


解析: 暂无解析


The outside resources of contamination in SSIS (Surgical Site Infections) include ( ) . A、Patients’ own normal floraB、surgical personnelC、surgical instrumentsD、air

—Why does food contamination seem to occur so frequently these days? —() A.Because people do not realize the harmfulness of it.B.Because contaminated food products are easy to produce and sell.C.Because those food manufacturers only focus on making money.

—How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?—() A. People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need.B. I agree with you on this point, and we should pay more to attention to food safety.C. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food.


Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and ______.A.fluid frictionB.fluid turbulenceC.component misalignmentD.pressure surges

Which can be prevented only by segregating two lots of cargo into separate holds?A.Contamination of dry cargo by a wet cargoB.Contamination of a clean cargo by a dirty cargoC.Contamination of a food cargo by an odorous cargoD.Overcarriage,overstowage,and short landing

Which factor must be considered when determining the order of loading of dissimilar products through the same piping system aboard a tanker?A.Contamination of the cargoB.Flash pointsC.Reid vapor pressuresD.Specific gravities





单选题Which of the following statements describes the function of an air compressor intake filter?()AProtects against suction valve floatBProvides a positive pressure on the air inlet valvesCPrevents lubricating oil contamination of the compressed air supplyDProtects against the damaging effects of airborne solid particles


单选题Diesel engine fuel oil contamination often results in ()Agovernor malfunctionsBfuel injection system malfunctionsChigh cylinder lube oil temperaturesDlow intake temperatures

单选题You are inspecting the lower main precision bearings on a diesel engine.You observe that about half the thin Babbitt linings are of a milky white colourThis condition is caused by ()Alarge dirt particles in the oil supplyBinsufficient lubricating oil and overheatingCnormal wearDwater contamination of the lube oil

问答题Passage 3Fermented Foods for Babies  Malnutrition during weaning age-when breast milk is being replaced by semi-solid foods-is highly prevalent in children of poor households in many developing countries. While the etiology is complex and multifactorial, the immediate causes are recognized as feeding at less than adequate levels for children’s growth and development, and recurrent infections, including diarrhea, resulting mainly from ingestion of contaminated foods. As a result, many young children, particularly between six months to two years of age, experience weight loss and impaired growth and development.  Studies by investigators in various countries have concentrated on traditional food preparation methods and have resulted in offering cheap and practical answers to these problems based on familiar, indigenous and culturally acceptable home processing practices.  Two such answers have arisen. Firstly, cereal fermentation is used for reducing the risk of contamination under the existing inappropriate conditions for food preparation and storage in many households. Secondly, a tiny amount of sprouted grains flour is used in preparation of weaning foods as a magic way to lessen the viscosity without decreasing energy density.   A method to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and inhibit their growth during storage of weaning preparations can benefit nutrition and health in young children considerably. Use of fermented foods for feeding children of weaning age appears to be an effective solution. Fermented foods have lower levels of diarrhoeal germ contamination, they are suitable for child feeding, and can be safely stored for much longer periods of time than fresh foods.  The practice has been a traditional way of food preservation in many parts of the world. The anti-microbial properties of fermented foods and their relative higher safety-documented since the early 1900’s-have been indicated in a number of studies.  In Ghana, it is common to ferment maize dough before cooking it as porridge. In Kenya, cereal-based porridge and milk are traditionally fermented. Preserving milk in the form of yoghurt has been known to many households living in hot climates.  What are the underlying mechanisms by which fermentation processes help to prevent or reduce contamination? A possible answer suggests that during the fermentation process foods become more acid. This explains why diarrhoea-causing bacteria are not able to grow in fermented foods as rapidly as in unfermented ones. It is also hypothesized that some of the germs present in the foods are killed or inhibited from growing through the action of anti-microbial substances produced during fermentation (Dialogue on Diarrhoea, 1990). The fermented foods can, therefore, be kept for a longer time compared to fresh ones. It has been shown that while contamination levels in cooked unfermented foods increase with storage time, fermented foods remain less contaminated.  Whatever the underlying mechanisms, the fact is that the exercise reduces contamination without adding to the household cost both in terms of time and money. Its preparation is easy. The cereal flour is mixed with water to form a dough which is left to be fermented; addition of yeast, or mixing with a small portion of previously fermented dough is sometimes needed. The dough can then be cooked into porridge for feeding to the child.  Although beneficial, unfortunately the practice is going out of fashion, partly because of current emphasis on the use of fresh foods, particularly for children. For example, a study on the use of fermented foods for young children in Kenya (Dialogue on Diarrhoea, 1990), demonstrated that while foods are still frequently fermented at home for child feeding, their use is becoming less popular, particularly in urban areas where commercial products are more available. Clearly they now need to be promoted.  Complete the summary with the list of words A-N below. Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.  Malnutrition and the resulting impaired growth and development in children of weaning age in developing countries result not only from 1______ but also from infections caused by 2______. Studies have addressed the problem of inadequate intake by using sprouted grains in food preparation. Contamination has been tackled with 3______. Both of these methods are, or were, used traditionally and are practical and inexpensive.  Fermented foods have higher 4______ and also have anti-microbial qualities. This means that contamination is decreased and that their 5______ is increased. Fermentation occurs when 6______ is left to stand, occasionally with simple additives. There is, however, a trend away from this 7______ to commercial products.A. porridge             H. storage lifeB. malnutrition           I. sprouted grainsC. fermentation           J. inadequate food intakeD. new technology          K. acidityE. contaminated food         L. unfermented foodF. diarrhoeal germs         M. weaningG. traditional food         N. dough

单选题Under normal conditions, the main source of crankcase oil contamination is attributed to ()Ametal particles loosened by wearBair when air cleaners are not usedCcondensation of water vaporsDbreakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution

单选题The major cause of trouble in a mechanical-hydraulic governor is contamination of the hydraulic fluid by ()AdirtBfuel oilCgovernor cooling waterDfuel oil tars

单选题A separate piston cooling system is used to limit any contamination () piston cooling glands() the piston cooling system only.Abetween;toBeither;orCfrom;toDneither;nor



问答题In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summery below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in each of the blanks 51-5.Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Malnutrition during weaning age—when breast milk is being replaced by semi-solid foods—is highly prevalent in children of poor households in many developing countries. While the etiology is complex and multifactorial, the immediate causes are recognized as feeding at less than adequate levels for child growth and development, and recurrent infections, including diarrhoea, resulting mainly from ingestion of contaminated foods. As a result, many young children, particularly between six months to two years of age, experience weight loss and impaired growth and development.  Two such answers have arisen. Firstly, cereal fermentation is used for reducing the risk of contamination under the existing inappropriate conditions for food preparation and storage in many households. Secondly, a tiny amount of sprouted grains flour is used in preparation of weaning foods as a magic way to lessen the viscosity without decreasing energy density.  A method to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and inhibit their growth during storage of weaning preparations can benefit nutrition and health in young children considerably. Use of fermented foods for feeding children of weaning age appears to be an effective solution. Fermented foods have lower levels of diarrhoeal germ contamination, they are suitable for child feeding, and can be safely stored for much longer periods of time than fresh foods. The practice has been a traditional way of food preservation in many parts of the world. The antimicrobial properties of fermented foods and their relative higher safety-documented since the early 1900’s—have been indicated in a number of studies.  What are the underlying mechanisms by which fermentation processes help to prevent or reduce contamination? A possible answer suggests that during the fermentation process foods become more acid. This explains why diarrhoea-causing bacteria are not able to grow in fermented foods as rapidly as in unfermented ones. It is also hypothesized that some of the germs present in the foods are killed or inhibited from growing through the action of antimicrobial substances produced during fermentation (Dialogue on Diarrhoea, 1990). The fermented foods can, therefore, be kept for a longer time compared to fresh ones. It has been shown that while contamination levels in cooked unfermented foods increase with storage time, fermented foods remain less contaminated.  Whatever the underlying mechanisms, the fact is that the exercise reduces contamination without adding to the household cost both in terms of time and money. Its preparation is easy. The cereal flour is mixed with water to form a dough which is left to be fermented; addition of yeast, or mixing with a small portion of previously fermented dough is sometimes needed. The dough can then be cooked into porridge for feeding to the child.  Summary:  Malnutrition and the resulting impaired growth and development in children of weaning age in developing countries results not only from (1) but also from infections caused by contaminated food. Studies have addressed the problem of inadequate intake by using sprouted grains in food preparation. Contamination has been tackled with (2) Both of these methods are, or were, used traditionally and are practical and inexpensive.Fermented foods have higher (3) , and also have antimicrobial qualities. This means that contamination is decreased and that their (4) is increased. Fermentation occurs when (5) is left to stand, occasionally with simple additives.

单选题In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().Ametal particles loosened by wearBair when no air cleaners are usedCcondensation of water vaporsDbreakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution

单选题Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and ().Afluid frictionBfluid turbulenceCcomponent misalignmentDpressure surges

单选题Which of the following is TRUE?ADoctors don’t understand the benefits of breast-feeding.BHorta is concerned with water contamination in poor countries.CHorta’s research project lasted about 30 years.DBreast-feeding is the only way to improve a baby’s health.

单选题The air required for combustion is taken from the engine room through a filter fitted on the turbochargerThis reduces the risk for too and contamination of the combustion air()Ahigh temperaturesBlow temperaturesCwetDdirty
