单选题The symptoms of a fractured back are().Aleg cramps in the muscles in one or both legsBpain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and armsCvomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movementDpain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury

The symptoms of a fractured back are().

leg cramps in the muscles in one or both legs


pain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and arms


vomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movement


pain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following is NOT the early-stage symptoms of hepatitis? () A、Loose of appetiteB、NauseaC、DiarrheaD、Dark or ‘tea-colored’ urine

Since he succeeded in working out the problem, he deserves ____________. (A) the pat on the back(B) a pat on his back(C) the pat on his back(D) a pat on the back

如果希望控件内容变化后立即向服务器提交请求,需要在控件中添加属性()。 A.Auto Post Back="true"B.Auto Post Back="false"C.Is Post Back="true"D.Is Post Back="false"

—— When will you be back?——I'll be back _____a couple of days. A.afterB.forC.aboutD.in

The doctor recommends that those who have the illness take these pills to __________the symptoms.A. combatB. worsenC. hideD. nurture


Make( )copies of important files, and store them on separate locations to protect your information.A.back B.back-up C.back-out D.background

He came back so late that his father was angry last night. 学科网A. gave back B. retur He came back so late that his father was angry last night.A. gave back B. returned C. brought back

17.A went backB.returned backC. went back toD. returned back to

In the absence of a surgeon,the master should not regard the symptoms of ______ as ground for suspecting the existence of infectious disease.A.higher blood glucose after mealB.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several days or attended with glandular swellingC.any acute skin rash or eruption with or without feverD.severe diarrhoea with symptoms of collapse

Which statement about Yao Ming is NOT true?A.He missed the Athens Olympics.B.He is an NBA player.C.He fractured his left foot.D.He is an international figure.

If the symptoms persist,consult your doctor.A:insist B:persevereC:continue D:resist

Under no circumstances______without looking carefully to the rear.A.should one back up a motor vehicleB.a motor vehicle should back upC.one should back up a motor vehicleD.should back up a motor vehicle

The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.A:eased B:appeared C:improved D:relieved

回头缆()A、aft ropeB、back lineC、back chainD、slip line


并发症(complex symptoms)

单选题The symptoms of a fractured back are().Aleg cramps in the muscles in one or both legsBpain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and armsCvomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movementDpain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury


单选题Symptoms of sugar diabetes include().Aincreased appetite and thirstBdecreased appetite and thirstCgain in weightDelevated temperature

单选题The usual symptoms of cavitation in a centrifugal pump is ().Anoise and vibrationBan increase in discharge pressureCan increase in suction pressureDlifting of the relief valve

单选题In context, which version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 (reproduced below) is the best?Because the victims often get depression because of their symptoms, other doctors used to bell it was psychological.Athose symptoms wereBtheir depression wasCthe victims wereDchronic fatigue syndrome wasEthey were

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 9 (reproduced below)?Additionally, there is no cure and because there’s n no cure doctors treat the symptoms.AHowever, doctors treat the symptoms with the cure for CFS.BCurrently, doctors treat the symptoms because there is no cure for CFS.CBut doctors know there is no cure and because of that they treat the symptoms.DSince there is no cure for CFS, doctors treat the symptoms without the cure.EWhen there are symptoms, doctors treat them without the cure for CFS.

单选题When instructing a crew member concerning the right way to lift a weight,you would instruct him to().AArch the back to add strength to the musclesBBend his knees and lift with his legsCBend his back and stoopDBend his back and stoop with arms straight

名词解释题并发症(complex symptoms)

单选题Which of the following sets of phonetic features characterizes the English phoneme [A]? _____A[semi-closed, back, rounded]B[semi-open, back, unfounded]C[closed, back, rounded]D[open, front, unfounded]

单选题The hummingbird's feathers sparkled and glittered in the sunlight,_______.Aits back is shiny green and its throat bright redBits back shiny green and its throat is bright redCits back is shiny green and its throat is bright redDits back shiny green and its throat bright red

单选题Mother insisted that______.Athey are to be back before nine in the eveningBthey ought to be back before nine in the eveningCthey be back before nine in the eveningDthey had to be back before nine in the evening