单选题现有:      class TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestA");  }     }  public class TestB extends TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestB");  }     public static void main (string[]  args)  (     ((TestA)new TestB()).start();     )     }  运行结果是哪项?()A  TeStAB  TeStBC编译失败D运行时抛出异常

现有:      class TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestA");  }     }  public class TestB extends TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestB");  }     public static void main (string[]  args)  (     ((TestA)new TestB()).start();     )     }  运行结果是哪项?()









解析: 暂无解析


下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak();}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak(){}}C.public class Animal{ public abstract void speak();}D.public abstract class Animal{ public abstract void speak(){}}

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。A.public abstract class Animal{public void speak( );}B.public abstract class Animal{public void speak( ){};}C.public class Animal{pubilc abstract void speak( );}D.public abstract class Animal{pubile abstract void speak( ){};}

有下列程序:includeusing namespace std;class TestClass{public:virtual void fun1( 有下列程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class TestClass { public: virtual void fun1() { cout<<"fun1TestClass"; } virtual void fun2() { cout<<"fun2TestClass"; } }; class TeStA.fun1TeStClass1 fun2TeStClassB.fun1TestClass1 fun2TestClass1C.fun1TeStClass fun2TeStClassD.fun1TestClaSSfun2TestClaSS1

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。 A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}S 下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak{);}C.public class Animal{ pubilc abstract void speak;}D.public abstract class Animal{ pubile abstract void speak{};}

执行下列代码之后,输出的结果为______。 public class ex27 { public static void main(String[] args) { iht x=7; int y=15; boolean bb=(127|x)>7(-128∧y)<15; System.out. println(bb); } }A.trueB.0C.1D.false

class MyThread extends Thread {  public void run() { System.out.println(“AAA”); }  public void run(Runnable r) { System.out.println(“BBB”); }  public static void main(String[] args) {  new Thread(new MyThread()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()  A、 AAAB、 BBBC、 Compilation fails.D、 The code runs with no output.

public class TestA{    public void methodA() throws IOException{        //……    } }  public class TestB extends TestA{    public void methodA() throws EOFException{        //……   } }  public class TestC extends TestA{    public void methodA() throws Exception{        //……   } }  当编译类TestC的时候,结果是哪项?() A、 正常B、 编译错误C、 运行错误D、 以上都不对

1. class TestA {  2. TestB b;  3. TestA() {  4. b = new TestB(this);  5. }  6. }  7. class TestB {  8. TestA a;  9. TestB(TestA a) {  10. this.a = a;  11. }  12. }  13. class TestAll {  14. public static void main (String args[]) {  15. new TestAll().makeThings(); 16. // ...code continues on  17. }  18. void makeThings() {  19. TestA test = new TestA(); 20. }  21. }  Which two statements are true after line 15, before main completes?()A、 Line 15 causes a stack overflow.B、 An exception is thrown at runtime.C、 The object referenced by a is eligible for garbage collection.D、 The object referenced by b is eligible for garbage collection.E、 The object referenced by a is not eligible for garbage collection.F、 The object referenced by b is not eligible for garbage collection.

interface Data { public void load(); }  abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); }  Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class?() A、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }B、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }C、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }D、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*dsomething */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } }E、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } }F、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }

class TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestA”); }  }  public class TestB extends TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestB”); } public static void main(String[] args) {  ((TestA)new TestB()).start();  }  }  What is the result?() A、 TestAB、 TestBC、 Compilation fails.D、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

public class A extends Thread {  A() {  setDaemon(true);  }  public void run() {  (new B()).start();  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“A done”);  }  class B extends Thread {  public void run() {  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“B done”);  }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  (new A()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()  A、 A doneB、 B doneC、 A done B doneD、 B done A doneE、 There is no exception that the application will print anything.F、 The application outputs “A done” and “B done”, in no guaranteed order.

Which method must be defined by a class implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface? () A、 void run()B、 public void run()C、 public void start()D、 void run(int priority)E、 public void run(int priority)F、 public void start(int priority)

现有:  interface Data {public void load();}  abstract class Info {public abstract void load();}      下列类定义中正确使用Data和Info的是哪项?() A、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load(){/*dosomething*/}     }B、public class Employee extends Inf.implements Data{ public void load() {/*do something*/}     }C、public class Empl.yee implements Inf extends Data{ public void Data.1oad(){* do something*/}     public void load(){/*do something*/}     }D、public class Employee extends Inf implements Data  {  public void Data.1oad()  {/*do something*/)     public void info.1oad(){/*do something*/}    }

现有:      class TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestA");  }     }  public class TestB extends TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestB");  }     public static void main (string[]  args)  (     ((TestA)new TestB()).start();     )     }  运行结果是哪项?()     A、  TeStAB、  TeStBC、编译失败D、运行时抛出异常

现有      public class Parentt      public void change (int x){)     )      public class Child extends Parent{     //覆盖父类change方法     }      下列哪个声明是正确的覆盖了父类的change方法?()    A、  protected void change (int x){}B、  public void change(int x,  int y){}C、  public void change (int x){}D、  public void change (String s){}

Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()A、new Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }};B、new Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }};C、new Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }}.run();D、new Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}.start();E、new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}).start();

单选题Which method must be defined by a class implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface? ()A void run()B public void run()C public void start()D void run(int priority)E public void run(int priority)F public void start(int priority)

单选题现有:  interface Data {public void load();}  abstract class Info {public abstract void load();}      下列类定义中正确使用Data和Info的是哪项?()A public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load(){/*dosomething*/}     }Bpublic class Employee extends Inf.implements Data{ public void load() {/*do something*/}     }Cpublic class Empl.yee implements Inf extends Data{ public void Data.1oad(){* do something*/}     public void load(){/*do something*/}     }Dpublic class Employee extends Inf implements Data  {  public void Data.1oad()  {/*do something*/)     public void info.1oad(){/*do something*/}    }

单选题interface Data { public void load(); }  abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); }  Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class?()A public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }B public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }C public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }D public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*dsomething */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } }E public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } }F public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }

多选题Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()Anew Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }};Bnew Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }};Cnew Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }}.run();Dnew Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}.start();Enew Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}).start();

单选题现有      public class Parentt      public void change (int x){)     )      public class Child extends Parent{     //覆盖父类change方法     }      下列哪个声明是正确的覆盖了父类的change方法?()A  protected void change (int x){}B  public void change(int x,  int y){}C  public void change (int x){}D  public void change (String s){}

单选题class super (   public int I = 0;   public super (string text) (   I = 1   )   )     public class sub extends super (   public sub (string text) (   i= 2   )   public static void main (straing args) (  sub sub = new sub (“Hello”);   system.out. PrintIn(sub.i);  )   )   What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B Compilation will succeed and the program will print “0”C Compilation will succeed and the program will print “1”D Compilation will succeed and the program will print “2”

单选题现有:  1. interface Animal {  2. void eat();  3. }  4.  5. // insert code here  6.  7. public class HouseCat extends Feline {  8. public void eat() { }  9. }   和五个声明:  abstract class Feline implements Animal { }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { void eat(); }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { public void eat(); }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { public void eat() { } }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { abstract public void eat(); }  分别插入到第5行,有几个可以通过编译?()A0B1C2D3

单选题public class TestA{   public void methodA()  throws IOException{   //……   }   }   public class TestB extends TestA{   public void methodA()  throws EOFException{   //……   }   }   public class TestC extends TestA{   public void methodA()  throws Exception{   //……   }   }   当编译类TestC的时候,结果是哪项?()A 正常B 编译错误C 运行错误D 以上都不对

单选题现有:      class TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestA");  }     }  public class TestB extends TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestB");  }     public static void main (string[]  args)  (     ((TestA)new TestB()).start();     )     }  运行结果是哪项?()A  TeStAB  TeStBC编译失败D运行时抛出异常

单选题class TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestA”); }  }  public class TestB extends TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestB”); } public static void main(String[] args) {  ((TestA)new TestB()).start();  }  }  What is the result?()A TestAB TestBC Compilation fails.D An exception is thrown at runtime.

多选题Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()Anew Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } }Bnew Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } }Cnew Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } } .run();Dnew Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } .start();Enew Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } ).run();Fnew Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } }).start();

单选题现有:  interface Animal {       void eat () ;       }       //insert code here       public class HouseCat extends Feline {       public void eat() { }       }  和五个申明  abstract class Feline implements Animal { }  abstract  class  Feline  implements  Animal  {  void eat () ;  }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { public void eat();}  abstract class Feline implements Animal { public void eat() {}  }  abstract class Feline implements Animal { abstract public void eat();} 结果为:()A1B2C3D4