多选题switch(x) {  default:  System.out.println(“Hello”);  }  Which two are acceptable types for x?()AbyteBlongCcharDfloatEShortFLong

switch(x) {  default:  System.out.println(“Hello”);  }  Which two are acceptable types for x?()













解析: 暂无解析


运行下面程序时,从键盘输入字母H,则输出结果是#includestdio.hmain(){ char ch;ch=getchar();switch(ch){case ′H′:printf("Hello!\n");case ′G′:printf("Good morning!\n");default:printf("Bye_Bye!\n");}}A.Hello!B.Hello! Good Moring!C.Hello! Good morning! Bye_Bye!D.Hello! Bye_Bye!

下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 9; switch (i) { default: System.out.println("default"); case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); } } }A.defaunB.defauh, zeroC.error default clause not definedD.no output displayed

下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2; System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println("default"); } } }A.oneB.one,defaultC.one,two,defaultD.default

给出下面程序段if(x>0){System.out.println“Hello.“;}elseif(x>-3){System.out.println“Nicetomeetyou“;}else{System.out.println“Howareyou“;}若打印字符串“Howareyou”,则x的取值范围是()。 A.x>0B.x>-3C.xD.x-3

public static void main(String[]args){Integer i=new Integer(1)+new Integer(2);switch(i){case3:System.out.println(three);break;default:System.out.println(other);break;}}Whatistheresult?()A.threeB.otherC.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.D.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline12.E.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline13.F.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline15.

switch(i){default:System.out.printIn(Hello”);}Whatistheacceptabletypeforthevariablei?() A.ByteB.LongC.FloatD.DoubleE.ObjectF.AandBG.CandD

switch(i){default:System.out.printIn(Hello”);)Whatarethetwoacceptabletypesforthevariablei?() A.CharB.ByteC.FloatD.DoubleE.Object

switch(x){default:System.out.println(“Hello”);}Whichtwoareacceptabletypesforx?() A.byteB.longC.charD.floatE.ShortF.Long

switch(i){default:310-025LeadingthewayinITtestingandcertificationtools,www.testking.com-27-System.out.printIn(Hello”);}Whatarethetwoacceptabletypesforthevariablei?() A.CharB.ByteC.FloatD.DoubleE.Object

下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 1; switch (i) { case 0: System.but.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println ("default"); } } }A.oneB.one, defaultC.one, two, defaultD.default

给出下面代码片段: public class Test{ public static void main (String args[ ]){ int m; switch(m) { case 0:System.out.println("case 0"); case 1:System.out.println("case 1"):break; case 2: default:System.out.println("default"); } } } 下列m的( )值将引起"default"的输出。A.1B.2C.4D.0

给出下面程序段: if(x>0){System.out.println("Hello.");} else if(x>-3){ System.out.println("Nice to meet you!");} else{System.out.println("How are you?");} 若打印字符串"How are yoh?",则x的取值范围是( )。A.x>0B.x>-3C.x≤-3D.x≤0x>-3

给出下列代码段: public class ex38 { public static void main (String args [ ] ) { int m; switch(m) { case 0: System.out.println ( "case 0" ); case 1:System.out.println("case 1");break; case 2: default: System.out.print in ("default") } } 下列m的______值将引起"default"的输出。A.0B.1C.2D.以上答案都不正确

给出下列的程序段,m为何值时将会输出default? ( ) switch(m) { case 0: System.out.println("case 0"); case 1:System.out.println("case 1");break; case 2:System.out.println("case 2");break; default:System.out.println("default"); }A.0B.1C.2D.3

下面程序段的输出结果是( )。 public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ int i=1: switch(i){ case0: System.OUt.println("0"); break; casel: System.out.println("1"); case2: System.OUt.println("2"); break; default: System.out.println("default"); } } }A.01B.12C.10D.21

若有定义语句int a,b;double x;则下列选项中没有错误的是( )。A.switch(x%2) {case O:a++;break; case 1:b++;break; default:a++;b++; }B.switch((int)x/2.0) {case O:a++;break; case 1:b++;break; default:a++;b++; }C.switch((int)x%2) {case O:a++;break; case 1:b++;break; default:a++;b++; }D.switch((int)(x)%2) {case 0.O:a++;break; case 1.0:b++;break; default:a++;b++; }

有如下代码段:switch ( x ){case 1:System.out.println("One");break;case 2:case 3:System.out.println("Two");break;default:System.out.println("end");}变量x的取值下列哪些情形时,能使程序输出"Two" 。A. 1B. 2C. 3D. default

switch(x) {  default:  System.out.println(“Hello”);  }  Which two are acceptable types for x?() A、 byteB、 longC、 charD、 floatE、 ShortF、 Long

class A {  public A() {  System.out.println(“hello from a”);  }  }  class B extends A {  public B () {  System.out.println(“hello from b”);  super();  }  }  public class Test {  public static void main(String args[]) {  A a = new B();  }  }   What is the result when main is executed?()  A、 Compilation fails.B、 hello from aC、 hello from bD、 hello from b hello from aE、 hello from a hello from b

switch (i)  {  default:  System.out.printIn(“Hello”);  }  What is the acceptable type for the variable i?()  A、 ByteB、 LongC、 FloatD、 DoubleE、 ObjectF、 A and BG、 C and D

switch (i) {   default:  310-025   Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools,www.testking.com   - 27 -  System.out.printIn(“Hello”);  }   What are the two acceptable types for the variable i? ()A、 CharB、 ByteC、 FloatD、 DoubleE、 Object

switch (i)  {  default:  System.out.printIn(“Hello”);  )   What are the two acceptable types for the variable i?()  A、 CharB、 ByteC、 FloatD、 DoubleE、 Object

class TestApp{   public static void main(String[] args){   int x = 5;   switch(x){   case 1:   case 2:   case 3:   System.out.println(“一季度”);   break;   case 4:   case 5:   case 6:   System.out.println(“二季度”);   case 7:  case 8:   case 9:   System.out.println(“三季度”);   break;   ase 10:   case 11:   ase 12:   System.out.println(“四季度”);   break;   default:   System.out.println(“不是有效的月份”);  }  }  }   上述程序运行后的结果是哪项?()  A、一季度B、二季度C、三季度D、四季度

单选题switch (i) {  default:   System.out.printIn(“Hello”);   }  What is the acceptable type for the variable i?()A ByteB LongC FloatD DoubleE ObjectF A and BG C and D

多选题switch (i)  {  default:  System.out.printIn(“Hello”);  )   What are the two acceptable types for the variable i?()ACharBByteCFloatDDoubleEObject

多选题switch (i) {   default:  310-025   Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools,www.testking.com   - 27 -  System.out.printIn(“Hello”);  }   What are the two acceptable types for the variable i? ()ACharBByteCFloatDDoubleEObject

单选题public static void main(String[]args){ Integer i=new Integer(1)+new Integer(2); switch(i){ case3:System.out.println("three");break; default:System.out.println("other");break; } } Whatistheresult?()AthreeBotherCAnexceptionisthrownatruntime.DCompilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline12.ECompilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline13.FCompilationfailsbecauseofanerroronline15.

多选题switch(x) {  default:  System.out.println(“Hello”);  }  Which two are acceptable types for x?()AbyteBlongCcharDfloatEShortFLong