单选题Faced with the crisis, Monica looked pale, but quite ____ .AscaryBfrightenedCcrazyDcalm

Faced with the crisis, Monica looked pale, but quite ____ .











She was annoyed at his comment, thinking that he visitor () her. A.looked downB.looked highly ofC.looked low atD.looked down upon

–How did you like yesterday’s weather? –Generally speaking,(). (A) it’s 26 degrees(B) it was quite good(C) it liked sunny(D) it looked like it

The manager promised to have my complaint _. A.looked throughB.looked intoC.looked forD.looked after

Rarely _______ so difficult a problem. A.she could have faced withB.could have she faced withC.she could have been faced withD.could she have been faced with

Mr Cross wanted to go to his hometown by air. He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So he__21__ a window seat when he got in the plane. He found that all of them were taken__22__ one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr. Cross was happy that the soldier had nottakenthe one by the window. When he__23__ it, Mr. Cross saw that there was a piece of paperwith some words on the seat. It said, "This seat is broken. You can't take it, Thank you."When the plane was quite__25__, a very beautiful girl got into the plane. As soon as he saw her, the soldier quickly took the paper off the seat beside his and let the girl sit in during the whole trip.21.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself22.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself23.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself24.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself25.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself

The outline of rooftops and chimneys_against the pale sky.A. pulled out B. looked outC.held out D.stood out

George: You look pale. What's the matter with you?Rose: ______.

The girl looked at me with a ______ . Maybe the problem was quite ______.Apuzzled; puzzlingBpuzzling; puzzledCpuzzled; puzzledDpuzzling; puzzling

She____the sick baby for three days. A.looked downB.looked forC.looked intoD.looked after

Steve was pale with ________ after two sleepless nights.A bitternessB fatigueC tortureD laziness

I ________ and saw a plane in the sky. A.looked atB.looked forC.look aboutD.looked up

It is said that() boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. A、very littleB、quite a fewC、quite a bitD、quite a little

The outline of rooftops and chimneys______against the pale sky.A.pulled outB.looked outC.held outD.stood out

She can be relied on in a crisis.A:looked afterB:depended onC:believed inD:turned on

Mary looked pale and weary.A:gloomyB:uglyC:sillyD:exhausted

Monica was urgent( )me for further particulars.with

We __the difficulty together, but why didn't you tell me?A.should faceB.might faceC.could have faceD.D.must have faceD.

Mary looked pale and weary.A:ill B:tiredC:worried D:peaceful

She can be relied on in a crisis.A:depended onB:looked after C:believed inD:turned on


These plants are rather difficult()Ato look afterBto be looked afterCbeing looked afterDlooking after

He looked quite healthy though he was()Ain seventyBin his seventiesCat seventiesDage of seventy

These plants are rather difficult()A、to look afterB、to be looked afterC、being looked afterD、looking after


单选题For a propeller direct driven by the engine,().Athe thrust pads are while metal faced on both sidesBthe thrust pads are while metal faced only on the forward sideCthe thrust pads are while metal faced only on the after sideDintermediate shaft usually supported by a plummer block

单选题Faced with the crisis, Monica looked pale, but quite ____ .AscaryBfrightenedCcrazyDcalm

单选题As a graduate from high school. Tom is faced with three choices: attending college, finding a job or the army.AAsBfrom high schoolCis faced withDarmy

单选题He looked quite healthy though he was()Ain seventyBin his seventiesCat seventiesDage of seventy