单选题int [] my_Array;  my_Array = new int[5];  for(int count = 0; count = 5; count++)  System.out.println(my_Array[count]); 结果是()A将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D将出现运行时异常

int [] my_Array;  my_Array = new int[5];  for(int count = 0; count <= 5; count++)  System.out.println(my_Array[count]); 结果是()









解析: 暂无解析


int[]my_Array;my_Array=newint[5];for(intcount=0;count=5;count++)System.out.println(my_Array[count]);以上Java代码运行的结果是()。 A.将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B.将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C.将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D.将出现运行时异常

int[]my_Array;My_Array=newint[5];For(intcount=0;count=5;count++)System.out.pringtln(my_Array[count]);以上Java代码运行的结果是() A.将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B.将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C.将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D.将出现运行时异常

int[]my_Array;my_Array=newint[5];for(intcount=0;count=5;count++)System.out.println(my_Array[count]);结果是() A.将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B.将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C.将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D.将出现运行时异常

下面程序的运行结果是【】。 inChlde using namespace std; class count { static int n; 下面程序的运行结果是【 】。inChlde<iOStream>using namespace std;class count{static int n;public:count(){n++;}static int test(){for(int i=0:i<4;i++)n++;return n;}};int count::n=0;int main(){cout<<COUnt::test()<<" ";count c1, c2;cout<<count::test()<<end1;return 0;}

( 27 )有如下程序:#includeiostreamusing namespace std;class MyClass{public:MyClass(){++count;}~MyClass(){--count;}static int getCount(){return count;}private:static int count;};int MyClass::count=0;int main(){MyClass obj;coutobj.getCount();MyClass*ptr=new MyClass;coutMyClass::getCount();delete ptr;coutMyClass::getCount();return 0;}程序的输出结果是A ) 121B ) 232C ) 221D ) 122

( 27 )有如下程序:#include iostreamusing namespace std;class Toy{public:Toy(char* _n) { strcpy (name,_n); count++;}~Toy(){ count--; }char* GetName(){ return name; }static int getCount(){ return count; }private:char name[10];static int count;};int Toy::count=0;int mail(){Toy t1("Snoopy"),t2("Mickey"),t3("Barbie");coutt1.getCount()endl;return 0;}运行时的输出结果是A ) 1B ) 2C ) 3D )运行时出错

下面C程序中,设变量count的地址为20000。则该段程序执行后,屏幕上的显示结果应为(53)。 # include <stdio.h> main(void) { int count, q; int *m; count = 100; m = count; q = *m; printf("q=%d; \n", q); return 0; }A.q=2000;B.q=2000C.q=100;D.q=100

有如下程序: #include using name space std; classB{ public: B(int xx):x(xx){++count;x+=10;} virtual void show()const {cout<<count'_'<<x<<endl;} protected: static int count; private: intx; }; class D:publicB{ public: D(int xx,int yy):B(xx),y(yy){++count;y+=100;} virtual void show()const {cout<<count<<'_'<<y<endl}; pnvate: inty; }; int B::count=0; intmain(){ B*ptr=new D(10,20); ptr-show(); delete ptr; return 0; } 运行时的输出结果是( )。A.1_120B.2_120C.1_20D.2_20

下面程序的运行结果是【】。 include using namespace std; class count{ static int n; 下面程序的运行结果是【 】。include <iostream>using namespace std;class count{static int n;public:count(){n++;}static int test(){for(int i=0;i<4;i++)n++;return n;}};int count::n = O;int main(){cout<<count:: test()<<" ";count c1, c2;cout<<count:: test()<<endl;return 0;}

下面的哪些程序段可以正确地获得从命令行传递的参数的个数?() A.int count = args.length;B.int count = args.length-1;C.int count=0; while(args[count]!=null) count++;D.int count=0;while (!(args[count].equals(“”))) count++;

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;elass MyClass{public:MyClass( ){++count; 有如下程序: #include<lostreanl> using namespace std; elass MyClass{ public: MyClass( ){++count;} ~MyClass( ){--count;} static int getCount( ){return count;} private: static int count; }; int MyClass::count=0; int main( ){ MyClass obj; cout<<obj.getCount( ); MyClass*ptr=new MyClass; cout<<MyClass::getCount( ); delete ptr; cout<<MyCiass::getCount( ); return 0; } 程序的输出结果是A.121B.232C.221D.122

有如下程序:#includeiostreamusing namespace std;class Toy{public:Toy(char*_n){strcpy(name,_n);count++;}~Toy()}count--;}char*GetName(){return name;}static int getCount(){return count;}private:char name[10];static int count;};int Toy::count=O:int main(){Toy tl(“Snoopy”),t2(“Mickey”),t3(“Barbie”);coutt1.getCount()endl;return O:}运行时的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.运行时出错

int Calc(unsigned int x){int count=0;while(x){printf("x=%i\n",x);count++;x=x(x-1);}return count;}问 Calc(9999)的值是多少。

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Toy{public:Toy(char*_n){strcpy(name 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Toy{ public: Toy(char*_n){strcpy(name,_n);count++;} ~Toy(){count--;} char*GetName( ){return name;} static int getCount( ){return count;} private: char name[10]; static int count; }; int Toy::count=0: int main( ){ Toy tl("Snoopy"),t2("Mickey"),t3("Barbie"); cout<<t1.getCount( )<<endl; return 0; } 程序的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.运行时出错

有如下程序: #inCludeiostream using namespaCe耐: Class MyClass{ publiC: MyClass{++Count;} ~MyClass{--Count;} statiC int getCount{retum Count;} private: statiC int Count; }; ‘ int MyClass::Count=0; int main { MyClass obj; Coutobj.getCount; MyClass+ptr=new MyClass: CoutMyClass::9etCount; ’delete ptr; CoutMyClass::9etCount; return 0; } 执行这个程序的输出结果是( )。A.121B.232C.221D.122

int [] my_Array;   My_Array=new int [5];   For(int count = 0 ;  count =5; count ++)    System.out.pringtln(my_Array[count]);   以上Java代码运行的结果是()  A、将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B、将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C、将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D、将出现运行时异常

int [] my_Array;  my_Array = new int[5];  for(int count = 0; count = 5; count++)  System.out.println(my_Array[count]); 结果是()A、将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B、将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C、将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D、将出现运行时异常

编译如下的Java程序片段:  Class test{     Int count=9;     Public void a(){   Int count=10;   System.out,println(“count 1=” + count); }  Public void count(){   System.out.println(“count 2 =”+ count); }  Public static void main(String args[] ){   Test t=new Test();   t.a();   t.count(); } }  结果是()A、不能通过编译B、输出:count 1 =10  count 2=9C、输出:count 1=9 count 2=9

You need to create a JSP that generates some JavaScript code to populate an array of strings used on theclient-side. Which JSP code snippet will create this array?()A、MY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;} %B、MY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. } %C、MY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;. % } %D、MY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. % } %

For debugging purposes, you need to record how many times a given JSP is invoked before the user’ssession has been created. The JSP’s destroy method stores this information to a database. Which JSPcode snippet keeps track of this count for the lifetime of the JSP page?()A、%! int count = 0; %% if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %B、%@ int count = 0; %. % if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %C、% int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %D、%@ int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %E、%! int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %

编译如下Java程序片断:  class test{  int count = 9;  public void a(){    int count=10;  System.out.println("count 1 =" + count);  }  public void count(){  System.out.println("count 2 =" + count);  }  public static void main(String args[]){    test t=new test();    t.a();   t.count();   } }  结果将()。    A、不能通过编译B、输出: count 1 = 10 count 2 = 9C、输出:count 1 = 9 count 2 = 9

单选题You need to create a JSP that generates some JavaScript code to populate an array of strings used on theclient-side. Which JSP code snippet will create this array?()AMY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;} %BMY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. } %CMY_ARRAY = new Array();. % for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[%= i %] = ’%= serverArray[i] %’;. % } %DMY_ARRAY = new Array();% for ( int i = 0; i  serverArray.length; i++ ) { % . MY_ARRAY[${i}] = ’${serverArray[i]}’;. % } %

单选题编译如下的Java程序片段:  Class test{     Int count=9;     Public void a(){   Int count=10;   System.out,println(“count 1=” + count); }  Public void count(){   System.out.println(“count 2 =”+ count); }  Public static void main(String args[] ){   Test t=new Test();   t.a();   t.count(); } }  结果是()A不能通过编译B输出:count 1 =10  count 2=9C输出:count 1=9 count 2=9

单选题编译如下Java程序片断:  class test{  int count = 9;  public void a(){    int count=10;  System.out.println("count 1 =" + count);  }  public void count(){  System.out.println("count 2 =" + count);  }  public static void main(String args[]){    test t=new test();    t.a();   t.count();   } }  结果将()。A不能通过编译B输出: count 1 = 10 count 2 = 9C输出:count 1 = 9 count 2 = 9

单选题int [] my_Array;  my_Array = new int[5];  for(int count = 0; count = 5; count++)  System.out.println(my_Array[count]); 结果是()A将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D将出现运行时异常

单选题For debugging purposes, you need to record how many times a given JSP is invoked before the user’ssession has been created. The JSP’s destroy method stores this information to a database. Which JSPcode snippet keeps track of this count for the lifetime of the JSP page?()A%! int count = 0; %% if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %B%@ int count = 0; %. % if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %C% int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %D%@ int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %E%! int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %

单选题int[]my_Array; my_Array=newint[5]; for(intcount=0;count=5;count++)System.out.println(my_Array[count]); 以上Java代码运行的结果是()。A将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D将出现运行时异常

单选题int [] my_Array;   My_Array=new int [5];   For(int count = 0 ;  count =5; count ++)    System.out.pringtln(my_Array[count]);   以上Java代码运行的结果是()A将1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕B将0,1,2,3,4输出到屏幕C将0,1,2,3,4,5输出到屏幕D将出现运行时异常