









句意:那些受过训练的果蝇比普通果蝇更聪明,但寿命往往更短。tend to是固定搭配,意思为“有某种倾向的趋势”,其他三项均不符合题意。因此正确选项是A。


单选题We()every day when we were children.Aused to swimBused to swimmingCuse to swimDuse to swimming

单选题More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith.AascribesBsubscribesCadheresDcaters



单选题If there were life on Mars, such life forms()unable to survive on earthAisBareCwould beDwill be

单选题()these honors he received a sum of money.AExceptBButCBesidesDOutside

单选题Kate is a little()than Mary.AyoungerByoungCthe youngestDyoungest

单选题-Can I get you a couple of tea? --()AThat’s very nice of youBWith pleasureCYou can, pleaseDThank you for the tea

单选题You are required to write about()Alocation of your officeBways of lifeCplaces of workDmeans of transportation

单选题Please()it on the small table.Ato putBputtingCput

单选题Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ()AenergyBsourceCpowerDmaterial

单选题It is hoped that the weather will()warm for three more days.AlastBgo onCkeep onDstay

单选题The author points out that the assignments of women’s roles in work_____.Aare determined by what they are better suited toBrow out of their position inside the homeCreflect a basic difference between men and womenDare suitable to them, but not to men

单选题()Chinese in your English classANot speakBDon’t speakCNo speak

单选题The population of the earth()increasing fast.AisBareCwereDhave been

单选题Schools()an important role in society.AmakeBdoCtakeDplay

单选题"It was cold yesterday." "()it was."ANorBNeitherCSoDSuch

单选题It is very convenient()here.AlivingBliveClivedDto live

单选题Don't take too long at the coffee shop. It's 14:15.()AI‘ll think your advice over.BI see. We have 30 minutes left.CThat‘s no problem.DI‘m afraid so

单选题—Glad to see you again. How was your trip? —()AYes, it’s good.BGreat. The scenery was spectacular.CI have no idea.DNo, I don’t like it

单选题“The La Brea Tar Pits” in paragraph 4 probably signifies things that _____.Acan be traced back to the prehistoric ageBare traps for those who want to inquireCare located in one place foreverDdon’t deserve full investigation

单选题He is not a child()Ano moreBno longerCany muchDany more

单选题I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I()today.Amight do itBmust do itChad to do itDmust have to do it


单选题The author suggests that singletons should _____.Afind boy friends or girl friendsBlive with their parents and other family membersClive together and share more with their friendsDwatch more episodes of the TV series “Friends”

单选题How long()you()the library book? For three days.Ahave; borrowedBhave; keptCdid; borrowDwere; kept

