问答题现代信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT)的发展趋势。

现代信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT)的发展趋势。


解析: 暂无解析


Besides, modern technology also encourages_________ and creativity in the business world. A.indicationB.innovationC.information

The development of information technology has begun to have profound ( ) on all aspects of social life.A、affectsB、effectsC、infectsD、injects

With the booming internet subscribers, ( ) in the information technology finally paid off. A. investB. investigationC. investmentD. debt

IT是Information Technology的缩写,意思是信息技术。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The past two decades have witnessed great changes in information technology(翻译)

The meaning of ()is that access to protected information must be restricted to people who are authorized to access the information. A.digital signatureB.encryption technologyC.access controlD.authentication technology

ITSS (Information Technology Service Standards)是一套成体系和综合配套的信息技术服务标准库,全面规范了信息技术服务产品及其组成要素,用于指导实施标准化和可信赖的信息技术服务。该体系的组成要素包括( )。A.人员、过程、工具、资源B.人员、过程、管理、资源C.人员、过程、技术、资源D.人员、过程、组织、资源

The meaning of ( ) is that access to protected information used be restricted to people who are authorized to access the information.A.digital signatureB.encryption technologyC.access controlD.authentication technology

With the introduction of( )technology,information flows faster than it ever did.A.involvedB.complicatedC.sophisticatedD.complex

()is a discipline within the information technology and information systems domain and is concerned with making the planning process for information technology investments and decision-making a quicker,more flexible,and more thoroughly aligned process. A. Information technology planning B. Service monitor managementC. Service designD. Information technology audit


IT是Information Technology的简称,IIS是Internet Information Server的简称, WWW是World Wide Web的简称,FTP是()的简称。


信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT),目前尚没有准确而通用的定义。通俗地讲,可以简单地理解为与信息有关的技术,是能够增强或扩展人类信息处理和运用能力的手段与方法,是人类认识与改造世界的强有力的工具。



信息技术(IT)的英文全称是()。A、Internet TechnologyB、Information TechnologyC、Information TechnicalD、Input Device

现代信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT)的发展趋势。

信息技术的全称是()A、System TechnologyB、Office AutomationC、Information EducationD、Information Technology

信息技术(Information Technology,IT)是指一切能扩展人的信息功能的技术。

Management of Information is one of the seven requirements in Global minimum essential requirements(GMER)in medical education, which requires a medical practitioner to be able to()A、search,collect,organize and interpret health and biomedical information from different databases and sources.B、retrieve patient-specific information from a clinical data system.C、use information and communication technology to assist in diagnostic,therapeutic and preventive measures,and for surveillance and monitoring health status.D、understand the application and limitations of information technology.

Which two types of information might be found at the Small Business Partner Central website? ()A、 sales program informationB、 online product orderingC、 technology partner products and servicesD、 product information on the Data Center productsE、 specialization and certification details

Which website provides access to AIX Technology Level updates?()  A、AIX TipsB、Fix CentralC、Critical FixesD、pSeries and AIX Information Center

单选题信息技术的全称是()ASystem TechnologyBOffice AutomationCInformation EducationDInformation Technology

判断题信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT),目前尚没有准确而通用的定义。通俗地讲,可以简单地理解为与信息有关的技术,是能够增强或扩展人类信息处理和运用能力的手段与方法,是人类认识与改造世界的强有力的工具。A对B错

填空题IT是Information Technology的简称,IIS是Internet Information Server的简称, WWW是World Wide Web的简称,FTP是()的简称。

问答题现代信息技术(Information Technology,简称IT)的发展趋势。

判断题信息技术(Information Technology,IT)是指一切能扩展人的信息功能的技术。A对B错