【多选题】桩工机械使用的( )等材料及标准件应有制造厂签发的出厂产品合格证、质量保证书、技术性能参数等文件。(ABCD)A、钢丝绳B、电缆C、夹头D、螺栓6、【多选题】按照建设部关于建筑施工专职安全生产管理人员职责的有关规定,企业安全生产管理机构工作人员应当履行下列哪些职责?(BCD)A、调配建设工程项目的安全生产管理人员B、负责安全生产相关数据统计C、安全防护和劳动保护用品配备及检查D、施工现场安全督查7、【多选题】我国当前的安全生产管理体制是( )。(ABC)A、生产经营单位负责B、职工参与C、政府监管D、群众参与8、【多选题】安全标志主要包括( )等。(BD)A、安全标语B、安全色C、安全宣传栏D、安全标志牌9、【多选题】塔式起重机的( )等安全保护装置不得随意调整和拆除,严禁用限位装置代替操纵机构。(ABCD)A、力矩限制器B、重量限制器C、变幅限位器D、行走限位器10、【多选题】塔式起重机主要安全装置有哪些?(ACD)A、起重力矩限制器B、限速器C、起重量限制器D、起升高度限位器11、【多选题】基坑集水明排的种类有( )。(AC)A、明沟排水B、人工排水C、盲沟排水D、自然排水12、【多选题】以下属于物料提升机安全设施的是( )。(ACD)A、起重量限制器B、停层平台及平台门C、安全停层装置D、防坠安全器13、【多选题】以下属于施工升降机安全装置的是( )(ABD)A、防坠安全器B、上下限位开关C、停靠装置D、超载保护装置14、【多选题】事故隐患泛指生产系统中导致事故发生的( )。(AC)A、人的不安全行为B、自然因素C、物的不安全状态D、客观因素15、【多选题】事故报告应当及时、准确、完整,任何单位和个人对事故不得( )。(ABCD)A、迟报B、漏报C、谎报或者D、瞒报16、【多选题】严禁在哪些场所进行焊割作业?(ABCD)A、压力容器B、可燃管道及容器C、有毒介质管道及容器D、带电结构17、【多选题】下列哪些属于施工企业安全生产评价标准规定的施工企业安全生产管理制度?(ABCE)A、安全检查制度B、安全生产资金保障制度C、安全教育培训制度D、安全论证制度E、生产安全事故报告处理制度18、【多选题】下列哪些属于建筑施工安全检查标准中所指的“四口”防护?(ACD)A、通道口B、管道口C、预留洞口D、楼梯口19、【多选题】下列关于配电箱及开关箱的设置说法正确的是:( )。(ABC)A、配电系统应设置配电柜或总配电箱、分配电箱、开关箱,实行三级配电。B、总配电箱应设置在靠近电源的区域。C、分配电箱应设置在用电设备或负荷相对集中的区域。D、分配电箱与开关箱的距离不得超过15m20、【多选题】下列关于建筑施工高处作业,说法正确的是( )。(ABC)A、浇筑离地2m以上框架、过梁、雨篷和小平台时,应设操作平台,不得直接站在模板或支撑件上操作。B、浇筑拱形结构,应自两边拱脚对称地相向进行。浇筑储仓,下口应先行封闭,并搭设脚手架以防人员坠落。C、特殊情况下如无可靠的安全设施,必须系好安全带并扣好保险钩,或架设安D、高度在1833m时,称为三级高处作业E、在高处作业时,应搭设操作平台和挂安全网,站在钢筋骨架上作业和沿骨架攀登上下。21、【单选题】当连续5天日平均气温低于( ),一般来讲即进入冬季施工阶段。(A)A、5摄氏度B、-5摄氏度C、-8摄氏度D、0摄氏度22、【单选题】当多台塔式起重机在同一施工现场交叉作业时,低位塔式起重机的起重臂端部与另一台塔式起重机的塔身之间的距离不得小于(C)A、1mB、1.5mC、2mD、5m23、【单选题】当外电线路电压等级为10kV时,防护设施与外电线路之间的最小安全距离为( )。(B)A、1.2mB、1.7mC、2.2mD、2.7m24、【单选题】当基坑开挖面上方的锚杆、土钉、支撑未达到设计要求时,( )向下超挖土方。(D)A、不宜B、禁止C、可以D、严禁25、【单选题】建设工程施工前,施工单位( )应当对有关安全施工的技术要求向施工作业班组、作业人员作出详细说明,并由双方签字确认。(B)A、专职安全生产管理人员B、负责项目管理的技术人员C、负责项目管理的安全生产管理人员D、项目负责人26、【单选题】建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架立杆接长除顶层顶步可采用搭接外,其余各层各步接头必须采用( )连接。(A)A、对接扣件B、旋转扣件C、绑扎D、直角扣件27、【单选题】建筑工程实行施工总承包,专项方案应当由( )组织编制。(A)A、施工总承包B、分包单位C、专业队伍D、监理单位28、【单选题】建立劳动关系,应当订立( )。(B)A、口头劳动合同B、书面劳动合同C、书面或者口头劳动合同D、口头劳动协议29、【单选题】安全生产管理的根本目的是( )。(D)A、消除隐患,杜绝事故B、避免造成人身伤亡,财产损失C、提高企业安全生产管理水平D、保证生产经营活动中的人身安全,财产安全,促进经济发展30、【单选题】安全生产法规定生产经营单位的决策机构、主要负责人或者个人经营的投资人有( )行为之一的,责令限期改正,导致发生生产安全事故的,对生产经营单位的主要负责人给予撤职处分;构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。(B)A、未对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养和定期检测的B、未保证安全生产所必需的资金投入,致使生产经营单位不具备安全生产条件的C、未建立事故隐患排查治理制度的D、使用应当淘汰的危及生产安全的工艺、设备的31、【单选题】学习国内外建筑安全管理先进理念与技术,重点是推动和改革企业( )模式。(B)A、发展工作B、安全管理C、技术管理D、理念与思路32、【单选题】墙面等处落地的竖向洞口、窗台高度低于( )mm的竖向洞口及框架结构在浇注完混凝土没有砌筑墙体时的洞口,应按临边防护要求设置防护栏杆。(C)A、300B、500C、800D、100033、【单选题】塔式起重机的安装单位应当按照所规定的( )要求施工,无法满足规定的要求时,应当进行基础设计。(A)A、安装使用说明书B、施工组织设计C、产品合格证D、制造监督检验证明34、【单选题】塔式起重机停用( )以上的,在复工前,应重新进行验收,合格后方可使用。(C)A、1个月B、3个月C、6个月D、12个月35、【单选题】塔式起重机主要部件和安全装置应进行经常性检查,每( )不少于一次,并应有记录;使用周期超过( )时,应进行一次全面检查,合格后方可继续使用。(B)A、周、一个月B、月、一年C、季、一年D、6个月、一年36、【单选题】基坑内应设置供施工( )上下的专用梯道。(B)A、材料B、人员C、机械D、设备37、【单选题】在雨、霜、雾、雪等天气进行高处作业时,应采取防滑、防冻措施,并应及时清除( )的水、冰、雪、霜。(B)A、地下室B、作业面上C、外立面上D、脚手架上38、【单选题】在建工程设置在地面上的临时疏散通道,其净宽度不应小于( ),利用在建工程施工完毕的水平结构、楼梯作临时疏散通道时,其净宽度不宜小于( )。(A)A、1.5m;1.0mB、1.0m;1.5mC、0.5m;1.0mD、1.0m;0.5m39、【单选题】各类垂直运输接料平台口应设置高度不低于( )m的楼层防护门,并应设置防外开装置;多笼井架物料提升机通道中间,应分别设置隔离设施。(C)A、1.2B、1.5C、1.8D、240、【单选题】办公用房建筑构件的燃烧性能不应低于( )级,宿舍建筑构件的燃烧性能不应低于( )级(A)A、B2,B1B、B1,B2C、B1,B1D、B2,B241、【单选题】分配箱与开关箱间的距离不应超过( )m,开关箱与用电设备间的距离不应超过( )m( )。(D)A、15、3B、15、10C、15、30D、30、342、【单选题】冬期施工采用( )浇筑混凝土的现场必须有防火措施。(A)A、蓄热法B、外加剂法C、蒸汽加热法D、暖棚法43、【单选题】冬期施工时,焊接场地应提前清理干净,不得有( )。(C)A、霜B、杂物C、冰雪D、木板44、【单选题】关于施工起重机械安装及拆卸作业,下列说法错误的是:( )。(C)A、安装、拆卸施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施,应当编制拆装方案、制定安全施工措施B、安装、拆卸施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施,应当由专业技术人员现场监督C、施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施安装完毕后,总包单位应当自检,出具自检合格证明,并向施工单位进行安全使用说明,办理验收手续并签字D、垂直运输机械作业人员、安装拆卸工、爆破作业人员、起重信号工、登高架设作业人员等特种作业人员,必须按照国家有关规定经过专门的安全作业培训,并取得特种作业操作资格证书后,方可上岗作业45、【单选题】依照安全生产法规定,生产经营单位的主要负责人和安全管理人员必须具备与本单位所从事的生产经营活动相应的( )和管理能力。(C)A、生产经营B、安全技术C、安全生产知识D、执业资格46、【单选题】依照安全生产法规定,生产经营单位必须保证上岗的从业人员都经过( ),否则,生产经营单位要承担法律责任。(D)A、安全意识教育B、安全技术培训C、安全作业培训D、安全生产教育和培训47、【单选题】以下哪项属于人的不安全行为( )。(A)A、以手代替工具操作B、攀坐安全
- 从2019年1月1日起,增加参保城乡居民养老保险基础养老金其中60周岁至64周岁为()元。A、55元B、80元C、100元D、108元
- 中职教育国家助学金资助对象是,()具有中等职业学校全日制学历教育正式学籍的一、二年级家庭经济困难学生,及中等职业学校农村学生。A、贫困县B、 艰苦偏远地区C、连片特困地区D、 革命老区
- 问答题How to protect the wild animals?
- 整栋建筑全生命周期评估影响减少至少是()每项类型最多不超过()。A、10%;5%B、10%;2%C、5%;5%D、5%;10%
- 问答题Passage 2Life Beyond Earth A We all have our suppositions, our scenarios. The late astronomer Carl Sagan estimated that there are a million technological civilizations in our galaxy alone. His more conservative colleague Frank Drake offers the number 10,000. John Oro, a pioneering comet researcher, calculates that the Milky Way is sprinkled with a hundred civilizations. And finally there are skeptics like Ben Zuckerman, an astronomer at UCLA, who thinks we may as well be alone in this galaxy if not in the universe. B All the estimates are highly speculative. The fact is that there is no conclusive evidence of any life beyond Earth. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as various pundits have wisely noted. But still we don’t have any solid knowledge about a single alien microbe, a solitary spore, much less the hubcap from a passing alien starship. C Our ideas about extraterrestrial life are what Sagan called “plausibility arguments,” usually shot through with unknowns, hunches, ideologies, and random ought-to-bes. Even if we convince ourselves that there must be life out there, we confront a second problem, which is that we don’t know anything about that life. We don’t know how truly alien it is. We don’t know if it’s built on a foundation of carbon atoms. We don’t know if it requires a liquid-water medium, if it swims or flies or burrows. D Despite the enveloping nebula of uncertainties, extraterrestrial life has become an increasingly exciting area of scientific inquiry. The field is called exobiology or astrobiology or bioastronomy—every few years it seems as though the name has been changed to protect the ignorant. E Whatever it’s called, this is a science infused with optimism. We now know that the universe may be aswarm with planets. Since 1995 astronomers have detected at least 22 planets orbiting other stars. NASA hopes to build a telescope called the Terrestrial Planet Finder to search for Earth-like planets, examining them for the atmospheric signatures of a living world. In the past decade organisms have been found thriving on our own planet in bizarre, hostile environments. If microbes can live in the pores of rock deep beneath the earth or at the rim of a scalding Yellowstone spring, then they might find a place like Mars not so shabby. F Mars is in the midst of a full-scale invasion from Earth, from polar landers to global surveyors to rovers looking for fossils. A canister of Mars rocks will be rocketed back to Earth in the year 2008, parachuting into the Utah desert for scrutiny by scientists in a carefully sealed lab. In the coming years probes will also go around and, at some point, into Jupiter’s moon Europa. That icy world shows numerous signs of having a subsurface ocean—and could conceivably harbor a dark, cold biosphere. G The quest for an alien microbe is supplemented by a continuing effort to find something large, intelligent, and communicative. SETI—the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence—has not yielded a confirmed signal from an alien civilization in 40 years of experiments, but the signal-processing technology grows more sophisticated each year. The optimists figure it’s only a matter of time before we tune in the right channel. H No one knows when—or if—one of these investigations might make a breakthrough. There’s a fair bit of boosterism surrounding the entire field, but I’d bet the breakthrough is many years, if not decades, away. The simple truth: Extraterrestrial life, by definition, is not conveniently located. I But there are other truths that sustain the search for alien organisms. One is that, roughly speaking, the universe looks habitable. Another is that life radiates information about itself—that, if nothing else, it usually leaves a residue or an imprint. If the universe contains an abundance of life, that life is not likely to remain forever in the realm of the unknown. J Contact with an alien civilization would be an epochal and culturally challenging event, but exobiologists would settle gladly for the discovery of a tiny fossil, a mere remnant of extraterrestrial biochemistry. One example. One data point to add to the one we have—Earth life. That’s what we need to begin the long process of putting human existence in its true cosmic context. Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet. 1. Experts are approaching Mars extensively in the search of ______. 2 Jupiter’s moon Europa will be in the analysed for it is conceived to embrace a ______ probably hostile to life. 3. Although no clear signals have been received by human being, advances made in ______ has provided some optimism after 40 years’ experiments. 4. The reason why extraterrestrial life cannot be immediately found is that it is not readily ______. 5. The look for alien organism can still be sustained because it would still give off traces such as a ______.
- 党的十九大指出,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为()。
- 问答题Practice 4 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: As global trade increases, many goods, even some daily goods, are exported to another country, which includes long-distance transport during shipping. Do you think its benefits outweigh its drawbacks? You should write at least 250 words.
- 问答题Practice 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspaper and TV has bad influences, so this kind of information should be restricted on the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? You should write at least 250 words.
- 普通高中国家助学金的资助对象平均资助标准为()元/生/年。A、1000B、2000C、3000D、4000
- 问答题Practice 7 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development; however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages? You should write at least 250 words.
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