











单选题May I speak to Dr. Brown?()AYes, he is not in at the moment.BNo, you can't.CYes, this is Brown speaking.DSorry, speaking.

单选题They were the only men who received votes()meAnextBbesidesCunlessDaccept

单选题There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places. Or you can go and see a colour film. Or you can read travel books. It would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的) account of travels which the author has actually made himself, if they are informative and have a good index (索引), then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective (客观的)description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can be sorted as a selected guide book. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or other. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an explanation. Like the first kind they can be inspiring and interesting. But their basic purpose is to help the reader who wishes to plan in the most practical way. Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "wonderful", "excellent" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in the twenty-first century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.The following travel books may be of use when you plan your travels except ().Athe book written by some people who have had the same travel experience themselvesBthe book which tells you what is worth doing and seeing based on the factsCthe book in which a lot of big adjectives are used to draw your attentionDthe book which offers you a lot of useful information like a tour guide






单选题Although business slumped after the holidays, shop owners began to prepare for the next one.ArecoveredBvanishedClessenedDswelled


问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映新中国成立70年来人均寿命的增长以及人口素质的提升。  题目:中国人口结构的变化


单选题If you go by car, you'll get there()40 minutes.AwithinBaboutCunderDafter

单选题Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a()and disorder!AmassBmessCguessDbus

单选题Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.AavoidBkeepCstopDdrop


单选题You can ask questions about any detail()to this meeting.ArelateBto relateCrelating

单选题We need()machine.ArepairingBrepairCrepairedDto repair

单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the global warming?AThe burning of fuels such as coal or oil.BThe clearing of forests.CThe cultivation of farmland.DThe negative consequences of human activities.

单选题Stars have better players, so I()them to win.AhopeBpreferCexpectDwant


单选题Which of these possible factors leading to greater productivity is NOT true?ATo make jobs more varied.BTo give the workers freedom to do their jobs in their own way.CDegree of worker contribution.DDemands of longer working hours.

单选题I called you four times this morning but your line was always _____.AoccupiedBcrowdedCblockedDbusy

单选题I think()strange that he is always saying nice things about you.AwhatBthatCthisDit

单选题Nowadays people can travel around the world()Aby raftBby cruise shipCby a shipDby aboat


单选题Because of adverse weather conditions, the travelers stopped to camp.AlocalBunfamiliarCgoodDunfavorable

单选题- How do I get to the cinema? -()AIt's very far.BYes, there is a cinema near here.CIt's well known.DGo down this street and turn left