单选题MV SUDAN/MEAN AT 0200UTC IN POSITION 40.44N 141.52E PASSED A DERELICT ABOUT 40 TONS HALF SUBMERGED AND IS DRIFTING. This cable says that she met with possibly().Aa floating wreckBa survivor at seaCa man who had fallen overboardDa drilling rig

MV SUDAN/MEAN AT 0200UTC IN POSITION 40.44N 141.52E PASSED A DERELICT ABOUT 40 TONS HALF SUBMERGED AND IS DRIFTING. This cable says that she met with possibly().

a floating wreck


a survivor at sea


a man who had fallen overboard


a drilling rig


解析: 暂无解析


What does"a bird's-eye view"mean?A. See a view with a bird' s eyes.B. A bird looks at a beautiful view.C. It is a general view from a high position.D. If is a scenic place.

I __________ your house last night at about 12:00, so I didn ’t call you. A.passed onB.passed fromC.passed toD.passed by


His grandfather( )peacefully this morning.A、passed byB、passed toC、passed offD、passed away


x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λmin x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λminC.λmean =2λminD.λmean =l.5λminE.λmean=λmin

publicclassAssertStuff{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){intx=5;inty=7;assert(xy):stuff”;System.out.println(”passed”);}}Andthesecommandlineinvocations:javaAssertStuffjava-eaAssertStuffWhatistheresult?()A.passedstuffB.stuffpassedC.passed AnAssertionErroristhrownwiththeword“stuff”addedtothestacktrace.D.passed AnAssertionErroristhrownwithouttheword“stuff”addedtothestacktrace.E.passed AnAssertionExceptionisthrownwiththeword“stuff”addedtothestacktrace.F.passed AnAssertionExceptionisthrownwithouttheword“stuff”addedtothestacktrace.


MV ATLANTIC AT 0205UTC A BLACK FLOATING MINE WAS SIGHTED IN APPROX POSITION LAT 15.30N LONG 112.30E DANGEROUS TO NAVIGATION VESSELS IN VICINITY. According to this cable,the mine ______.A.has nothing to do with navigationB.dangerous to navigationC.the mine is drifting with the windD.the mine is not sighted by the vessel

In weather report, POSITION GOOD means that ______.A.the position is suitableB.the position is reliableC.the position is changeableD.the position is fixable





单选题Having passed the test for certification, Mackenzie was looking forward to finding a challenging teaching position in her home town.AHaving passedBPassingCBeing that she passedDIf she had passedEFor her passing

单选题MV SUDAN/MEAN AT 0200UTC IN POSITION 40.44N 141.52E PASSED A DERELICT ABOUT 40 TONS HALF SUBMERGED AND IS DRIFTING. This cable says that she met with possibly().Aa floating wreckBa survivor at seaCa man who had fallen overboardDa drilling rig

单选题We are pleased to say that we are()to supply you()the goods you want.Aof a position,──Bat a position,──Cin a position,withDat a position,with

单选题MV ATLANTIC 0200UTC POSN 33.55N 127.22E COURSE 088 DEGS SPEED 12.5 KTS SAILOR FELL FROM MAST SERIOULY WOUNDED AT HEAD. This cable says that().Athe wounded had nothing wrong with his headBthe injury was not serousCthe injury happened at the mast headDa sailor injured at his head

单选题X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系是(  )。Aλmean=3λminBλmean=2.5λminCλmean=2λminDλmean=1.5λminEλmean=λmin

单选题MV ATLANTIC AT 0205UTC A BLACK FLOATING MINE WAS SIGHTED IN APPROX POSITION LAT 15.30N LONG 112.30E DANGEROUS TO NAVIGATION VESSELS IN VICINITY. According to this cable,the mine().Ahas nothing to do with navigationBdangerous to navigationCthe mine is drifting with the windDthe mine is not sighted by the vessel

单选题When we say that two objects have relative motion, we mean ().Athe distance between them remains the sameBthe distance between them is changingCthe position between them is not changingDtheir positions to the earth remain the same


单选题The boom indicator tells the operator at what angle the boom is compared to the().Ahorizontal position of the boomBvertical position of the boomChorizontal position of the load being liftedDvertical position of the load being lifted

单选题Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stabilit?().AThe metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclinationBThe center of gravity shifts due to inclinationCThe center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclinedDThe mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined

单选题This is to advise you that MV Water Way arrived at Sheerness at 1000 hours on May 14th and the formalities for entering the port were passed at 1040 hours on the same day.Now she is in all respects ready and fit to discharge her cargo of grain in bulk. Theses sentences are likely to appear in().ADeclaration of Deadweight Tonnage of CargoBNotice of DemurrageCNotice of DespatchDNotice of Readiness

单选题Midships refers to rudder to be held().Ain position to starboardBin position to portCin position to anywhereDin position fore and aft


单选题The government is believed to be considering passed a law making it a crime to import any kind of weapons.Ato pass Bto have passed CpassingDhaving passed