河漫滩(flood plain)
河漫滩(flood plain)
下面哪两个设置一个jsp页的contenttype?() A、%@contentType“text/plain“%B、jsp:contentType“text/plain“C、%@pagecontentType=“text/plain“%D、%response.setContentType(“text/plain“);%
WhichensuresthataJSPresponseisoftype"text/plain"?() A.%@pagemimeType=text/plain%B.%@pagecontentType=text/plain%C.%@pagepageEncoding=text/plain%D.%@pagecontentEncoding=text/plain%E.%response.setEncoding(text/plain);%
Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A、%@ page mimeType="text/plain" %B、%@ page contentType="text/plain" %C、%@ page pageEncoding="text/plain" %D、%@ page contentEncoding="text/plain" %E、% response.setEncoding("text/plain"); %
If there is a fire in a hold, what should you do?()A、Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.B、Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.C、Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.D、Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.
以下关于SecPath防火墙syn-Flood攻击防御技术,描述正确的是()。A、基于TCP半开连接数限制方法防范SYN Flood攻击B、基于TCP新建连接速率限制方法防范SYN Flood攻击C、利用SYN Cookie技术防范SYN Flood攻击D、通过利用Safe Reset技术防范SYN Flood攻击
POJO是()A、Plain Old Java ObjectB、Programming Object Java ObjectC、Page Old Java ObjectD、Plain Object Java Old
Regarding constructing a good encryption algorithm, what does creating an avalanche effect indicate?()A、Altering the key length causes the ciphertext to be completely differentB、Changing only a few bits of a ciphertext message causes the plain text to be completely differentC、Altering the key length causes the plain text to be completely differentD、Changing only a few bits of a plain-text message causes the ciphertext to be completely different
单选题Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A%@ page mimeType=text/plain %B%@ page contentType=text/plain %C%@ page pageEncoding=text/plain %D%@ page contentEncoding=text/plain %E% response.setEncoding(text/plain); %
多选题常见的几种Flood攻击有()。AICMP FloodBIP FloodCSYN FloodDUDP FloodEARP FloodFFrag Flood