单选题The ship which strikes any other vessel is called the().Aship in the wrongBresponsible vesselCvessel to be responsibleDwrong ship

The ship which strikes any other vessel is called the().

ship in the wrong


responsible vessel


vessel to be responsible


wrong ship


解析: 暂无解析


Any illegal acts of violence,detention or any act of depredation,committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship and directed:(a).On the high seas,against another ship or against persons or property on board such ship; or (b).Against a ship,persons or property in a place outside of the jurisdiction of any state defines which of the following?A.MutinyB.PiracyC.BarratryD.Remuneration

A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ______.A.all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB.any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardC.an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD.an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case ______ .A.Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on boardB.Vessel with a dead body on boardC.Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyageD.Cargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body

According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to __________,hire will not cease.A.detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewB.stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersC.deviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeD.reasonable deviation

Services rendered notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition of the owner or the master of the vessel or the owner of any other property in danger _______ on board the vessel shall not give rise to payment under this Convention.A.which is not and has not beenB.which was notC.which wasD.which is not but will be taken by the salver

A vessel is "engaged in fishing" when ______.A.her gear extends more than 100 meters from the vesselB.she is using any type of gear,other than linesC.she is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverabilityD.she has any fishing gear on board

Until security has been provided the Contractor shall have a maritime lien on ______ for his remuneration.A.the property lostB.the property salvedC.the property involved in the accident which gave rise to the salvage operationsD.any other property in danger which is not and has not been on board the vessel

On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE ________.A.Danger of heavy ship sweat exists;constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC.There is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat;moderate ventilation is neededD.The possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

In a narrow channel, a signal of intent which must be answered by the other vessel, is sounded by a vessel ______.A.meeting another head-onB.overtaking anotherC.Any of the aboveD.crossing the course of another

单选题A note of protest is a declaration made by the Master of a vessel before a notary public.Its purpose is to().AProtest acts of violence or misconduct by the vessel's crewBState that damage to cargo or vessel was caused by improper loading or pilferage by others rather than ship's personnelCState that the damage to ship,cargo or both was due to the perils of the seaDState that the perishable cargo was damaged because of negligence by port authorities or other officials

单选题According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to(),hire will not cease.Adetention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewBstoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersCdeviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeDreasonable deviation

单选题Which of the following is not an operation mode of AIS?()AA ship-to-ship modeBA ship-to-shore modeCIntegrated with a vessel traffic systemDSending out information through broadcast automatically

单选题The ship which strikes any other vessel is called the().Aship in the wrongBresponsible vesselCvessel to be responsibleDwrong ship

单选题Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another().AThe vessel which has the other on her own starboard sideBThe vessel which has the other on her own port sideCThe one which hears the other's fog signal firstDNeither vessel is the stand-on vessel

单选题A vessel is proceeding from a very cold climate to a warm climate.With a cargo of non-hygroscopic nature,which of the following is correct?().AThere is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationBDanger of the ship sweat exists.Constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredCThere is little danger of ship's sweat;slight possibility of cargo sweatDThe possibility of any ship or cargo sweat is remote

单选题Reserve buoyancy is().Aalso called GMBthe void portion of the ship below the waterline which is enclosed and watertightCaffected by the number of transverse watertight bulkheadsDthe watertight portion of a vessel above the waterline

单选题When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().ABow to the sea and no way on your vesselBSea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyCSea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyDSea on the quarter with sternway on the ship

单选题A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ().Aall vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationBany barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboardCan oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveDan oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above

单选题A vessel is in sight of another vessel when she().Acan be observed by radarBhas determined that risk of collision existsCis sounding a fog signal which can be heard on the other vesselDcan be observed visually from the other vessel

单选题A vessel is “engaged in fishing” when().Aher gear extends more than 100 meters from the vesselBshe is using any type of gear,other than linesCshe is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverabilityDshe has any fishing gear on board

单选题Your vessel is NOT making way,but is not in any way disabled.Another vessel is approaching you on your starboard beam.Which statement is TRUE().AYour vessel is obligated to stay out of the wayBThe other vessel must give way,since your vessel is stoppedCYou should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under commandDYou should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

单选题A vessel engaged in()shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within anarrow channel or fairway.Amine clearance operationBtowing operationCdredging or surveying or underwater operationDfishing

单选题Vertical partitions which provide strength and compartmentalization on a ship are called().AdecksBbulkheadsCjoiner workDwalls

单选题If,for any reason,it is necessary to abandon ship while far out at sea,it is important that the crew members should().Aseparate from each other as this will increase the chances of being rescuedBget away from the area because sharks will be attracted to the vesselCimmediately head for the nearest landDremain together in the area because rescuers will start searching at the vessel's last known position

单选题The right to limit liability in connection with the ship()also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.AhasBtakesCisDmakes

单选题Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case () .AVessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on boardBVessel with a dead body on boardCVessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyageDCargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body

单选题()is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship’s course and the distance being those indicated by log.Adead reckoningBdead weightCdead slow aheadDdead slow astern

单选题Any vessel()any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel().Aovertaking/overtakenBbeing overtake/being overtakenCovertaking/being overtakenDbeing overtaking/overtaken