单选题Students sometimes support themselves by _____ of evening jobs.AwaysBpathsCmeansDoffers

Students sometimes support themselves by _____ of evening jobs.









句意:学生们有时会通过晚上工作的办法来维持生活。by means of表示“通过……的办法”。其他三项均不与by ... of连用。因此选C项。


Students can be ___________ on themselves in judging such behavior. A. seriousB. solemnC. embarrassedD. hard

Since the speaker was a famous researcher in this field, many students ______ his lecture yesterday evening. A. preferredB. joinedC. presentedD. attended

He sometimes employs students to () samples of their products. A.distributingB.distributeC.have been distributedD.to distribute

The advantage of the educational system in North America is that students learn to think for themselves.()

What is not the disadvantage of the Western system of education?A、Students learn more math and science.B、Students study more hours each day and more days each year.C、Students cannot think themselves.D、Students haven’t studied as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries on high school graduation.

students may find themselves ( )either temporarily or permanently in the target language community. A. liveB. to liveC. livingD. lived

It has meant that in the first place the amount of benefits must be small lest people’s willingness to work and support themselves suffers.

The second paragraph is mainly about ______.A. international students solve their money problem in different waysB. international students can't study full time because they have to do spare-time jobsC. American students prefer to study in their own countryD. American students can attend colleges abroad easily

Below is a housing guide for students going to London.Below is a housing guide for students going to London. University accommodation (住所) officesMany university accommodation offices have their own list of registered landlords (房东). Others also provide information on accommodation agencies and other housing organization. The advantage of using your university accommodation is that you can get support if you have a problem. The disadvantage is that they are unlikely to have enough registered landlords to houses all their students.Property papers: Loot and RentingLoot is an important source (来源) of information about private housing for co-renters. The offers are from private landlords, agencies and individuals looking for other co-renters. They also have a website: http://www.loot.com/. The advantage of using Loot is that there are some excellent bargains. The disadvantage is that there is no quality control over the offers.Renting is another useful paper. The offers in this paper are mainly from accommodation agencies. Their website is at www. renting.co.uk.Accommodation agenciesThe majority of rented accommodation in London is probably advertised through accommodation agencies. The advantage of using accommodation agencies is that you will have access to a large number of accommodations. A good agent will listen to your requirements and can save you time in looking for the right accommodation. The disadvantage is that they will make a range of charges to potential renters.NoticeboardsAround the universities you will find a number of noticeboards where offers of accommodation will be posted. These will either be from landlords or from students. Some universities will also have online noticeboards where students can advertise to other students. Advertisements from students can be an excellent way to find accommodation. However, advertisements from landlords can be problematic.Word of mouthSome of the best housing in London is never advertised but is passed on from one group of students to another by word of mouth. It might be that you can find out about good offers from final year students. However, don’t suppose that just because you have found out about housing from a friend it is necessarily going to be better than that found through any other source.FamilyFaced with the very high rents charged in London, some students and their parents will consider buying as an alternative. In some cases this might be a good choice.45. What is the advantage of using Loot?A. It has more offers from accommodation agencies than Renting.B. It gives you personal information about other co-renters.C. Their website is designed mainly for students.D. There are some good bargains.

How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?A.Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.B.Teachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.C.Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.D.Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

Even the best writers sometimes find themselves__________ for words.A.loseB.lostC.to loseD.having lost

As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.AconcernBconcernsCconcernedDis concerned

Which of the following services offers scheduled telephone support for complex questions on AIX systems?()A、TechlineB、ConsultlineC、Operational Support Services - Alert for pSeriesD、Operational Support Services - RS/6000 SystemWatch

单选题Cramming will make it difficult for students to _____.Abe busy reviewing at firstBenjoy the first day of classCmake good test preparationDput more stress on themselves

单选题Students sometimes support themselves by _____ of evening jobs.AwaysBpathsCmeansDoffers

单选题How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?ATeachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.BTeachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.CTeachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.DTeachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

单选题Which of the following services offers scheduled telephone support for complex questions on AIX systems?()ATechlineBConsultlineCOperational Support Services - Alert for pSeriesDOperational Support Services - RS/6000 SystemWatch

单选题Which of the following best describes the relationship between Passage 1 and Passage 2?APassage 2 offers a criticism of the political theory outlined in Passage 1.BPassage 1 expands upon an argument made in Passage 2.CPassage 1 refutes the conclusion drawn in Passage 2.DPassage 2 offers a balanced counterpoint to the biased opinions expressed in Passage 1EPassage I offers evidence to support the main idea of Passage 2.

单选题The examination system we are now using can only make the students ______.Again more and more knowledgeBmake rapid progressCremember what is taughtDthink for themselves

单选题As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.AconcernBconcernsCconcernedDis concerned

单选题_____ impressed me most about the school is how it was designed to support both the students and the community.AWhatBThatCThisDWhich

单选题Those freshmen hope to offer some part-time jobs to support themselves financially.AThose freshmenBofferCpart-time jobsDsupport themselves

单选题Which of the following may be the most original reason for the problem of undergraduates’ mental-health?AColleges are tough and many students couldn’t adjust themselves to it well.BThere is the lack of enough counseling service to help troubled students out.CThey think they’ll be labelled as the crazy kids because of their mental difficulty.DThe overwhelming majority of troubled students are no threat to anyone but themselves.

单选题It’s true that sometimes a teacher _____ his students intelligence by the points they made on the examinations.AbeatsBgaugesCmoderatesDprevails

单选题Many students ______ chances to show themselves in class because the class size is too big.Adon’t giveBaren’t givenChaven’t givenDwon’t give

单选题What time can students take part in the hobby classes?AFrom morning to afternoon.BIn their school time.CIn their spare time.DOn Wednesday evening.

单选题It is stated in the last paragraph that _____.Amany people do not have financial support to go to collegeBmany people are not fit for college educationCmany college students don’t like their majorsDmany college students are bored of their education

单选题The most effective way to regain students’ mental health is that______.Acounselors hold mental-health screening sessions more frequently.Bcampuses offer more online services to keep students’ privacy.Coutreach programs are created by students themselves.Dneuroscience majors found more associations in psychological aspect.