


本段关键信息词为“reliable records of departures”及“net migration”,对照各选项,只有E与该段内容相关。



单选题What does the underlined word “dismember” in paragraph 4 mean?ATo kick somebody out.BTo cut somebody into pieces.CTo dismiss somebody.DTo stab a knife into somebody.


单选题It is()to interrupt the others while they are talking.AroughBrudeCpoliteDtroublesome

单选题You will soon()the weather here, and then the changes in temperature will not trouble you much.Aget used toBget overCget toDget on with

单选题Which of the following can best summarize Sallon’s Plant Project?ADiscovering new species.BProtecting rare species.CRestoring extinct species.DReforming existing species.

单选题They were all very tired, but()of them would stop to take a rest.AanyBsomeCnoneDneither

单选题Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.()AWhat can I do for you?BNice to meet you.CPlease keep in touch.DHaven't seen you for ages.

单选题We learn from the passage that _____.AHigh blood pressure is caused by angerBAngry people cannot express themselves reasonablyCAnger is harmful to one’s healthDDoctors in the past would advise people to express anger freely

填空题All male guests at this restaurant are respectfully requested that they are put on coat and tie.

单选题You must explain()how they succeeded()the experiment.Aof us;forBat us;atCto us;inDfor us;to

单选题I was talking with my mother on the phone when we were()suddenly.Acut downBcut offCcut acrossDcut back

单选题____AwhereasBalthoughCjust becauseDjust as

单选题His attitude toward us seems()AnicelyBwarmlyCkindlyDfriendly

单选题(), Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legsAWhat's the matterBWhat's going onCWhat did you doDWhat have you done

单选题Can I help you, sir?()ANo, I don't need your help.BYes. I'd like to withdraw some moneyCWell, leave me alone.DDon't bother me!

单选题Will you be free tomorrow morning?()ANo, I'll be busyBWhat is the matter?CI'm sorry I won't be free thenDNo, I'll have no time


单选题The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to()what he was saying.Atake inBtake outCtake upDtake over

单选题It()that they had no idea at the moment.AseemedBwas seemedCsawDliked

单选题One cannot learn a foreign language well()he studies hard.AunlessBifCasDwhen

单选题I wonder if I could use your dictionary?()AGo on.BGo ahead.CGo up.DGo away.


单选题The author states that the will and the passions of the people _____.Acan be effectively controlled by the people themselvesBshould determine government policiesCcan be controlled only by a power that exists apart from the people and is not subject to that will and those passionsDcannot be controlled

单选题--Let's take a walk. --()AYes, let’sBOh, thanksCYes,please


单选题He was a young sailor on his first sea()AjourneyBtripCtravelDvoyage

单选题Which of the following is probably the most significant measure to fight cheating?APutting less emphasis on where the students are going to go in the future.BLetting students know that honesty is more important.CWriting examinations for which it is hard to cheat.DSetting up more strict campus honor codes.