专升本 题目列表

在Windows 95中,若在某一文档中连续进行了多次剪切操作,当关闭该文档后,"剪贴板"中存放的是()。A 空白B 所有剪切过的内容C 最后一次剪切的内容D 第一次剪切的内容

The new order means()overtime.AworksBworkedCtoworkDworking

They are young()parents and need support.AinexperiencedBunexperiencedCimexperiencedDdisexperienced

在因特网(Internet)中,电子公告板的缩写是()。A BBSB WWWC FTPD E-mail

He was late()the traffic jam.Aas resultBas a result ofCas the result ofDa result of

(WORD文字处理)在WORD窗口工作区中,闪烁的垂直光条表示()。A 光标的位置B 插入点C 键盘位置D 鼠标位置


Just over 70% of people()for the survey said the net had become essential.Ato questionBquestionedCquestionDquestioning


Windows 95中,不能在"任务栏"内进行的操作是()。A 设置系统日期和时间B 排列桌面图标C 排列和切换窗口D 启动"开始"菜单


Finally the two sides have()Areached agreementBtaken an agreementCdone an agreementDmade an agreement

Hi, Celia!()to the United States? It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.AWhat was your ideaBHow was your tripCWho wentDHow often did you travel

Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.AcurrentlyBfastCreadilyDinstantly